/CW/ - Culture War General

I created this thread because it is the time to jew the jews . For too long they controlled popular media . Why? Because the have all the money and an army of fanatics to serve them . I say it is time to change it . It is time to improve society not just ourselves .
This thread will become from now on a daily one .
In it we will :
>Post propaganda posters
>List /our guys/
>List /our books/
>List/our comedians/
>And everything else that is /ours/
It will also have the purpose of putting the creations of fellow Jow Forumsacks into the spotlight. We can't win a war with no chips in the game. (((They))) own the media so we have to make our own

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Other urls found in this thread:



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good luck

Imagine taking a anime bootleg website this seriously.

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Pay attention in English class next year sweetie!

>he thinks he can beat trillionairs

>A shekel for a good goy

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You're right I can't beat trillionairs , I would rather die than just give up

God Speed user

>he thinks he can't
something something stick and faggot.

t. gypsy

So who do you guys think must be the first group we must force the redpill on ? I'm thinking of learning to program and creat /ourvidya/ .


I'm sure those billionaires who control entire nations are scared now :^)

They would be if we work together . Real life activism is too dangerous right now , we would risk too much . We must influence our cultures first

Daily reminder to frame le family separation at the border debate around law, not on feels or the Bible or anything subjective. Do not accept bullshit from these people, the ONLY alternative is a favelAmerica, 3rd world future. We must take a stand now.

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>"Well son, I didn't want this to be your future, but you see, they were putting kids in tents so I acted like a brainlet, low test, goyim cattle faggot and GAVE your birthright away to 3rd world hordes and the international finance sector that loves them."

t. you in 2018 (if you are a cuck)

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But I guess all things come to an end.

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Beauty fades fast in this ugly zog world.

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And maybe the future does belong to the subservient.

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It is up to you to fight against that "future" . And change the trajectory in which humanity is going redpill anyone you can and learn some survival skills they might be useful if we lose .

What could have been and what's already lost...

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First redpill the normalfags than re-build the world