"Father Maximilian Kolbe voluntarily laid down his life and took the place of a family man condemned to death by the...

"Father Maximilian Kolbe voluntarily laid down his life and took the place of a family man condemned to death by the Nazis. After three weeks of starvation/dehydration at the Auschwitz, Poland death camp he was martyred by lethal injections."

Does Jow Forums know the story of this guy? Why did he get executed?

Attached: kolbe.jpg (785x954, 1021K)

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Why are Poles so evil?


He had a printing press and put out a newspaper that criticized the fascists.

>"Father Maximilian Kolbe voluntarily laid down his life and took the place of a family man condemned to death by the Nazis. After three weeks of starvation/dehydration at the Auschwitz, Poland death camp he was martyred by lethal injections."
funny how there's literally zero evidence to back up that statement.

>Why did he get executed?
Prove it.

too bad he was catholic

he hated nazism and said it to everyone willing to hear him
also he died from exhaustion not (((lethal injections)))

thats that Japanese guy, so i doubt his name is Kolbe

I can't prove shit, i was just wondering. The story is really strange and doesn't make much sense.

Funny thing is, jews still hate him for being a Christian, despite helping them escape Nazis. Fucking kek, it's never enough.

Attached: have you tried not being jewish.png (537x591, 278K)

fuck off prott

>Prove it.

He was part of a group executed on direct orders of Auschwitz deputy commandant Karl Fritzsch as retaliation for the escape of 10 prisoners

Attached: confederate soldiers praying.jpg (1080x854, 759K)

He also fought the Jewish Freemasons tooth and nail.

>fascism will save European christendom
>executes catholic priests
what did they mean by this?

read about his witness of the 200th anniversary parade for freemasonry. grand orient lodges marched into vatican city. Kolbe said they were waving the "black flag" of giordano bruno, which had a device of lucifer slaying michael the archangel. fucking satanic shit.guess this actually happened. spiritual warfare.

>I can't prove shit,
The Holocaust summed up in a nutshell.

>He was part of a group executed on direct orders of Auschwitz deputy commandant Karl Fritzsch as retaliation for the escape of 10 prisoners
Prove it. Oh that's right...it's illegal to prove something that is contrary to the official holocaust narrative.

Well, to be fair, any self respecting Catholic shouldn't be a kike collaborator.

too bad you’re going to hell

I've read it was a retaliation for the escape of 10 prisoners.

That was the first think I thought.


well, to be fair, fascism allows you to call anyone you don't like "jew collaborator" and then gas them. sort of why most people aren't very fond of the idea

Nothing of value was lost.

>fascism will save Europe
"Christendom" is not European, its niggers and spics, its globalist trash. Every priest needs to be executed, they're race-traitors.

>well, to be fair, fascism allows you to call anyone you don't like "jew collaborator" and then gas them
Sounds like you don't really know much about fascism, but i guess that's to be expected from a /leftypol/ shill.

>Why did he get executed?
He was anti-everything:

Well, "democracies" did the same calling people "nazi collaborators". Fascism didn't even talk about jews but whatever.

Why is Jow Forums like this? People here get presented with a story of sacrifice of a real saint and all they are able to produce is cynicism and disrespect.

So basically Polish?

lol yes

that's exactly what happened to this priest because he challenged the nazis' authority, so sounds like you're the one who doesn't understand fascism

there weren't any democracies putting 1st world people into death camps for "wrongthink" in WWII

>Implying the SS men would skip the kill order for someone else taking his place.
Kikes are weak sentimental lying faggots, and stupid ones to boot.

>jew protecting priest scumbag
Real great sacrifice there. We should sacrifice some more like him.

Everyone read this BTFO's the kikeposter shill OP

No, they just executed thousands of people without trials or evidence after the war and treated the prisoners of war like the Germans when they had not food left despite having more than enough rescources.

I doubt anything like that ever happened.

S either way

Christian cuck performing the ultimate sacrifice for his kike masters. What a wonderful example he set for the rest of goydom.

*when they had no

what the fuck are you talking about? what 1st world country did any of that?

Fuck you kike, the whole post is a PSYOP. No Nazi would let a dude condemned to death live just because a "good priest" took his place. They had a reason to want kill some nigger, and a military order to carry it out.

>Ooga booga ebil nahtsee kill a muh famirly man good priest die in place ooga booga
Fuck you kikes

what are you talking about you filthy conquistador? any POW camp is the same as a nazi death camp? when did the US execute t people without trials or evidence?

and how is them doing that to thousands of people, after the war, at all the same as nazis doing it to millions of people, during the war, just for political reasons?

>I follow everything the nazis say without question
>even if it doesn't seem like they deserve to die I'll go along with it cuz nazis are based!!
>this could never backfire or affect someone I actually know

>when did the US execute t people without trials or evidence
Technically, you're right. Just fake evidence in rigged trials. And mass starvation in POW camps.

please tell me that you're talking about Nuremberg and the Holocaust. please please try and tell me you're implying the holocaust was fake.

Do all leafs predestined to go to hell?

>any POW camp is the same as a nazi death camp?
No, the difference was they had shelter, and enough to eat (except for the last couple of months for obvious reasons) in those "nazi death camps"
The US just put millions of german POWs into giant open air death camps where they would let them starve for months.

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You're making his point, faggot.

yeah those holocaust victims were famous for being so well-nourished and never dying of preventable disease and malnutrition lol

Can you read?

nice samefag

Are you seriously saying it wasn't the jews in death camps but germans?
Holy shit your retarded

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Are now concentration camps American POW camps?
Are you larping as a retard, or you're just an average American?

in last few months of the war the germans barely had enough food to feed their soldiers you moron. all their supply lines were fucked.
what's the us excuse for starving germans?

you're trying to say nazi death camps were a nicer quality than America's POW camps? that's factually wrong.

also, there weren't any POWs in the camp who were there for political reasons (besides maybe being a german spy) whereas the nazis just imprisoned/killed anyone they didn't like. this is very basic stuff dude

Except German vetersns came to America to visit their POW camps all the time and many had fond memories of how they were treated. I've vacationed at one and met some German vets and their families.

What they dont say is Father Kolbe was really executed for homosexuality. He was caught blowing kike prisoners through the fence and warned repeatedly to stop. He was just another fag catholic who deserved his death.

The holowhat?
Christ is King.
Are you so fucking thick you can't see I'm propping my message cause it's good? KYS fucking kike.
Shut up already lying shitting jewglet.

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I took his name as my confirmation name when i was being confirmed into the catholic church because they told us the story of it in school. I'm quite sure that the guy whose life he saved is still alive and I tracked down interviews with him where he still sings Kolbe's praises and says "the only reason I am alive today is because of him". I think the story is undoubtedly true, but the "he took ages to eventually die" story is probably made up.

>lethal injection
>at Auschwitz
Didn’t they have some other method of killing people en masse there? Why did this guy get lethal injection chemicals specially ordered for him when there was a perfectly good gas chamber they could have put him in?

Sage and ignore JIDF threads

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Maybe the pathetic germans shouldn't have gone and lost the war huh?

so you answer my question with a question? actually say whatever it is you're trying to say instead of making me guess
>what's the us excuse for starving germans?
being nazis and pow's, i assume

No see when they win it's cause they are based but when they lose it's unfair and we need to cry. Learn2Bcontrarian noob.

>From 1922 to 1926 he operated a religious publishing press in Grodno.[5] As his activities grew in scope, in 1927 he founded a new Conventual Franciscan monastery at Niepokalanów near Warsaw, which became a major religious publishing center.[2][5][11]

he was publishing anti-nazi propaganda from out of his monastery, i'm pretty sure that's why he was sent to the camps in the first place


Do you not know how to look things up?

St. Maximilian Kolbe was arrested in Poland in February of 1941, and in May sent to Auschwitz. As prisoner #16670, he eventually laid down his life for another prisoner on August 14, 1941, at the age of 47.

When a prisoner escaped late in July of that year, ten men from his barracks were picked to suffer death by starvation as both punishment and deterrent. Fr. Maximilian offered to take the place of one of the men; Franciszek Gajowniczek who called out that he had a wife and kids.

He founded a religious group focused on evangelization. By the time he was in his early thirties, Fr. Kolbe founded a religious house near Warsaw, Niepokalanów – the City of the Immaculate, from which to expand his evangelization efforts. Starting with a handful of friars, within a decade it grew to house nearly 1,000! He and a handful of his brothers travelled to Japan, where they opened another house in Nagasaki. (The community at Nagasaki that St. Maximilian Kolbe founded was unharmed when the atomic bomb fell.)

Fr. Kolbe started a radio station and had plans for a movie studio. He was a very intelligent and technologically savvy man.

There was one extraordinary man in attendance at St. Maximilian’s canonization: Franciszek Gajowniczek - the man who was picked to be executed and who Fr. Kolbe asked to take his place.

Attached: Father Kolbe.jpg (1328x598, 93K)


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>Executed by lethal injection
>In Auschwitz
Any reason they didn't use the "mountains of gas" they were supposedly using every single fucking day in that camp?

Given that you were unable to comprehend my first post, I'm not surprised that you understood fuck all.
>(((you))) - hurrdurr le based Muriga, beacon of Justice!
>me - no, u r a faggit
>(((you))) - 6 gorillion

t. kike

only kikes post this

Interesting they were allowed in under that banner isn't it?

cause the gas was an exaggeration, they were either worked to death or executed. Not fucking gassed.

No, I'm implying that they were well fed until the americunts bombed everything so that no supplies could reach the camps.
They also ran out of life saving Zyklon B which allowed Typhus to spread in the camps.
Kinda funny how they twisted the story around saying the Zyklon B was used to (((gas))) millions of people while it was actually used to save their lives.
>you're trying to say nazi death camps were a nicer quality than America's POW camps? that's factually wrong.
So being a prisoner under the open sky and having to dig yourself into the mudis nicer than having barracks to sleep in? You're fucking retarded m8.
>there weren't any POWs in the camp who were there for political reasons
No they were in there for being germans. Starving, dying of thirst even though food supplies were readily available. They just chose to murder ~1 million german soldiers by starvation.

>Technically, you're right. Just fake evidence in rigged trials. And mass starvation in POW camps.
so, you still don't want to explain what you meant by that? you'd rather rewrite the whole exchange in greentext than actually say what you were talking about here? really?

They used injections to kill people subjested to medical experiments. Gasding someone would ruin results i guess.

>there weren't any POWs in the camp who were there for political reasons
Who are the japanese(-americans) for $500

You dumb fuck germans lost, those soldiers got what was coming for fighting against the allies. Stop whining like a bitch. Maybe don't start stupid wars your going to lose?

>nicer than having barracks to sleep in?
the work camp barracks were so cramped they had to sleep like 4 people to a 3 foot wide "bed" in the same room as people with cholera. I think quality of POW camp depends on more than just where you sleep
>No they were in there for being germans.
being german...soldiers. soldiers get a free ride to pow camps, not a complicated idea

meh, even the internment camps weren't as bad as nazi death camps or work camps

>nazi death camps

Tell me about the soap, holocuasters and masturbation machines, rabbi

>Locking people up for their ethnicity/race is fine when we do it

You reap what you sow. Germans gave orders to execute commandos and routinely starved Soviet, Polish, Yugoslav and Greek prisoners. There is a reason why their death toll is above >1%, frequently reaching above 10%.
It was shitty of Canada to do that, and their property was also confiscated.

They weren't gassed but they were worked to death or just plain executed

>god I hate these fuckin kikes now let me get back to praying to your big hook nose, yeshua my lord and saviour

Internment camps were fine. Shipping them all about to japan after the war would have been better.

Is the council of rabbis walking back on that claim too?

Oh i'm sorry i didn't realize you were retarded

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No, thats Kolbe. He did spend time in Japan though

You're the one crying about muh japs and muh jews on a chinese finger trap weaving forum.

he was a hero

When ever did i talk about japs or chinese you faggot? You can't even fucking read.

so you're gonna deny people were dying in nazi camps? ok and im sure you've got some stormfront jpg that's more accurate than all of accepted history lol

locking up vs. intentionally killing

I don't give a fuck. Fuck that fucker

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Go fuck yourself nigger mutt.
>being german...soldiers. soldiers get a free ride to pow camps, not a complicated idea
except the war was over and they were still put in camps for many months after that. also you're obliged to supply your POWs like we did. :^)

>kike collaborator
pick one

the guy literally named the jew and cited protocols of the elders of zion in his magazine, this is the real reason why the jews hate him.

He was polish, and therefore antisemitic, even if he wasnt an autistic Kraut who just thought that the easiest way out would be killing them all.


Oh look muhammad is calling me a mutt, don't you have to go praise sharia or something? Fuck you germans are such losers.