Young women are not baby vessels

Educated women aren't that intimidating.

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what a disgusting pig face


Laci Green is gross. I would bet any money she has nasty, beefy vagina flaps with a gaping wind tunnel hole and huge pepperoni nipples.

GOOFY looking biaaaaatch

>Educated women aren't that intimidating.
This is not the appropriate picture you should be using for this argument.
Also, post the omegle shit.

>huge pepperoni nipples.

My fetish

Some user pounded her a while back in LA and posted nudes on /b/. She accepted anal on the first date kek

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>>Educated women aren't that intimidating.
>This is not the appropriate picture you should be using for this argument.
Here then

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she’s a gross stinky jew bitch

t la

Not baby vessels? Maybe from your point of view.
They're property and I do with my property what I want.

>they're my property
You got a title deed on them, signed in blood by a notary public, Schwartz?

Didn't think so.

Woman who aren't baby vessels are genetic dead ends.

She would have been incredible wife material if she wasn't a feminist whore. I'd have pumped 4 kids into her.

t. Roastie

Especially not this dumb cunt because she's got herpes

"educated women"
A women's studies, sociology, literature or anthropology degree doesn't make you educated. It just makes them waste their most fertile years. And it is not economically viable to boot.
Makes her a tumblrista with giant debt and fading looks.
A pretty shitty deal for every young woman.

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I'm with ahmed, fuck woman sharia law now

they look so soft

this but unironically
we would be creating superhuman lab-grown engineered babies now if it wasn't for autistic """"ethic"""" restrictions in science

What's the point of having them at all, then? All work they can do, men can do as well or better. If they're just for sex, men can please themselves just fine. So if young women are not for babies, what are they for?

Clearly dysgenic

this. don't put literature in the mix though

Women are glorified incubators, end of.

Never let a woman in office

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*older women are not that attractive
ftfy OP
young women are baby factories because their pussy smells and pheromones tell us so, their smooth skin and curves have not turned into wrinkles and boney points.
we know when to eat a peach.

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Holy shit she has gone downhill fast, that gravy train is on its way out.

nobody is intimidated we are just fucking disgusted.

THE . WALL . IS . REAL. hit 30 and you are done.

No, they're not intimidating at all. Just utterly worthless.

Explain that to their fucking uterus, they aren't vestigal you know. Anybody breeding with laci greene DESERVES the being threatened with police and homelessness whenever she's mad or on the rag. I can hear it now "Get out of my house!" (won't matter you pay half of everything) "I'll call the police and tell them you hit me" yeah, it's easier just to leave, the cops are just going top take her word for it.

I wish I could be a fly on the wall...

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Idc if she has aspergers, gib milkies.

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wtf bust to hip ratio is all outta whack

If I didn't know anything about her I'd say she's cute. Personality can really make or break people.

Judging by fertility rates old women can’t even produce babies without invitro, so yes user young women are for baby making and you are a giant Phallus licking piece of fecal matter

they're not?


Ewwwww I wouldn't even tape that jewess

Women are fucking best in giving birth and taking care of infants, why wouldn't they do things they actually good at and instead "education"?

>Young women are not baby vessels.
Exactly, let us die out for equality freedom and justice

so that the coming generations can live in peace

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true, women as they are now are obsolete with the invention of an artificial womb, sex bots and traps

It's true, educated women aren't intimidating. The problem is there are vapid, SJW cunts who think they're part of the group of "educated women".

The majority of my teachers/lecturers during school, college, and university were female. They were also intelligent, and very well educated. They were easy to respect and easy to talk to, because they weren't constantly trying to make it about some "group identity" bollocks. When a person is an actual fucking person, there's never an issue. When a person is just a walking caricature or billboard for whatever leftist agenda appears, then they're going to be mocked for it.

Need to counteract the hideousness.

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Women who believe this are probably disease incubators.

This exact thread with the same OP pic and same subject text was posted last night. Fuck off, saged.

Those have to be snaps because buttons would have torn...


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Somethings are just eternal...


Virgin incel detected go ask your mom to fuck you

That's a bit rich.