UK Cannabis Policy Up For Grabs

UK Cannabis Policy Up For Grabs
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Anonymous: WikiLeaks that Show Marijuana Kills Cancer Cells

Man with Parkinson’s uses marijuana for the first time — and the results are amazing

Cannabis Oil Cure Little Girl’s of Leukemia Within 6 Days!

Dr. Confirms Cannabis Oil Cures Brain Tumor & Brain Cancer !!

CBD Reverses Dementia
Dr Cristina Sanchez PhD cannabis and cancer

The Scientist (2015) Medical Marijuana: Studying For a Higher Purpose - Prof. Dr. Raphael Mechoulam

How Cannabinoids Cause Cancer Cells to Die


Cannabinoids promote embryonic and adult hippocampus neurogenesis and produce anxiolytic- and antidepressant-like

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Other urls found in this thread:

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the nigger smokes tobacco, the white man smokes cannabis

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Attached: three days cannabis seed.png (434x290, 192K)

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Cannabis helps autism: Dr Suzanne interviews Dr Christian Bogner

Confused as to the point of this thread.

Medicinal cannabis use to be reviewed by government

Hague calls to legalise cannabis

'Life-Saving' Cannabis Oil Seized From Mother And Epileptic Boy At Heathrow
Charlotte Caldwell announced she would be 'openly smuggling' it in protest against the UK’s drug laws.

isn't it decriminalized already though? what does decriminalization even mean?

>Tax it
>Regulate it
>Watch new business explode like a fucking nuke
>Watch as we have too much fucking money to spend it all

Brexit will be crushed under the weight of all the new revenue

I don't use Twitter because I'm not a faggot, but someone share this image please.

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That's not surprising at all seeing as one of the main enjoyments of being high is the surge of informational correlation the brain suddenly undergoes, which is basically the opposite of Autism which is hyper objective and deeply incapable of identifying the Platonic properties of things from the object they inhabit.

Legalising cannabis: What you need to know

The government has said it will review the use of medicinal cannabis, although recreational usage will still be illegal.

alright, well, I live in a place where nobody cares about marijuana legality and people casually smoke it outside, as if it's not even illegal.
why should I care about this?

You should care how you spend your time.

'Life-Saving' Cannabis Oil Seized From Mother And Epileptic Boy At Heathrow


Anonymous (ID: PEHK7k4M) 06/19/18(Tue)18:48:23 No.175729759▶
PM May's hubby has big bucks in a medical marijuana company, so its OK to invest, just not use.

the government will keep its cattle alive but won't let it enjoy itself

ha! Quite

I would be very grateful if anyone would make more threads and do more sharing of the medical links.

I must eat and didn't get any sleep so I am ikabushed

Going to have veggie cottage pie! nom nom

Charlotte Figi, an eight-year-old girl from Colorado with Dravet syndrome, a rare and debilitating form of epilepsy, came into the public eye in 2013 when news broke that medical marijuana was able to do what other drugs could not: dramatically reduce her seizures.

Treating Dementia and Alzheimer's - Interview On The Effects of CBD and Benefits On Mental illness

it's a sad state

>millions smoke it, prohibition does next to nothing to dissuade people

>it could be tarnished with anything because there's no quality control obviously (it's already mostly high thc low cbd, the neuroprotective component)

>all the profits go to dealers and suppliers, who pay no tax on it, the country could get an estimated £1b a year from legalising it

>the police don't care about it, but when they have targets and quotas to hit pot smokers and dealers are easy targets.

It's all backwards.

I wonder how much the alcohol industry pays to keep it illegal, because they'd be the ones who'd lose, and maybe the paper industry too.

I don't smoke it anymore myself, but would much prefer walking through a town center full of stoners than drunks.

This kid is going to die.

Remember, we're talking about a government that banned legal highs.

The mistake people make is thinking that very rich, very influential people don't make vast amounts from cannabis being illegal. If it was legal it wouldn't cost as much and any tax would go to the government, not rich influential people. It won't be legalised.

Proves that she is a dictator

Jews want to legitimise weed so that they can continue to subvert the country while the populace are pacified. They kno wpeople are starting to wake up, this will be a push to keep their dominance.

prepare for
>low thc monsanto weed
>high regulation on cannabis use
>high tax - and higher price than today
>tighter regulation on growers than now

arguably weed helps open your mind
it's proven to aid free association of ideas
this would in your terms
>wake up
the population

furthermore, it doesn't pacify one as such. it puts you off doing things you don't like, whilst exacerbating things you enjoy
if you enjoy reading, art, philosophy, creativity, building etc. then it can aid that against domination
it's rather a simple conclusion to draw: muh jews, muh soma, muh brave new world, although i do appreciate your skepticism

>the jews want weed legalization so they can control the uk
I kinda get the latter part, but, uh, the only thing wrong with weed, is weed culture. smoking it doesn't magically ruin a person. there's evidence it does the opposite, actually.

VERY NICE, the free tommy movement and the football movement along with the FLA football lads alliance should support the legalisation and decriminalisation of cannabis so that we can can HUGELY more support
i would say we should vouch for decriminalisation rather then legalisation so the government doesnt steal all our fucking money

Excellent idea user!!!

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>arguably weed helps open your mind

not sure about that, as an ex smoker, sure you can go deep and think about stuff, but 90-95% of the smokers I know and knew are far lefties, I was a lefty too when I smoked (not anymore).

For me psychedelics are what really open your mind, shrooms, acid, dmt. Weed makes you more of a lefty, which arguably the government would like.

>weed makes you a lefty
ok lad

I rest my case

Just legalise this shit already.

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For fucks sake. its another distraction your mongs, Their raping children but i dont want to think about that its too depressin!


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