>everything is a psyop
>everything is controlled opposition
>everyone is playing 400D chess
>NWO Masons Bilderberg Soros ZOG Jesuits Davos
>bot spam
>forced memes
>opinion shaping
Idk who's Jewing who anymore. What the fuck is going on?
Everything is a psyop
Other urls found in this thread:
It’s the future of Jow Forums. Your thread will archive with very few replies because you don’t have a discord to bump it.
This board should just be renamed /Conspiracies/
the jews still jewing us buddy
Really easy to understand
Shills seem to come when shit goes down. Last night a rapper got assassinated for posting this. This image gets posted, and several other threads get deleted hosting the image while a bunch of >1post by this ID
is made.
Jow Forums's logical progression. the more time passes, the more Jow Forums turns into nazi version of /x/.
Don't forget
>the alt-right doesn't exist
Endless shills, easily baited newfags, and trolls who enjoy the chaos.
Not politics.
Stop patting yourself on the back.
Is that drake sucking a cock with cum on his face, bretty funny shit
you decide every time this is posted 1 post by this ID happens, and malware spammers show up
Get a hold of yourself man.
Wow what a waste of resources.
is this real?
Go look through X's twitter.
Maybe it's all just a smokescreen for another attempt at Purple Revolution, this time on the basis of the ICE hysteria
First the jew jews you
Then you jew the jew
Then you become the jew
Then you jew you
he's dead?
ye bra
>The UN is an evil liberal Jewish organization
>Dianne Feinstein is an evil liberal Jew
>Obama is an evil liberal Muslim
All three of the above have criticized and condemned Israel.
>Trump is the anti-liberal savior of the white race
>Tommy Robinson is the non-liberal champion of the Saxons
Each of these two men support Israel.
If Obama, Feinstein, and the UN are evil.......
And if Trump and Robinson are based......
Then Israel must also be based because only evil liberal Jews disagree!
That's what's going on. They're using advanced psychological manipulation, or PSYWAR/PSYOPs, against the masses to accomplish certain agendas, with Zionism being one of them. And if you don't fall for the Trump or Robinson shtick you are likely to fall for Hitler idolization, but it was Hitler who created the "let's deport Jews to Israel!" meme. So either way you will embrace this shade of Zionism or that.
(((they))) are Sabbateans (aka. Frankism).
> youtube.com
> youtube.com
> youtube.com
Pepe is rising.
Everything I dont like is a conspiracy by a group of people I dont like. They are acting against me and/or the group I belong to
Everyone that disagrees strongly with that is a shill or psy-op
Everyone that agrees with me but wants to discuss the nuance of the position is controlled opposition
There he is.
fuck off you shill
You know if you just stop giving a fuck it wont matter to you, right?
This labyrinth we call home
Go to bed