What do you think Jow Forums?
World Health Organization is out of control
can i claim gibs?
thats a good question.
Gibs me dats for playin vidya gayms
Time to quit my job and retire on disability. Thanks based (((WHO)))
Ironically, WHO has paid money to promote Tinder and other casual sex apps when Tinder has caused a super crabs that isn't treatable to crop up in the UK and America.
Considering the fact that psychiatrist/psychologist groups largely denounce this horseshit tells you all you need to know.
WHO is no better than the UN.
WHO, DSM, they're all subverted
they are trying to fuck with gamers?
are they retarded?
>the hardest thing I've ever done was play gaems
I like the use of Xbox, seeing that PlayStation is gay also... clouds the argument
It makes perfect sense if you know who runs the world.
Reminder that drag queens hate trans so please do not equivlate them
We're living in Bizarro World now.
Fuck you for posting this. Seriously. Fuck you.
Fuck off faggot.
>article about transgender
>picture of dragqueens
This is like when they said muslim taxi drivers were giving free rides, then had a picture of a Sikh taxi driver.
Theyre both mental disorders
Are you really going for the "it's wrong because it's gross" argument? It's the same ineffectual and emotionally dishonest argument against abortion, as if being unappealing visiually means something should not be done.
I don't imagine heart transplants are that might nicer to look at than a sex change operation, yet I don't see anyone demand those no longer be performed.
>put down the controller and put on the dress
Keep cutting your dicks off faggots.
Clown World
sorry,but that pic deserves it
you all should, fuck it say you need extensive therapy and you cant work anymore
discord gg/jgNKY2w
add a .
>cutting off your dick and replacing it with an axe wound that leaks puss and blood FOREVER and needs to be kept open with a glass dildo 4 hours a day to keep itself as an open wound.
Totally normal
Difference is that a Heart transplant serves an actual, rational and objective purpose. You can't say the same for chopping your dick off.
So 95% of all internet trannies on still mentally ill?
Not my point though. My point is that showing how gross the operation looks when performed is a complete non-argument that makes no point for or against the practice.
>>inject yourself with hormones
>>chop off your dick
>>be considered normal
>>entertain yourself with games, while not harming anyone else
>>mentally insane
the fucking state of the (((world)))
Actually computer addiction can be a huge problem especially for minors.
Symptons can be the same as with other addictions such as alcholism: Impaired bodily functions and ofc mental stresses.
Still STDs are deadlier unless you win the needroll on Ashkandi as a hunter
I can watch an open heart surgery because it's interesting to see how these vital organs function. To see all the precise work to be done to save a human life is fascinating. Watching someone knowingly mutilate their own genitals is not fascinating. It's just plain gross.
its gross because it not natural, if you have to force your artificial vagina to remain open for the rest of your life and it hurts so much you have to take meds then its probably not the right thing to do with your body
God doesnt send sin. We create our own punishment.
Keep crying LARPer
Can I get a link, you nigger?
Adults who still play video games are mentally ill, though. They're half-right.
Why this
why the fuck do you have this video and why the fuck would you post it
why the fuck would anyone engage in this shit. i bet that faggot killed himself not long after.
The fact it means you need to be medicated for the rest of your life is an actual argument, but the surgery making you squeamish is not.
newfag GTFO
where are my free videogames to help me cure the addiction
Never mind guys, I got it myself
""Gaming disorder" recognized as a mental health condition by World Health Organization"
"Gaming disorder "
Damn what a quote
Are they trying to look like JoJo characters
>What do you think Jow Forums?
>imagine the smell, rotting flesh, worms
Western "doctors" at work.
Reminder to encourage LGBT and specifically transgender to become a statistic.
Is that a JoJo reference?
Better than no doctors?
Totally convinced that elites are nihilistic and just do this insane brainwashing for lulz
Heart transplants are also wrong you AIDS ridden brainlet, Frankenstein's monster belongs in fiction.
Put this pic on my instagram and got the following response
I could care less what you faggots think of me but thought you all would get a good laugh.
I hope thats a meme. I play vidyas for fun and even the hardest games you basically fail alot until your brain recognizes a pattern and adds muscle memory and shit, not to include luck.
I really hope thats a meme
>playing video games
Thats bullshit though. They've added video games a specific form of addiction which I'd argue is fair, they haven't added playing vidya as a disorder in and of itself.
Fake news desu.
No point trying to reason with a lot of people here because they probably fit well in to the category of video game addiction themselves.
video games ruined my life
my eyesight is fucked to the point i can only clearly see up to where i would hold a gameboy (i didnt have a cell phone till i was 20)
thanks to RPGs with insane requirements for ultimate weapons i am now completely paranoid about every possible future, getting every detail right before proceeding to the point where im terrified to do even basic tasks without checking off a mental list of things to do to optimize my time
the online gaming community has widdled away most of my sympathy for my fellow humans to the point i treat them like NPCs with obvious dialogue choices
What is up with that xbox controller why is it inverted
>trying to pretend gaming is punishing and difficult and the quick and easy buzz that it is
Stop kidding yourselves. Its a false sense of achievement with near instant gratification; its not healthy.
>to be this woke
thats because we live in a simulation and people do have fixed dialogue options
(((World Health Organization)))
The argument was never that the surgery was gross, nice reading comprehension gayman.
you dense motherfucker
Typical leftist. Argument has no basis in anything. "But muh feels"
I need medical marijuana to help with my videogame addiction. I'm suffering here!
And why is there an audio jack?
because this is how anons used to keep the parasites away from the board. By dumping all sorts of gross shit in their safe space threads. But now the parasites control the boards instead.
Better than no doctors, worse than actual doctors who don't harm your body.
The photo is flipped... look at forza text on bottom of controller
>play video games as male: mentally ill
>cut off peepee: a-okay.
I wonder ((who)) is behind this.
FPBP, we wuz mentally ill n shiet
>that's right goyim, you should man up and get to work and pay those taxes so we can send them to israel otherwise we are going to get the state to label you as mentally ill
>i treat them like NPCs with obvious dialogue choices
Even without being addicted to video games i feel like this.
Under what argument?
That's cosmetic mutilation of the genitals,bro and by bro i mean NEVER MY BRO YOU FUCKING FAGGOT GET OFF THIS BOARD AND GO BACK TO /V/ OR THE OTHER NORMIE BOARDS
progressive and natural
>Whaaa why did you post it?? :(
So you niggers stop deluding yourself about faggotry, it's gross, full of diseases, painful and disturbing.
Seems legit
>"What's the diagnosis, doctor?"
>It appears user played a videogame..."
>"...and he enjoyed it!"
Thanks to competitive FPS I have amazing spatial awareness and reaction times.
Thanks to games with resource management I always save too much money in my account and it just piles up.
Thanks to competitive shit-talking I have a very thick skin, and excellent shitposting skills.
Thanks to puzzle and adventures games I have excellent problem solving skills.
Thanks to modding I have a rudimentary knowledge of scripting, digital art, 3D draftmanship, colour theory, and again spatial theories.
On the other hand I really sacrified a lot of social skill development in my teens and I'm still a little hesitant in public.
Videogame is play, and play is a form of training and trial and error. You really do develop your skills in certain areas at the expense of others.
but being that objectivley makes games more fun
Xbox one, one s, one x... all have audio jacks. Only big change was no dedicated Kinect jack on Xbox one x...
Jesus H Christ I thought it was gamergate related and didn´t even look before starting. Sad attempt
and woke
real life = a really shitty game
hello, reddit. hello, summer.
As an aside--ever wonder about all those tranny deaths? Does anyone other than normie me understand that this is dudes trying to "pass" with drunkfags and getting btfo in the morning when ppl notice the dick?
I just have an innate feeling that we are not being told most of the story . . .
>muh transgender deaths
Yeah dude, stop trying to fool ppl then presenting them w/ a man in the a.m. I honestly don't know what I would do--but I'd probably kill a fag for that shit . ..
good for you user