Look, when you realize how fake it all is; the football, the basketball, the Lady Gaga, the Justin Bieber—you know, who gives you these carbon tax messages... They tell your kids they gotta love Justin Biebler, and then Biebler says "hand in your guns", "pass the Cyber Security Act", and "the police state is good", and then your children are turned into a mindless vassals—who now, they look up to some twit, instead of looking up to Thomas Jefferson, or looking up to Nikola Tesla, or looking up to Magellan; I mean, kids, Magellan is a lot COOLER than Justin Bieber! He circumnavigated with one ship the entire planet! He was killed by wild natives before they got back to Portugal! And when they got back there was only like eleven people alive of the two hundred and something crew and the entire ship was rotting down to the waterline! That's destiny! That's will! That's striving! That's being a trailblazer and explore! Going into space! Mathematics! Quantum mechanics! The secrets of the universe! It's all there! Life is fiery with its beauty! Its incredible detail! Tuning into it! They wanna shutter your mind, TALKING ABOUT JUSTIN BIEBER!!! IT'S PURE EVIL!!! They're taking your intellect, your soul, and giving you Michael Jordan and Bieber. Unlock your human potential! Defeat the globalists who wanna shutter your mind!—Your doorways to perception!—I wanna see you truly live! I wanna see you truly be who you are!!!
Look, when you realize how fake it all is; the football, the basketball, the Lady Gaga, the Justin Bieber—you know...
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At this point after listening to Jones for almost 10 years I consider him the cool uncle I never had. I consider him a family member along with Michael savage who I've been listening for around around 12 years (I'm 23) in the back of my fathers car.
God bless them both.
Also, you can make fun of Alex's rants if you want but what he's saying.. is true.
>listening to Michael savage in the back of my dad's car
I distinctly remember doing this too.
Good times user, I'm pretty sure listening to Conservative Talk Radio at that time helped with brain development. granted us a few extra IQ points if you know what I mean.
Better times. I'm your age plus 10.just ..better times
Jones going bearmode, final form is coming.
Can the_donald please leave? We used to make fun of this idiot and his meme worthy phrases. It's hilarious to see him taken seriously today.
everything is so staged and fake, its on such a big scale most people wont even believe it. but when you watch all sides of the news for long enough, you see it... and it is breathtaking. you start to question if we are in a simulation and shit like that. all i can say is this.. i hope the fuck we win in the end, or its gonna be bad news. almost every damn celeb girl is a transgender....
It's a troll show. He's just shilling for his meme products that people actually buy. Like Ghost the hambone Jew would troll to sell autographs, beer cans, inner circle spots, etc. Ghost was a budget Alex Jones.
alex is right about alot of stuff, im saying the fact he is right is insane
Bingo. Alex is part of the family now. He's a patriot, he's a visionary, and he's right on target far more often than the rabid left (and sellout right) would ever publicly admit, and when he's demonstrably wrong (like with Trump/Syria) he eventually mea culpa's.
Most importantly: he clearly cares.
People bag on him for being a water filtration merchant, or a supplement merchant, et al. Last I checked, this is still America, and he has a right to earn a living. No different than the talking heads reading off a teleprompter in between paid commercial breaks, except he doesn't use a teleprompter and he can argue miles around the talking heads on the drop of a dime just off his intellect and stored knowledge.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
>come on come on Come On Come On COME ON COME COME ON!!!!!!!!!
He has valid claims about some things but he goes way too far with ridiculous claims like psychic outer space vampires. They also don't put a lot of effort into their research. There's some things he's right about but Alex Jones being right about a lot of stuff? No.
Alex Jones is the real deal, if he comes off crazy it's because anyone would thinking and speaking about the stuff that he knows is true.
nujones is a faggot
But first things first, we need to fund our operation and need YOU to buy our water filter and super male vitality.
I can't tell if you're serious or not.
This 100%. It's a shill show to sell products to nutjobs.
Epic rant but comparing jordan to bieber really? Jordan was actually incredible.
I'm 100% serious.
>wrong about psychic vampires
how naive you are
This user knows what he's talking about.
>This 100%. It's a shill show to sell products to nutjobs.
your ignorance of basic business and real-world economics is showing. AJ's show has zero advertising revenue. They fund their own show selling products. Is this that hard for you to understand? They have at least a few dozen employees (maybe many more, who knows), and studio, lots of tech equipment, etc. If you think this is all cheap to run, you are hopelessly naive. I'm not saying he isn't making some good money himself, but if you think he's some kind of "corporate sellout" for shilling random prepper shit and supplements to keep his show afloat, you are completely deluded.
if you ever actually listen to alex, you would know how epic he is... he talks about how his family came over on the mayflower, they taught him the prophecy of america as a child, we will rise up against evil and win.. he thinks trump is literally a jesus figure lol... is this real life?
this 1000%
>and when he's demonstrably wrong (like with Trump/Syria) he eventually mea culpa's.
this is my favorite part of AJ (and one of the things that convinces me he's not some GOP/DNC/jew shill, is that he actually is wrong sometimes, and actually starts bitching about this group or that group.
now I dont know why he sells all the weird shit he does.. it could be he is really trying to help us from the jews poisons, but it does come off as bad to normies... but his message is .. whoa, so real and I have a nose for bullshit.. hes a good guy