Why is there no north american union?

Attached: ocgfit[1].png (525x308, 15K)

There's NAFTA. That's not going so well.

i mean with a common parliament, common laws and free movement

the united states is already a union and there's an existing framework for any territory who wants to join

Because "We're America, botch!"


Thank this guy.

Attached: Sir Isaac Brock.jpg (382x507, 27K)

Because we don't want millions of useless spics to join our great nation.

"nafta" in croatian = "oil"
Americunts bring democracy to countries which have nafta

i think ops picture paints clearly, mexico its not painted the same color, i guess we are not invited, so dont get sand in your pussy skeeter

Tried, failed got the nigger house torched.

too late for that, no?

Because then you would need to decide whose healthcare system you would use.

For every super state to exist it requires a weaker but wealthy neighbor and a very poor impoverished neighbor.
Joining these three would get rid of that trinity.
Eu/ru/North Africa
And so on. They exist separately to keep balance

Also have a buffer state that is sovereign between you and your enemies will prevent your enemies from attacking a lesser sovereign nation to get to you due to global opinion on that war.

Because Mexico would just be a leech

Cause we are a sovereign country you stupid faggot

if we wanted a north american union the US can just annex mexico and Canada.

Because of the second amendment.

The rest of North America can petition for admission into the union but we can and probably will reject them.

so would the american union be

Because we're not going to allow a bunch of redcoat-semen covered faggots into our country.

Canada can adopt the Constitution and Bill of Rights if they feel inclined to.

American union does not equal need states of America. The USA loses it's sovereignty when we join the other two