Fuck you with your fucking cult of guns and uncontrollable use

Fuck you with your fucking cult of guns and uncontrollable use
Fuck amurica with your fucking (((culture))) like "gangs", "killers", hate.
Amurica killed xxxtentacion

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no, niggers did

stop being a nigger and you won't get shot

I'm glad he's dead. I hope he died slow and afraid. I hope he died alone. I hope he died feeling pain. I wish I could resurrect him just so he could die one more time

Oh no, burn the constitution. Someone killed xxxtentacle.

Told status:
[ ] not told
[X] Emmanuel Toldstein

a nigger nigged another nig that enjoyed shitting on non nigs. niggers.

isnt that the edgelord meme rapper that beat the fuck out of his gf

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why do so many fucking people care about this human turd?

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Came here to say this

In a way (((white people))) putting pathetic low brow nigger "culture" on a pedestal instead of laughing at it and discouraging it did contribute to his death. 20 year old kid with an IQ probably in the 80s riding around in sports cars and making millions of dollars because he shouted bix nood mufuggin over a basic rap beat. Pretty much rewarding niggers for behaving like niggers instead of making them better themselves. And in the end all that money he got meant nothing because some other nigger thats been fed the same bullshit snuffed him out a quarter of the way into his natural lifespan over retarded nigger shit, meanwhile 50 year old Ari Shekelburg who got 90% of his earnings is sitting relaxing by his pool tonight.

drug OD faggot

Rap music has overstayed it's welcome by almost 20 years. Ironically it makes people more racist.

Rip sweet prince

It is a montage, right?


umm how about you get it right, retard!!! Niggers killed this nigger

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RIP XXX these crackas just be holding a bRotha down

Dallas soon

Wrong. It was rap culture who is all about gangs and killers. Rap culture is mainly filled with black people so if anything black culture killed him you fucking frog. Go jerk off with your white flag

>Amurica killed xxxtentacion
Based America, 10/10 killing.

I love how there are liberals dancing on his grave because he hit his girl for getting pregnant by another man and lying about it, but these people are silent about the niggers that gunned him down for no reason other than he was in an expensive car.

Moldyfries needed to die though.

>caring about kike's pet-negro of the month that helps them keep negroes in a perpetual cycle of crime so that they can reap even more cash from private prisons

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