Red pill

Does anyone else feel really isolated after becoming red pilled? I have family and friends and stuff but still feel weird watching all these normies cpnstnantly fall for Jewish tricks. What do you do cope? And what life goals should I have after becoming RP?

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Focus on self-improvement. One of the biggest red-pills for any man is that you are truly alone in this world. You should maintain friendships and be loyal to your family, but at the end of the day you are the only one who can enact change in your life.
Lift, read, eat well, limit cheap dopamine-releasing pleasures, and work to make yourself better every single day.

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>I have family and friends and stuff but still feel weird watching all these normies cpnstnantly fall for Jewish tricks.

welcome to your cross, you will see the world and people you love fade and die, nothing you can do

if you get frustrated on them, they wont understand anything, just think you are insane and they will suffer for it

normies have the right to make mistakes and to waste their lives, its theirs, this will be their lesson

take this a lesson yourself that you are not God and that you cant do everything, live with honor by your values, teach by example, but asides from that, nothing can be done

>limit cheap dopamine releasing pleasures

Besides porn, what would this consist of?

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Quit porn. Once you're sufficiently redpilled you don't need to stay here all day. We should really be building a life and finding a wife. That is most important.

t. Jow Forums addict who is trying to get teh fuck away from this place.

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>live with honor by your values, teach by example

I say this to a point, to be honest if all you can do if be depressed all day and your accomplishment is not KYS, I understand, I dont blame you for it, and I dont expect you to become an Ubermensh, if you do, great, but dont feel bad for "failing"

Watching stock tickers or TV. Surfing through pics on IG or FB. All kinds of RSS feeds are basically slot machines. Eating impulsively, vidya, jacking off when you're not horny.

quit Jow Forums. you see all the degenerate shit thats happening all over the world and it wont do you any good for your mental state.
i check in here every now and then but ive greatly limited it, and i feel better. i got too stressed looking at shit here

what you need to do is get yourself a girl and redpill her.

>Focus on self-improvement.

That is all we have son.

I actually have a wife and 2 kids so that part is going well. I just feel disallusioned with the kind of world my kids are going to navigate as they enter adulthood

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>building a life and finding a wife

LOL reality has moved on from that.

You might as well be wishing for a job as a telegraph operator.

>tfw you live in a country where you must become a cuck or euroshill to even improve yourself

>I actually have a wife and 2 kids so that part is going well.

Pfft not well for those kids, what are you some kind of sadist?

Do you actually think they are not going to be treated like shit by the non-white hordes?

Alcohol, drugs, “theorycrafting”, talking about doing things rather than just doing them, browsing Internet forums (including Jow Forums), etc.
Nothing wrong with these things in small doses IMO, but using them as an escape from more productive activities is degenerate.

no it hasnt. youre basing this off the shit you see on Jow Forums, which is completely detached from reality.
you see news articles posted about certain people and stories which enrage people, but these are such a small minority

that's called 'cult isolation'. Cults use it to further reinforce their hold over your behaviour because you have no checking influences to test your new beliefs against.

SJW's do the exact same thing for the exact same reason.

I wish it was not that way ...

No I am basing it off the statistic and what I see around me.
Only a foolish person would get married now.

>One of the biggest red-pills for any man is that you are truly alone in this world.
That's one of the biggest bluepills user. How do you think the Chinese, the Muslims, the Jews, LITERALLY ANYONE BUT WHITES competes?

Family, clan, community. The one thing we've been intentionally denied in the experiment to create a 'model human' (read: obedient worker).

No, seriously - in order to "succeed" in my place, you literally must join the ruling (((party))) so you're limited to seasonal jobs at the coastline

It's called growing up kiddo; not everybody is your friend

Red pill is a simple power fantasy, an illusion of control.

I basically just refuse to talk to some of my family because they think that Israel is the best thing that ever happened to the world. My uncle wishes Bibi could be our president. After some heated arguments at Thanksgiving etc I just stopped going. Every American who dies for Israel is a martyr to these people. At least ive kind of convinced my dad whats going on but my mom is to lost. However, its my mom so I give her a pass.

the matrix was made by trannies pill

and everyone i see around me is getting married eventually
where do you live where this doesnt happen? its just the norm

>meme flag
>retarded opinion
>probabaly jewish

I’m more worried about them growing up to be isolated and poor in mutt land with no ability to get a good paying job (son) and becoming an enormous whore with no values (daughter)

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And main protagonist of LOTR (Ian McKellen) is gay, while we're at it

Yeah I know If I had my way we would be letting you guys come to the USA rather than the spic maggots we have to deal with.

That is what is going to happen, you don't really have any control.

Sean Astin isn't gay

And ABOUT trannies, at that. But that is missed by most.

>actual tranny

This is a nice idea in theory, but finding people willing to reveal their power level is incredibly difficult. Even most churches are full of bleeding heart cucks nowadays. My entire generation (Millineals) are blue-pilled bugmen basedboys. Finding people worthy of a community that I would want to join is incredibly difficult.

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Lol kys

Do you even read? I said Gandalf the Gay

Not only should we build families and lives, but we also need to build a fucking political movement irl instead of ALWAYS gathering here

You shouldn't have had children if you can't support them you nigger.

you said main protagonist.

yes it is alienating and exhausting, and i dont really cope at all. i mostly just try to relate to people on different subjects, and treat them as individuals apart from these issues, but this stuff is so pervasive in our culture that it's like impossible to avoid.

They became so redpilled they got bogpilled.

I hate the pol excuse that losers are depressed and demoralized because they're redpilled. While knowledge that were essentially doomed to live in a rigged system is depressing, my redpill has been therapeutic. I no longer pay attention and waste energy about the many things out of my control and I don't let trivialities drag me down because I know they're part of calculated tricks to do exactly that.

I've said it before and will say it again, becoming "Red-Pilled" is the hardest thing to encounter in life.

You can't go to the movies anymore, you go to the mall and all you see is 3rd world trash hanging around, you can't use public transportation because of the baboons, you flip on Cable TV and all you see is trash and degenerates.... the workplace lunch table is a nightmare - you have to constantly keep a padlock on your mouth, you can't let your coworkers know what is really going on in the country and world, you essentially have to develop a split-personality and keep part of you and most of your thoughts concealed at just about all times, even when you're in the security of your own home and on the internet, most websites will ban you on the spot if you even drop a few "red-pilled" ideas.

You need to hide your power level. You can see whats going on but they can't and if you show them they'll retaliate. It's your burden to bear.

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This so much

Who cares? Even so-called cucks and bugmen have knowledge. Learn from those you can learn from; that doesn't mean you have to rely on them in all things, yah? Community (contrary to what the internet suggests) isn't 'those who think exactly like me', its a diverse gathering of those who can get along and share knowledge/resources/etc. Along the way maybe you'll be able to teach some, maybe they'll teach you, but the end result is growth for all.

I am sorry that reality does not mesh with your expectations.

Being overtly analytical is not a virtue either user. I assure you it's a-ok to have "guilty pleasures" where you enjoy something that's not red pilled.
You can play video games sometimes, or go see blue-pilled movies. It's good to be balanced, you'll become pathological without it.

There is always desire to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself trough materialistic ways, sexual ways, trough drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy trough own creation that people calls as life.

We can't remember our time as toddlers because we didn't exist in that time. We had no identity. Only when years has gone while we gathered data from our environment we created identity. When we have our identity, we decide what matters to us. Then we experience impulsive feelings when things didn't go as we wanted.

We are piece of life that creates own image and plays it (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image). We get so tangled to our own creation that it can kill us and bring us into hell. We think that something or someone causes our misery even when we alone create everything within.

We have all this mysterious desire to do something, be something more. It usually manifest itself trough sexual ways, materialistic ways, trough parenthood, dating, drugs, games, food, alcohol.. you name it. Trough that it leads nowhere, it keeps us happy for a moment and then we need more. So where we are now? We are piece of life that want to experience bigger part of it. Trough physical ways it finds not that part and when that need to expand finds no expression we create this pain within. So what to do? This is what meditation is all about. We wan't to think nothing, be nothing because that is just the data we gathered from the physical and created self from it. When we learn to be still, just be as piece of life, something start to happen that seems to expand you into everywhere. It seems to that consciousness, awareness is the basic that exist and everything else it is manifest of it.

I think that what ((they)) wan't is to bind us more and more into physical, sins, into that rat-race i wrote about above, so that we wouldn't learn or even think about this.

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If you try and redpill anyone who isn't capable of accepting it, you just sound like a retard to them. They think you are the idiot whos falling for tricks. Just be alone if theres no one to go with you. Being with bluepilled fucks will just get you down - even if they ar your family

> And what life goals should I have after becoming RP?

post more Blake Lively to Jow Forums obviously

write fake stories about Blake Lively

> Blake Lively uses secret telepathic communication with birds to replenish her psychological powers

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I make good money I’m worried about them getting jobs retard

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It's a shame she got implants because she has top tier legs and could have been a great inspiration to the A/B cup crowd. Small boob girls need love too.

I say this as a boob > butt kind of bro, bros. She has a patrician build.

You should be they are going to be pushed out of jobs because they are white.


>what life goals should I have after becoming RP?
I think it helps me to have an eye on moving forward in all areas of my life. Specifically pushing forward in terms of income and strength.

I also listen to people of all stripes to gather information. I hear the leftists and their theories on government constantly. I like to find small points of agreement and try to build out small beachheads in order to have limited working relationships.

there is a StarCraft 2 easter egg that gives you the ability to turn one of the large units into a giant robotic Blake Lively with laser eyes

There is no true 'satanic' version; they have different uses and representations. Neither should either world be 'above' the other. As above so below, as below so above. The path lies between both. Two eyes seeing forward, one eye looking up; the Triangle of Manifestation.

Choosing to exalt either will lead to all eyes in that direction, and then you stumble and fall. This isn't difficult, people.

you're "red pilled" because you were isolated in the first place, you're posting pictures of girls on a fucking anime forum, you might as well be playing with barbie dolls you faggot get a fucking clue

ew, she has a horse face
and that's not a fake story

I remember my life when I was PRE-redpilled, back in the late 90s

I could play video games with a smile all day, go to the movies, I would actually turn on the 6:30pm NBC national news back then and believe what Tom Brokaw was telling me, I didn't have a care in the world about some guy hopping over the southern border, I could use the early version of the internet (napster, geocities, ICQ....) and not have to worry about being kicked off the internet for saying something controversial, nobody complained about there only being 2 bathrooms (mens and womens), things were so simple being a normie

That’s obviously why I asked for advice big shoots, why don’t you settle down and stop trying to impress people on a Peruvian tractor repair forum

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No But then I know my family well enough to know they just don't speak their minds like I do.

Its the same when someone "becomes" vegan, christian, muslim, atheist, pirate.. you name it.
You probably keep spouting your new fad shit to the point nobody really cares anymore. You're annoying to be around, thus nobody wants to hang around you.

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Sean is a based Christian

Having had a sister go vegan, I can attest to teh truth of this.

literally stop posting on Jow Forums, get a job, and work on your body and hobbies, stop being a faggot and bitching about it asking advice from people with the same mental illness as you

if you't find a reason in your own self to fucking care about yourself then kys desu

>outlandish nonsense Blake Lively more outlandish nonsense

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>thinking I would ever talk about my political views irl
>have never spoken about anything political other than saying I’m a ‘moderate republican’

I’d never jeopardize the life I’ve built by spewing this shit to people I know, that’s the point I feel isolated because their normal and now I’m not

well as long we are living in 3D there isn't choice to going fully spiritual. (((they))) are sabbateans. (((they))) worship material.

(((they))) are Sabbateans (aka. Frankism).


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I have 1 white friend I can talk to. So... yeah. Isolated as hell.

Its tough but theres more of us out there than you think. The meme that a lot of rightthinking liberals are actually closet racists is accurate. I have a daily show watching, trump bashing french guy as a friend of mine and the second I crack a racist joke his true colors come out. One of the big things ive learned is do not proselytize; if someone has the potential to flip theyll come to you

Pic related. those 7 circles are called the seed of life.
One interpretation i saw is that its meant to symbolize the creation week, or symbolize the same as the creation week does in the bible
The center being conciousness, that expands to the circle. The conciousness then moves to the border of the circle where it expands again creating the second circle and so on until you got the seed of life. the 6 days of creation around the 7th one, God, the seed of life or whatever you want to call it.
By connecting the points of intersection you gain the (black) cube, as above mentioned symbolizing the material world and as such Satans rule.

I have to say here that the 6, and all these patterns are commonly seen as a positive symbol as it is the blueprint of creation of life, but its only the material part of this, and according to the Bible the source of temptations, the Satan's, which we should work on overcoming with our spirit.

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leave satan out of this

satan (associated with saturn) meant something like "obstacle". everyone had his own satan. someone who incites him to do bad things, a bad habbit, an addiction, anythinghe should overcome. only later satan became a figure of his own.

6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general (the earth is tilted 23,4 degrees, or if you count from the other direction 66.6 degrees, life, on this planet at least, is made of carbon, the 6th element, with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. 6 directions in the material realm, north, south, west, east, up and down, 6 sides of the cubes. Think About how molecules and icecrystals form in hexagonal shapes. saturn being the 6th planet with hexagon on its northpole). 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.

The black cube of satan is a symbol for this material, 3 dimensional realm, and the time we fear is running out, which will let us die, and which causes us to do harm to others in order to lead a better life ourself. by this the black cube also symbolizes time and death without either we wouldnt have these earthly desires causing us to do evil.
The 666 could also stand for the dimensions of the cube, 6x6x6, entrapping us in the 6, our weakness and temptations.

Our sole puprose, as i believe it, is to overcome (our) satan, proof we arent easily corrupted wether satan is just a symbol or a real entithy. So while this world isnt evil itself, this realm of existence kind of makes the corruption a lot easier. When people worship satan, they dont worship some deity or enthity. they worship this material world, the materialistic egoistic desires, and themselves.

It’s a lonely road. I have found a few Jow Forumstards in my life tho. We became a right knit circle.
Still feel weird around my family.

>do not proselytize; if someone has the potential to flip theyll come to you
this applies to way more than just redpilling people also, it is an entire dynamic of human interaction, where the less you disagree or try to tell people stuff and the more you talk to them about what they think and offer relevant points, the more they come to see things how you do. Im not sure they even realize it's happening, you just kind of lead them into it as though they're doing it themselves.

isolation is the age of the degenerated and hollow is a blessing and a curse.
your goals should be based on the same cornerstones that built the west.
noble virtues, higher pursuits, training of higher faculties and constant self improvement. and once you become truly redpilled enjoy and live your life everyday like its your last. and do your best to avoid stagnation adaptation is the cornerstone of a healthy organism.

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No, his name was Gandalf the Grey.

>One of the biggest red-pills for any man is that you are truly alone in this world.
Nah, that's entry level shit.

The biggest red pill is finding a woman that can make a good wife and mother to your children

Theyre rare these days... but there's nothing more gratifying than waking up next to a woman that understands you and wants to help you improve yourself.

This. The only way to convince anyone of really anything important is just to try to gently guide them to what you saw to believe what you do and hope for the best.

>but the alt right doesn't exist goy... it's controlled opposition. Everything irl is controlled opposition. Don't do it!

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the deep inherent characteristic of life that is adaptation can not be stamped out in an industrialized society and yet it also cannot fully develop. the rat race is the deep instincts trying their best to come forth in an environment where they are no longer needed or helpful.

only focus on becoming a smarter, kinder better human being who walks his own path, good fortune comes to those who waveringly walk the path of light.

The world outside of us has gone insane, this is the time to start communing with God in solitude and walk the path of intuition.

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>The biggest red pill is finding a woman that can make a good wife and mother to your children

That is impossible not red pilled.


One of the biggest problems within white people and the right wing is that it still emphasizes individualism when everything we know about humans points to the fact that socializing with like minded people is the biggest motivator for achievement. The people on this board constantly and incessantly talk about self improvement. I'm not saying it is impossible, but it is highly unlikely that you will improve yourself without a group of people to cheer you on or acknowledge your achievements. Achievement without the acknowledgement of others is hollow, and as much as people will say that they do not need outside opinion to shape their life, it does. They are trying rebuke their own psychology and most of them will fail.
The whittling down of the extended family into the nuclear family, the rejection of ethnic and racial camaraderie, and ultimately the destruction of the nuclear family... all these things were done for a reason. All of these are massively destructive for a reason. We a social beings, and online communities of anonymous posters are not going to replace the real bonds that are absent in our lives of multicultural, globalist corporatism. The most important thing we could do is to build actual, in-real-life communities where people could socialize and tutor each other. Or at least make some online community that is more intimate than this.
If you have no one to improve for, it is an uphill battle to improve. When I go for a run, I can run for 14 minutes before getting a bit haggard. When I run with a friend, I can run for an hour, and forget my pain. Being alone and taking on the world may indeed be a noble task, but it is also a futile one. How solutions to these problems could be created in relation to the movement of european males in relation to the 14 words is unclear. But this is an issue that needs addressing. Self improvement should not, cannot, be a solitary process, and yet, it is billed as such by most people here.

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Oh look a collectivist, are you sure you are in the right place?

Music is good for the soul too. Older stuff Motown, Marley & Rock and roll


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>That is impossible
blue pilled af

Yah there is. You see it all the time in those who let religion rule their lives.

I know from the internet side it seems like everything is materialistic 24/7, but here in the Bible Belt I can tell you stories of Holy Rollers, Snake Handlers, people who go to every gospel meeting in a 24-county radius, and that's just people I'm frickin' related to. It's rather easy to buy into spirit 24-7 if you want. But it's just another trap.

Yah. It's also related to Metatron of Metatron and Sandalphon fame. I'm familiar. But the cube represents the physical world not as an evil entity (although some groups can choose to use it that way, and do). The cube itself has long been a representation of the physical world, related to the structure of salt (ye are the salt of the earth, for instance).

Satan is a myth. He's an evil-imagined representation of Pan from the Wheel of the Year; a meta-archetype meant to mean 'that which we don't like' to the cosmopolitan Christian rulers of the time in their bid to rid the world of those country bumpkins who dwelled on the heaths ('heathens').

Adversary, actually. You've got most of it right, until you keep running into this 'satan's cube' thing, but i'll leave that be as it's an interesting take on it even if I feel its misguided. Ultimately your final point (about materialism) is spot on.

Blue pilled is thinking you just have to find the right one and everything will work out.

I don't cope. I provoke. I know CSIS monitors my connection I proved it a few weeks ago when British servers were pinging sooner than Canadian ones. I know I will never be able to get a security clearance or a decent job because of what i've wrote/done online. The mass surveillance state has given us one option. Provoke. Provoke. Provoke. People on Jow Forums need to realize we're all being tracked/monitored and the only way out is to destroy the current system.

Not that you can even forget the redpill to begin with. We were warned. Once you pick the pill you can't go back. You fight until the end.

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back from uni and staying with my parents, went to a charity event in my local town that my younger brother was in. 500 people, all white, which feels strange after being in a multiculti city for uni.
look around and you can feel you are among average IQ people, they're like robots just following a script, no life goals other than a new kitchen or car, no desire to improve their situation (this is a very poor town), the men look weak and the women look ugly
see my childhood best friend walking through town and say hi, he has a full tracksuit on and he's off his face on drugs
of course this is preferable to a multicultural shithole but
these are the people i am supposed to care about, and they disgust me

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Yeah that part kinda sucks but I find since I'm just more knowledgeable in general about world politics it's easier to start conversations with co-workers about news and such. Like I mentioned today at lunch that Italy is thinking of leaving the EU and talked for 30mins about it. Didn't talk about Jews or niggers or muzzies ofc but I don't mind and it's nice to hear other people's take on things (even if they are retarded cuz you can laugh about it later) and if the conversation floats to other topics so be it.

100% agree about movies, malls, TV ruined

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>Oh look a collectivist, are you sure you are in the right place?
This is such a shallow and generalized response to my thoughts that its disheartening. Perhaps I should clarify that I'm not opposed to libertarian and individualist values except for the fact that identity informs ideology. Identity politics is equivalent to politics. Demographics are destiny. Surely you know this, or are you in the right place?

All I'm saying is that a person's family and race are important? And in fact, politically, these are more important than the individual and the nation, respectively.

Personally, we know that a human's sanity wastes away in the absence of other human beings. Self-improvement requires some non-political forms of collectivism: the family, the boy scouts, whatever. Something more than just hitting your head against a wall trying to figure out what's wrong with you when the wrong is obvious: we are alone and even if we improve, who will care? Ourselves, and maybe God. But this is not enough.

You've already said in this thread that finding a good wife is nigh impossible. If this is true, our cause is lost. You're prescription to "improve yourself" is fine, but it is not going to work. If you have no one to improve for, you aren't going to improve. Maybe YOU will, since your are a superior specimen in every way, but the majority of people you are conversing with on this board will not.

My prescription is building better communities for right wing and white European people who want to better themselves.

I never said that

Relationships are effort. If you cant find the right woman and live a happy life then you dont deserve to procreate with your shitty genes :)

collectivism is a boogeyman
family, community, society, and civilization require the connection and cooperation of multiple peoples. rebranding the natural voluntary cooperation as something bad is no different then rebranding the defacto economic system as something bad that needs to be destroyed.
you can call it collectivism and name it as an evil ideology of the left but it doesnt change the fact that its nothing more than necessary and natural human connection.

Yet you call others bluepilled.
