Daily reminder:

Daily reminder:

1. Donald Trump is a Zionist Jew. Just to clear it up and get it out of the way.

2. Video games are for manchildren and are inherently pathetic. If you play them, you're a manchild. No exceptions.

3. Anime is for manchildren and mentally ill manchildren. If you watch anime and/or get aroused by cartoons, you are mentally ill. No exceptions.

4. If you are 'depressed' or 'anxious', you are a pathetic manchild. Time to change your habits. It is your own fault.

5. If you don't read every day, your opinion is 99.9% worthless, and probably misinformed, or just plainly incorrect. Dont bother expressing it.

If you find issue with any of the above, it is likely because YOU partake in one or more of them. You cannot simply give them a pass because you happen to do them. Or enjoy them personally.

You cannot in full conscience call others a "basedboy", "numale", "betamale", etc, if you play video games, watch anime, wank to cartoons, are 'depressed', etc. There are no exceptions.

If this post triggers you, I’m expecting you to call me a newfag, or claim I’m a “normie”, etc, but we all know the truth, even yourself.

You cannot expect to live so self indulgently, prioristising “fun” over sacrifice, discipline, etc, and not face repercussions.

Prove me wrong.

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Why are you here?


I do believe Trump sucks jew dick. Is that Kushner fuck isn't it? I've read he pretty much runs the wh

Political discussion, find solutions, etc.

>2. Video games are for manchildren and are inherently pathetic. If you play them, you're a manchild. No exceptions.
The shit people will say to appear tough on the Internet

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> 2. Video games are for manchildren and are inherently pathetic. If you play them, you're a manchild. No exceptions.

> 3. Anime is for manchildren and mentally ill manchildren. If you watch anime and/or get aroused by cartoons, you are mentally ill. No exceptions.

Posting on a anime image board, what does that make you?

could you perhaps record yourself saying that on vocaroo? I'd like to hear it from the horse's mouth

1. yeah
2. eh not really
3. yeah pretty much
4. sometimes?
5. the fact that you don't acknowledge that it actually matters WHAT you read goes to show that your post is actually a divide/conquer tactic shill post just because of your "absolute" stance on everything. You don't acknowlege war heroes who are depressed and 100% more alpha then you. Gay people who read Harry Potter all day and don't play video games but spend all day in the club have more in common with you then actual honorable people.

>also nice



His balls probably haven’t dropped yet

6. Stop masturbating and watching porn in general, it lowers your chimical reward balance and kills motivation
7. Go hike in the mountain or near forest, prepare yourself before doing it (read basics of trekking)
8. No, there aren't based civ nat

That and his daughter’s a kike now too.

Better than the rest of you yellow fever faggots

>If you don’t like anime or vidya, your balls haven’t dropped yet.

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>Prove me wrong (Pro-tip you can't) thread
>Political discussion

>if you feel the need to justify your masculinity on the Internet by deprecating perfectly normal hobbies practiced by normal people you’re definitely a mature person who doesn’t have a small dick

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1. no, but they do control him

2. there's nothing wrong with a good game from time to time

3. absolutely

4. true

5. incorrect, you need to experience things, not just read about them


This is a board for poltoical discussion
If you want pedo cartoons then head on over to in future, but the rest still applies manchild

None of that was argument
Reddit spacing is a meme to spot newfags who think it exists, go to the earliest Jow Forums archive and youll see it
But I did already say youll resort to “haha ur a newfsg bro” tier bullshit... because you have no argument

Because you really cant. This doesnt mean policial discussion cant take place, though.

That is too difficult for you to understand?

>watching pedo cartoons is normal
>playing video games all day is normal
Normal to who, you and other total losses? Because it isnt for anyone worthwhile

but in the end of the day you're just a britbong

Why are you on Jow Forums?

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Game companies are becoming filthy rich from all you losers and of course they are now bribing wannabe scientists into forcing video game brain benefit memes to stop parents from resisting to buy their manchildren the newest halo or cod games

Also, normies love video games and that's why they are now starting to fail at life as well.

What started as a fun way to escape reality for a few hours has turned into an over saturated over-populated cancerous mess to stop all future goys to achieve anything real in their lives.

Why bother raising a family and feeling like you're actually worth a shit when you can live in VR pixel fuck land like a pathetic sack of shit while jews keep raising the rent of your shitty apartment

This is a politics board.
The entire website is an anime imageboard
board =/= imageboard.

In relateable terms, Jow Forums is the politics subforum of an anime forum.

>3. Anime is for manchildren and mentally ill manchildren. If you watch anime and/or get aroused by cartoons, you are mentally ill. No exceptions.
But what about the animeme shows that are alt-right propaganda?

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Lmao fucking manchild. You're a fucking loser. You'll probably die an incel, but on the off chance you ever get a girlfriend, I'm going to show her what it's like to be with a real man and fuck her into a wheelchair. Then I'm going to toss her aside and let you have the sloppy seconds.

Fucking faggot bottom feeding beta male. Learn your place and shut the fuck up.


This post is pathetic
>If you do X you're degenerate manchild, WAAA, WAAA, WAAA (poops pants) and if you disagree it means you're a pathetic looser!
If YOU disagree with this statement it means you're a pathetic looser and do the thing that was mentioned
>But, I do agree with 5, but everything else is just pathetic shilling with no BASIS.

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Finally someone said it

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You can generalize 2 & 3 to something like: limit your Jew screen time to 1-2 hours per day. (excluding the time spent at at work). Once your Jew screen time is over, read a paper book for the same amount of time.

Youre suhuman to me
Im likely younger than you
This is a politics board for discussion of politics. It just so happens this is where discussion is held. What, do you think everyone here has to like your mentally ill cartoons and over indulgent eacapism that is video games?

Do you have anything remotely interrsting to add to the discussion, or are you just goong to continue being personally offended because I insulted your precious hobbies?

Doesnt matter, still should be discouraged as much as possible

Everything you say is right but video games are ok if its only a small hobby not ones life

This but unironically.

And this is significant why, exactly?

I'm just wondering what would possess you to post here if you hate the things this website is founded on. Sounds awfully a lot like the anti-white muslims in Europe who refuse to leave and demand change.

Jow Forums is a website about Japanese things.
Jow Forums attracted people who like anime and video games.
Proto-Jow Forums (old /n/) was mostly inhabited by fans of Japanese things with an interest in (right-wing) politics.


Examines flag.


No we don't get to preach to anyone.

>cukistani flag
No incels allowed, you should fuck off quick time

Does it trigger you that YOU call random leftists beta males and so on, but you literally jerk off to cartoons and play video games all day?

Also, let me guess... “Projection”, right?

Serious question: is anime really cartoon porn in the West?

>(((Reddit))) spacing

wtf I'm disillusioned with Right-Wing politics now

>babys first troll thread

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Anime just refers to Japanese animation. Anime porn is hentai. Western cartoon porn is referred to as toon porn, not sure.

>Jow Forums

You came to an anonymous micronesian pet rock decorating forum to threaten people with sexual exploits?

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/v/ fags are incel house-elf faggots
not worthy of political opinions

Its a requirement to like what something is built on?
Your post is built on shit, do you like it?
Life is built on death, do you like it?
The concept of a home os built upon the idea of sleeping in a cave or under a tree, do you like it?

This is a board for political discussion. Why the conversation is happening here is of no importance except so as to distract from the conversation in the first place when some imbecile brings it up.


I can just imagine a severely obese, balding 23 year old in his mother’s room screaming iiiiimmm guunnnaa fuccccckkkk yeeeeeeerrr geeeeeerrrlllllfreeeeeenddd holy shit hahahahaha

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Let me rephrase it. Seeing westerners discuss anime it's clear that 90% of anime consumption in the West is just for fap purposes. Is that really true?

Anime is juvenile stuff, of course, but very little of it is outright fap material.

Go to the earliest Jow Forums archive and tell me what you see newfag

The amount of basedgoy cope in this thread is very amusing. Nice post op.

I never defended anime, and I never said anything about playing video games “all day”. Holy shit you’re retarded.

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You should be
Except it isnt a troll

1. I am literally Jewish. I voted for him, in part, because his daughter and most of his grandkids are being raised Jewish to some extent.

2. I don't play video games.

3. I rarely watch anime. Probably 1-2 movies a year, if that.

4. Ok? If you experience emotions, that is bad?

5. I am literally reading your garbage rn.

1. Correct

2. Moderation. Though I find more and more grown men playing excessively and it's disgusting.

3. Agreed.

4. Agree mostly.

5. Agree.

They wank to it even if it isnt made for that

Truly mentally ill wanking over cartoons

Yeah but im assuming 95% of this board does and probaby the same for wider society in general


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>1. OP is a faggot. Just to clear it up and get it out of the way.
fixed that for you famalam
>in all fields

>WHEEZE I’m a real man WHEEZE I don’t play video game and I’m a pure white WHEEZE Aryan male WHEEZE why won’t women date me WHEEZE I’m a WHEEZE true chad and a real catch COUGH not a degenerate WHEEZE like their boyfriends

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Whatever you say dicklet


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Are you paid by the same people in your government that kidnap and rape children?


Are you God?
No you're not.
You can easily be proved wrong then.
Anime and videya are a good way to pass time as a hobby lmao. I know proffessors and engineers who do both and they make over 100k a year. As for politics, you sound like a 40 year old redditor.

What does that pic have to do with me? Get the fuck on incel shill

Leftists want you playing video games and wanking to cartoon porn all day... a lot of them do it too

Takes a deep breath after coughs from vaping sugar water.


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>if you’re not exactly like me you’re an incel!!!!

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Thanks for making this thread, user.

The reees and tears of the basedboys in this thread is reward enough. You're doing God's work.

You support those people everytime you buy a video game and masturbate to sickening pornography

I only agree with the read thing.
The rest is opinion based on his own "Le deep thinking"

Its controversial sure, but im not trolling at all


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None of that is an argument
Try reading a book sometime imbecile

>every time you buy a video game a child gets raped

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No but you are an incel, arent you?

He's right

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It's divisive because half the people on this board have a stuffed animal waifu that they bang or whatever and compete in video game tournaments.
Was the point just to tease some nerds? If anything that makes them more recalcitrant.

No discrepancies with this post

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No, but you’re are a dicklet, aren’t you?
Post cock + ruler with time stamp.

Im currently reading Karl Marx's works. Ordered Mein Kampf and Christian philosophies to ship to my local library. Stop assuming anything, moron.
>user attempts to make a bate

Nice trips, Snake
>video games make your brain shrink

I agree on every point.

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No the point was to point it out to said people. Sometimes people only need an abstract reminder.

They probably do those things, Ive posted here for long enough to inderstand the mkndset of this board, and Jow Forums in general, and maybe out of hypothetically say a thousand who read this post.. 900 will disregard it all as they dont want truth, 50 will agree but not stop or change anyway, and 5 will realise its true and then make appropriate change

How is this post anything but cope?

Alright OP. assuming you’re not totally retarded, which is a big assumption, explain to me why
>2. Video games are for manchildren and are inherently pathetic. If you play them, you're a manchild. No exceptions.
Is the case.

Care to explain why video games and anime are bad for you?

Because the truth is that people who whine about people who have different hobbies on the Internet are 110x more likely to be basement dwelling fat fucks than those who have different hobbies

Why are you so upset?

If you care that much about impressing anonymous strangers on the internet with your maturity you're a manchild incel pissbaby buzzword buzzword buzzword.

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OP is a nigger

>he thinks he’s a motivational speaker

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He's not whining though, you are. You seem to be heavily triggered that someone has the audacity to tell you to put down your children hobbies.

The classic right there
>if you disagree with homosexuality, you must be a homosexual