>Busy all the time >Works long hours on second shift > Literally no time to date >Make OKcupid account >Surronded by niggers, Liberals and ham planets >Literally next to no attractive women with good political beliefs >Notice I can change my setting to anywhere in the world >Pick Taiwan >Matches blow up my phone >Pick Japan >Matches blow up my phone >Pick Vietnam >Matches blow up my phone >Go through many Asian countries >Same result >98% of them Trad >98% of them fit >100% of them fine as fuck >100% of them want families and aren't infected with femin virus >Come here >Get told this is bad
>Inb4 they just want green card >Inb4 you just can't get a white woman >Inb4 they aren't trad at all
LMAO okay faggot.Humor me. Go on there. Make an account. Try some sleezy fuckboi shit with them. Post results. I'll wait.
No, really. You can use your faceberg and make an account in seconds. Upload a pic from your faceberg and set your location to Taiwan. Swipe on some girls, wait 10 minutes, get 9 matches then try that shit.
Assuming you're actually white. LOL
Fuck it feels good to be white. Literally have my pick of the litter of sweet Asian Trad waifu worthy poon.
stop shilling ugly ass retarded gold digging gooks
Bentley Roberts
"inb4" isn't an argument, though. If a woman is willing to racemix with a 'foreigner' and leave her home country+family, chances are she's most likely not "trad". I'm not even asian and I know this.
Anthony Ramirez
Are you buttmad that I am destroying my white genes?
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_odor#Genetics >East Asians (Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese) have fewer apocrine sweat glands compared to people of other descent, making East Asians less prone to body odor.
>Being a genetic dead end as you let whites die out because you’re a yellow fever faggot who’s also sexually attracted to fucking cartoons and drawings