For the 18th time, Trump falsely claims that wages are "finally" rising after "22 years." >They've been rising since 2014. >The pace is still not very good.
For the 10th time, Trump falsely claims: >"Not since Ronald Reagan have they done any major tax-cutting." Forget about Obama and Clinton - he keeps writing the George W. Bush tax cuts out of history.
Trump is telling his usual completely fictional long story about how nobody after Reagan could ever pass tax cuts until he, branding genius, decided to call them tax cuts, rather than tax "reform," which nobody understands.
For the 28th time, Trump exaggerates how much money U.S. companies had parked overseas, saying it was "anywhere from $3 trillion to $5 trillion." The highest estimate was $3.1 trillion. Experts have told me that he just made up the "$5 trillion" thing. Of course, this is literally true, that they do coach illegals with the proper sob-stories to sneak in. >>"Legal Experts" "Pueblo Sin Fronteras was arranging a day to get legal experts to review the cases of all the people in the caravan, and determine who has asylum cases highly likely to win, Abeja said. Those that do will carry on with the caravan." (((Legal Experts)))
If you are not being paid to shit up these threads, seek immediate medical attention because you have some type of mental illness and weren't you doxed and fled ?
Easton Parker
why does this fingol do this every day? how much is he paid
Owen Collins
holy shit, that's huge
Jonathan Bailey
they are rising because the fed backed chinese securtity bonds fulelled through hati.
Carson Garcia
I love kellyanne
Ryan Torres
The worse the IG hearings get for libshits, the louder their cries of "duh babies at uh border" and it's obvious as fuck. I am enjoying this timeline.
>For the 36th time or so, Trump falsely claims the U.S. has a $500 billion trade deficit with China. It has never once been that high. Seriously how do you people fall for it every single time?
John Clark
He's *eddit's finest legal team
Adam Watson
Trump doesn't know anything about numbers, why is he inflating that $200 billion deficit with China? Seriously, it's just a $100 billion deficit, what does it matter? If a $10 billion dollar deficit gets him this asspained, how is the US going to get any good trade deals?
Josiah Butler
Remember, if you're not American, you eat after us. You get no apologies. You get no free rides. You get nothing unless we deem you worthy.
Get in line. You get your bread after our elderly.
He has to be mentally ill he is never NOT in a /ptg/ gets his ass handed to him constantly but keeps coming back or he is a shareblue faggot using a proxy
Aiden Walker
What else is he going to do? He’s fucking Finnish. Aside from submitting to crippling depression and overbearing autism, what else does he have?
Alexander Cook
Next on the list. Getting out of the UN, kicking them out of the country, and let the whole thing die.
> What is with the Finn? Seems antsy today Usually coincides with his romantic misadventures. He's just copying some CNN / WaPo "fact checking" and reposting here. Not his sharpest moment and pretending to be a Jew, all for attention.
Not used to see that kind of attention seeking behavior with men, just saying
Lincoln Wright
>how do you people fall for it every single time? Be aware of your audience, user. Often times I'm replying more for reaching lurkers, than the person I'm talking to.
Bentley Bennett
EU needs to be pushed to crumble, first, IMO
Adrian Nelson
I'm not a nigger, mudslime or kike. Judging by your Israeli flag, your cock must be heavily mutilated
Justin Evans
>that pose in the top left I'm forgetting the name of Megumin was BUILT for BREEDING.
>Trump: The amount of money US companies has parked overseas is within this estimate >actual number falls within that estimate >"IT'S NOT THE HIGHEST NUMBER IN THE ESTIMATE SO HE MADE IT UP!!!!!"
>GOPers will never abandon their relentless assault on Americans with pre-existing conditions. >Republicans are trying to revive the monstrosity of Trumpcare’s cruelest provisions and create a dark future (for those) with pre-existing conditions.
Joseph Kelly
I know. Im just a freak that gets hooked on average looking women. My fetish.
In your mind you're doing this big and controversial move, but based on the lack of response (and mundo personal observation) people are just starting to pity you mate. Not kidding, not insulting, not ironically: seek help.
Ayden Morales
You're supposed to cut your teeth arguing with the Finn then go to other sites and take on hundreds of Finns at once
Sebastian White
>"There is a $337 billion trade deficit with China." >media silence >"There is a $500 billion trade deficit with China." >media screams from the rooftops that there is a $337 billion trade deficit
Jayden Campbell
>withdrawing because Israel was mistreated Israel First!
what geniuses in the Democratic party leadership gave the okay for people to start attacking ICE and border patrol agents? there must be someone left that knows how rabid their progressive base is, and how once set them loose they'll be attacking every police officer and military member in the country