David Duke will be on the Public Space today at 8PM. How can anyone recommend this shitshow to normies? I disavow!
JF goes full KKK
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bump because fuck neo-Nazis
Awesome. Can't rebuke the Duke.
Go away you zionist shill
Really? welp RIP that show
It's amazing how these people stuggle so much to just not invite of associate with the vermins of the far right. probably because theyre vermins themselves so they dont see it
That would actually be an interesting show, but I'm guessing you're just low-IQmite retards spreading fake news.
Because it gets them views. Some of Warskis most viewed videos feature people like Spencer.
never underestimate the autism of the White Knight nationalist
Post your proof then.
i dont see it announced on his twitter. are you a faggot, OP?
Will they discuss luv?
>what is Herr Duke's twitter feed
I want too poot babies in dem
timezone? EST, PST, CET?
I see a link to a show JF did with some BNP guy. No reference to Duke being on JF's show.
Post a link if I'm wrong. Otherwise you are literally fake news.
I know she enrages incels and bitter MGTOW's but I want to snuggle with Lauren.
Did you think you were watching The View? JF has always prided himself on being intellectually honest (or trying to be.) Why wouldn't he have Duke on?
He must be trying to get half his audience back after Lauren Roseberg debacle.
As long as her mouth is taped shut I'm sure we all would.
>fake news
Looks like I've been proven wrong. Though you have to admit, JF would be an autist on an epic scale if he interviewed David Duke tonight at 8PM eastern after Lauren
>Hitler stash
fuck off jidf
>would be an autist on an epic scale
No one here talks like this.
You're literally JIDF, aren't you?
Sounds like an interesting show, I'll watch it. Thanks for making us aware of it.
Will i get banned from the public space chat for calling JF a Nazi? Or is the banhammer only for those who call him a white knight and call Lauren a thot? Stay tuned...
david duke is such an obvious fed but i still like him anyway
JF is doing the Lord's work, shill.
do you know what time it will be on CST? David Duke is a legend, fuck that new movie that's coming out
he's entitled to speak his mind, just because a bunch of panzies will sperg out doesn't mean he's not entitled to his opinion.
It depends on JF's feels at the particular moment in time.
Would you like to provide a rebuttal to any of the points David Duke has made, or are you just going to strawman him as some kind of boogeyman?
This is good, his whiteknighting for Lauren Rose is still wrong though, David Duke is a good man with similar goals as Patrick Little - Duke is just more slandered than Little
>David Duke is a good man with similar goals as Patrick Little
Sperging out and becoming a laughing stock because you believe in too many Jewish conspiracy fairy-tales?
>David Duke is a good man with similar goals as Patrick Little
Sperging out and becoming a laughing stock because you believe in too many Jewish conspiracy fairy-tales?
There is literally nothing wrong with David Duke
Amen! Just as bad or worst than commies. Disgusting inbred hicks. I bet if you did a quick survey of neo-nazi IQ in the US, the average wouldnt break 70. No you didnt invent th V2 rocket, those people are not you. Yoh sre a moron. If you are a nazi KYS.
itt: MOSSAD spams another eceleb
That was my first thought as well. Lauren Rose got exposed and JF is too autistic too simply admit it.
I remember you. You're that Turkroach Density fan who was in the /ibs/ threads. Funny how people never leave Jow Forums
>David Duke will be on the Public Space today at 8PM.
Source? I want to tell others, but I need to verify.
fake and gay, like the OP
>another boomer detected
Jesus Christ, goto JFG Livestreams, look under the heading "Upcoming Livestreams"
>its afraid.jpg
btw everyone, just checked with weev, Mike Enoch has passed away, very very sad day for the alt-right. TRS will be releasing a statement later but wants his family to know first. Dude apparently died of a tendies overdose RIP
Q - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Richard Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Patrick Little - Controlled opposition cryptokike
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
or he gets ended
from someone
doing the lords work
prolly shouldve had jared on over duke but fuck it, normies r fucking subhuman garbage anyway
Checked, and kiked. The content of what Little is saying is basically reciting David Duke. David Duke's persona is simply more slandered because he was a GRAND DRAGON in the KKK.
>jewish conspiracy fairy-tales
Holy shit, it's actually true. OP is not a faggot for once.
Aydin Paladin - Not Zionist
Chris Cantwell - Not Zionist
Emily Youcis - Not Zionist
Grandpa Lampshade - Not Zionist
Paul Nehlen - Not Zionist
Varg Vikernes - Not Zionist
Thanks for the info user. Here is the corrected version.
Aydin Paladin - Not Zionist
Chris Cantwell - Not Zionist
Emily Youcis - Not Zionist
Grandpa Lampshade - Not Zionist
Varg Vikernes - Not Zionist
I'm not sure how this is going to go. I've listened to Duke before both on his own show and as a guest a couple times on some random TRS podcasts and he tends to talk nonstop about himself and not let anyone get a single word in edgewise. I could see JF not being aware of this and I wonder how he's going to respond.
Aydin Paladin - Not Zionist
Carolyn Emerick - Not Zionist
Chris Cantwell - Not Zionist
David Duke - Not Zionist
Emily Youcis - Not Zionist
Grandpa Lampshade - Not Zionist
Varg Vikernes - Not Zionist
Jewish =/= Zionist
>Richard Spencer - Zionist
>Mich Enoch - Zionist
>Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Guy is literally jewish, but he gets no love from the jewish establishment, uncertain
>JF - Zionist
Nope, but a tad obsessed with being a chadlet frog
>Patrick Little - Controlled opposition cryptokike
Absolutely false, watch any of his interviews and see what this man stands for. See him harassing some jews outside AIPAC:
>Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Possible, or he is just compromised
>Weev - Zionst
true, see bitchute.com
>Aydin Paladin - Not Zionist
She looks jewish, probably is. Don't know anything else about her
>Emily Youcis - Not Zionist
Literally who, probably some good looking thot hopping aboard the alt right wagon
>m-muh based Jews!
fuck off kike.
She redpills thousands of normies every day on You Tube. And you, what have you done?
Has she even once exposed Israel for it's role in European Genocide? Pretty easy yes or no question. Let's see if you can answer it.
>what have YOU done
See pic here:
who cares? JF is dead to me and I can't support such a hypocritical, emotional cuck. this guy wants to cuck on optics and then have david duke on? like what?
Are you saying she is an Israeli shill?
I haven't watched a video since the Lauren Rosenberg debacle but I'm considering watching tonight just for the potential shitshow entertainment. Then again, I can't even comment on the chat because JF has thin skin.
>Spencer, Enoch, JF, Anglin, Weev
I'm asking if she's so concerned about Jews has she exposed Israel's role in white genocide? Of course he hasnt, m8. Just like Mike Enoch Paul Nehlen, Patrick Little, and every other double-agent shills force-feed Jow Forums. And the reason is because if Israel was exposed in such a manner every single European would call for an investigation, which would result in exposing Israel's illegal nukes/bio-weapons, and the Jewish State would be returned to Palestinians. This is problematic for Zionist kikes who weaken and divided America and Europe and who, in the end, think they will be rewarded with their own State. protip: they won't be. They get jail cells or the noose.
>I'm asking if she's so concerned about Jews has she exposed Israel's role in white genocide?
She would lose her channel by doing that. She already lost her job.
>oy vey we can't stop white genocide if it means some jewish thot loses her youtube channel!
see? this is how i know you're a kike.
this is what people mean when they say some of the alt-right has a martyrdom complex.
Same here. Besides, I've noticed his shows have gotten progressively more boring. I believe his censoring, banning, and lack of bants from chat are the reason for this.
Why can't these people expose Israel anonymously if they're so worried about their precious YouTube channel?
Well I imagine most of his passionate fans were insulted by Lauren's behavior and ended up getting banned. Now JF's like to dislike ratio is shit because he abandoned half his audience, but ''muh bots''.
Nobody would care.
Link: youtube.com
About an hour ago there were some Patrick Little comments in the spergchat, now they are all gone. JF deletes them, trying to sweep the whole thing under the rug
how do you figure that no one will care about Israel masterminding white genocide lol ?
What I meant is that people usually don't take anonymous sources seriously.
You mean like Wikileaks?
People don't take anonymous sources seriously when they make a claim without evidence. Totally different thing when you can back the claim tho,
She started as anonymous but was doxed. There is always this risk.
Your reply has nothing to do with what I said. She could easily throw on Tor and redpill the masses without exposing who she is. But she's a kike and works to protect Israel like all the other eceleb kikes.
Fuck Drumpf
I respect your opinion but I disagree with you. Please don't be angry with me.
pls do disagree, and explain why she cant anonymously redpill people by giving proofs.
Cute Aydin :3
There are many anonymous channels on you tube doing that already. They usually don't have more than a few thousand subscribers. They are not very successful.
It's a better strategy to have a bigger channel and deliver softer redpills like race realism. These bigger channels serve as a gateway to the far-right and the redpills about the kikes.
>There are many anonymous channels on you tube doing that already. They usually don't have more than a few thousand subscribers. They are not very successful.
can you give a few examples to back your claim then? which youtube channels are exposing Israel for white genocide?
I think David Duke has a lot of interesting things to say. Looking forward to watching this video!
Type "jews white genocide" "zog jews" and other combinations like that on the you tube search and you will find a lot of small channels denouncing Israel, Zionism, White Genocide.
Bear in mind that most normies would not watch videos with titles like "Jews behind White Genocide"
>jews white genocide
returns several channels exposing the liberal Jewish diaspora but none exposing Israel's role. Even when I search "israel white genocide" nothing comes up
>pic related
No one is talking about Israel, user. It's almost like these YouTubers and e-celebs are creating D&C within the Jewish community for the purpose of throwing the Diaspora under the bus to empower Israel. And besides: look at all the channels exposing the diaspora for white genocide...remind me again why this Jewish roastie will lose her channel tho?
I'm not saying that these channels are not important. They are. But their main audience are those already at least partially redpilled
Try "jews white genocide"
I address that already.
>jews white genocide
returns several channels exposing the liberal Jewish diaspora but none exposing Israel's role.
>And besides: look at all the channels exposing the diaspora for white genocide...remind me again why this Jewish roastie will lose her channel tho?