Would you accept refugees for gibs?
/balk/ the neverending refugee crisis - edition
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no, they'll just be wasted on corruption anyway
>blurs out in the middle of Greece
Ha, no, you're all Balkinoids, you Greco faggots.
wish the balkans were muslim
They are quite muslim.
Skulls have been and will be cracked. Sometimes I do wish for some refugees so that I can slit some throats with no repercussions.
fucking šiptar scum breed like rabbits
Siptari ta qift tan fisin shkerrdhat muti
Even if we did, it would be much more different then in the west since we are fucking orcs and shit would go south pretty fast if migrants were to chimp out
Noone wants to live here .Not even those subhumans .
let macedonia in
The mountain nigger knows.
We had rafugees who have said that they would rather die than stay here .
A perfect Balkans would be where:
Romanian and Moldova are together
Croatia and Bosnia Merge since they're south slavs
Negro could join Croatia and Bos
Albania and Kosovo unify
Bulgaria annexes Macedonia
Montenigger can only merge with Serbbros.
So you killed them right?
They tried to drown i think ,but they were rescued.i don't have a gun to kill myself let alone to waste ammo on that scum.
Is it that bad? I was there last summer and looked OK-ish. Can't have a qualified opinion based on 3 days of course.
Which city you were in
Nikšić, passed through Podgorica too.
>200 migrants stopped from entering Corruptia yesterday
>Soros NGOs didn't chimp out
There is hope, user.
Oh yes - some of them also had knives, scissors, clubs, etc.
My city.I mean its not that bad .We had 3 guys from Lebannon or some shithole like that knocked out when they were trying to pick chicks .I woudn't say its bad ,but again there is not many of them.
When you figure out the 'refugee crisis' has been artificially created to depopulate unexploited shitholes so the cabal can go in secure the minerals. Libya was a test market.
You people are stupid.
Who goes on vacation in Nikšić seriously?
It was a football match. I didn't have high expectation as it is not a seaside place, but it wasn't a horrible shithole.
Looked ok.
What did he mean by this
You were with Levski guys ?
Well, not hard to put 2 and 2 together.
As I said - no hard feelings and the city looks fine. Not great by any means but definitely not horrible.
The city is still developing.Its a ok city i guess for our standard .But Podgorica is much more developed
>take a million of refugees
>take a trillion of gibs
>make them work for peanuts
>Albania enter in EU
>sell them passports
>kick them out
You cannot get hellenic clay, fags.
Yeah, we'll just call it South-west Bulgaria.
>You cannot get hellenic clay, fags.
yeah sure
You can get whole vardarska, I do not give a shit. As long as Albanians do not get anything more than they deserve. And we get Monastirion.
You don't even have airforce, what are you talking about? We have taken the role of guarding your aerospace and in Romania too, but Romania is doing much better.
Or maybe:
>take a million of refugees
>take a trillion of gibs
>sudden "epidemic" hits
>refugees start "dying"
>In related news prices of kidneys drop 50%
The Bulgars we're a small chink tribe yet they managed to ass fuck you in 680, we have a saying here:
Greeks can't fight
Those (((refugees))) if get taken in are going straight to Serbia and Montenegro.
>The lack of understanding how Slavic suffixes work
+ska is basically the equivalent of the English "of" So vardarska is literally "of Vardar".
If you really insist on using this name, use the whole term Vardarska Banovina, so you do not look spastic.
Lel, Among all the other wars the Empire had going on. Try to view the whole picture next time.
>Greeks can't fight
Who cares what your faggot mouths are saying? I call it blabla blather.
No, split Macedonia between it's neighbours, with a distinct majority going to the Bulgars. Everyone gets a strip, everyone's happy.
We should send them to Goli Otok and tell them paradise awaits there.
Your country is one of the biggest memes, especially given the fact that you can't control a bunch of farmers on the border chimping out because you don't pay them money, you are pathetic, your economy is shit and your state is an utter meme.
It is, as is yours my Bulgar friend. My state is my enemy here, don't get mistaken.
Well before you start calling other countries memes you take a look at yours
Fuck off gypsy
>Serbia and Montenegro
unification when !?
Honestly tho, if we become detainment center I'm so fucking done with Serbia
>look at yours
lmao. I already told you, my state is the worst for me, it is anti-hellenic to the core. They succesfully brought down a nation in 20 years. That said, you should really take your own advice, take a look at your own state of affairs, why are you such a shithole?
>becuase we're balkan, lel
No. Balkans are kept down by the West and local perpetrators must be dealt with sometime.
>why are you such a shithole?
45 years of communism + 29 years of cryptocommunism.
It's beyond saving or changing. It will always be shit.
You wont become a centar .You will be replaced by these people.Unlike our shithole in which everyone wants to get away from .
I've been to Greece, i can tell that my country is slightly better, but anyway, the west is keeping us down yes i agree, but who do you think is keeping the west in control? This is why i hate agruing with normie tards when they bring up
the dumb normies only see the top of the iceberg
Imagine thinking that Balkan can recover from 500 years of Ottoman Slavery .LMAO.
You better delete that shit or change it from the map.
>Greeks can't fight
We're lovers instead
You are an idiot if you do not understand that West=kike/zionist controlled Worldwide Establishment. The US is the troll of Zion. EU is another federation to trump over our constitutions, etc.
Even if the west would die tomorrow ,balkan would still be around 100 years behind them in every aspect.Face it .Balkan is a fucking shithole and only masochists want to live here .
It was easier to recover back then.
You just go and genocide everyone unwilling to change.
Start a balkan war(or 2 or 3) a lot of people die, which is followed by a period of rapid growth. As people tend to work harder and fuck like rabbits after a war.
Now if you try that, you get visted by NATO.
You should know...
>Greeks can't fight
>my state is the worst for me, it is anti-hellenic to the core.
Probably because hellenism is a meme in the first place. Greece exists because German intellectuals happened to be endeavored with philhellenist romanticist myth at the time. It's a state created based off the suppression and forced assimilation of half a dozen minority groups; Bulgarians, Albanians, Jews, Turks, Vlachs, etc.
It can work for a while but one day the meme is bound to unravel.
This is what i am pointing out, the only think the west (eu to be more specific) is evil, they don't know shit about the jews and call other europeans faggots because the jewish government forces their agenda down the throats of the people, well like it or not the balkans will become like the west sooner or later.
>It's a state created based off the suppression and forced assimilation of half a dozen minority groups; Bulgarians, Albanians, Jews, Turks, Vlachs, etc.
>turkalbanian actually believes this
Without EU gibs you'd be Albania tier poor mate.
He's right about northern thrace
>want to keep Albanigger and kosopoo
But most of all we are stuck .Stuck in the past ,and not being able to move on from past conflicts.As for nato ,they have no power ,as (((they)) are (((America))) bitch.
Fuck are you talking about? All those groups are 100% assimilated today, sans some Turks in Thrace that no one gives a fuck about.
Athens and much of the Pelopponese was Albanophone, Macedonia was ultra mixed with Jews and Turks and slavs, and Thrace was basically slavic.
Northern Thrace is a sad story. When we had the chance we all fucked it up.
Are they? If they're so well assimilated why does the Greek state not recognize ANY minority besides "Muslim greek" (lmao) which is totally unheard of in the modern world? If they're so assimilated what's the worry?
They don't have to recognize any minority because they all identify as Greeks? Albanians that came more recently doesn't count, we're still hoping you'll go home some day
Still with This BS crap, maybe because you slavshits don’t breed at all because you know that anything that you bring in this world will be miserable and wish the same thing to others.
I wish it was true though.
>They don't have to recognize any minority because they all identify as Greeks
wdym by you had the chance?
>It can work for a while but one day the meme is bound to unravel.
I don't think. Religion is still strong and some wewuz is some extra points
go watch football balkanoids
Idiot, you keep reading german propaganda. If they were albanophone as you say why didn't they write or speak albanian, you idgit?? I've been to many villages in Peloponnesus, my bloodline hails from there, the shit your typing, do not exist. There were some albanians, yes, and they were working for the turks-->genocided. Same goes for faggots in Epirus. Albanophones that were fighting for Greece were few. If you start talking for Mpotsaris I will stop you right here: even his dictionary contains many "errors" in albanian(it had many greek influences, proving the "albanophones" he was talking with were talking a mix of greek and albanian). And was actually never used, but only when talking to the enemy: Albanians and afew other occasions.
t. south macedonian
Can we at least get access to the Aegean Sea for old time's sake ?
>Not having a letter for B
>old times sake
If we're going back we want access to Spain, Italy, India, and a bunch of other countries.
Tell me where I'm wrong? All the slavs in the north are 100% Greeks even though they were slavic a century ago. No one speaks any slavic language at home anymore, most people don't even know they have slavic ancestors
we want this back too
Yes. Give gibs, refugees wouldn't want to stay anyway. If they can't travel onwards to Europe, they'll just go back and then find another route in.
Westerners should learn modesty. Your riches have doomed you.
>having 100000 letters for i
kek, bulgarian wetdreams. The semi-occupation doesn't count as Empire.
>can't even conquer a city that is defended by a priest
mighty "empire" you got there, lad
Simeon the 1st emperor of bulgars and romans :^)
>and romans
nice meme title
It was religion based. Orthodox used Greek, Muslims Arabic/Ottoman Turkish, Catholics Italian etc. Even today this is the case with Orthodox populations sometimes.
>Albanophones that were fighting for Greece were few
We both know this isn't true, go down the list of major figures in the Greek revolution and a huge portion will be Arvanitic or Souliote. Slavs and vlachs too I bet, but I haven't checked.
>Botsaris learned Albanian to communicate with his enemies
So why didn't he learn Egyptian Arabic? Or did Ibrahim Pasha and other Albanian generals give their Egyptian soldiers orders in Albanian?
Listen, I really don't give a shit, I'm not claiming or appropriating anything. All I'm saying is that Greek identity is really fragile and based on a lot of suppression, because it is.
they called themselves like tha, literal larp
>Simeon the 1st emperor of bulgars and romans :^)
Ah the first memes, same as the serbian dude that thought he was emperor of Serbians and Romans as well.
Would YOU pasta niggers?