What did women personally do to you that makes you so damn enraged?
Only a sin if she was cheating on a man while doing it. There is nothing wrong with preferring a ripped Tyrone over an Aryan neckbeard lardball
Natural selection desu. Procreation is Chad and Stacy's birthright for winning the genetic lottery.
>women are weaker and dumber than men
So your solution is to keep them weak and dumb? Why not encourage them to become stronger and smarter (by their own standards, of course)? Beating and raping them will only drive them away
What did women personally do to you that makes you so damn enraged?
Other than Jewesses, who I get along with better than my own kind, the reason is that they are only capable of talking shit, talking about Kardashians, and mediocre sex.
>over-sexed; wanna shove everything into their cooty especially BBC
>Notorious for spitting out low-IQ kangletz to virtue signal to the planet they they're somehow magically "evolved"; thus, they prefer to go from dumb to dumber
>Materialistic and hollow. White Sharia would stop this by rejecting both mud-religion Islam and Judaism(all forms)
>Controlled exclusively by feelz and emotions; logic and reason be damned
>Cannot establish anything for themselves. All institutions created by White men are appropriated by them to be exploited until completely destroyed
>their materialistic nature and emotional instability drives the divorce rates higher, while they take everything accrued during a marriage, compliments of a gyno-centric court system. Lots of Whtie men who could not obtain work because their names are not Kerpal, Mkwekwe, Wen Ling or Juan served prison time because they had no means to pay support/alimony
... but somehow any problems they have are automagically the fault of the SWM, the new nigger
[Citation needed]
>hard mode [spoiler] peer-reviewed sociology and psychology journals proving this [/spoiler]
>nightmare mode [spoiler] nothing from Roosh the Raghead or his ilk [/spoiler]
>What did women personally do to you that makes you so damn enraged?
I give up, what did women do to me personally?
If you have the psychic superpowers to know I'm so damn enraged, maybe you should use them to tell me why.
Tyrone is a Spanish name you stupid faggot
[citation] = life experience
all of these things are empirical and are personal observations anyone can make. there are no Roosh-isms. Just plain, evidence for all to see. Don't argue like a Jew. Don't move the goal-posts out of convenience. (You) unfuck (You)
>Women are evil for not being my waifu slave!
>blacks only have Swahili names
>another anti-white nigger fetish thread
Looks like another check cleared for JIDF cunts.
Women have got the right to fuck groids. And I have the right to judge them for it
Pretty sure that's not it, you couldn't pay me to take a slave. You have to keep feeding and sheltering them, even when they're too sick or injured to work. Better to have employees you can fire if they can't work.
Fuck off you Kike liberal cunt. You're a spoiled rotten nigger lover who doesn't have the agency to become better WITHOUT someone telling you to. Do you see White men making threads about SELF IMPROVEMENT? Well if you went to the same kind of thread for women, self improvement would be fake ass, fake tits, makeup and a fake personality. Fuck you, you're fake, dumb, and have zero ability to plan for the future without selling your vagina to get it. How would you keep your man if you didn't have a pussy?
(((Who))) promoted this shit in the first place? Women ruining the nation with their votes is a symptom not a (((cause))).
>dump her when she's no longer useful to you
And yet you would damn her forever if she did that to you.
Jow Forums is satire, faggot
Yeah like Marx, Eisner and Luxembourg? I bet you think they're """"""""""German"""""""""""" too
Yeah, your Amazing Karnac act needs a lot of work. I wouldn't get into any such contract, hired prostitutes are where it's at.
Enjoy the rotten crotch, AIDS, and jail time, user.
News came on earlier and there was a single mom who kept complaining the government isn't giving her enough money, all I could think of is why is she a single mother? Something the interviewer never asks, it's never because the father died but just because she got knocked up at some party
Every civilization since the dawn of time has known women are nothing but overgrown children and should be 2nd class citizens.
And we will know it again in 50ish years after they've destroyed all that men have built.
REMINDER: OP is a literal homosexual trying to make us seem hostile towards women.
Jews be jewin
>What did women personally do to you that makes you so damn enraged?
This is a strawman. I like young virgins alot. Roasties are a plague tho. They are always inappropriately making sexual advances to me at work . They are also a huge tax burden with their picaninnys.
They were given the vote, and used it vote for bigger government, more debt, more multiculturalism, more open borders, more welfare, more etc. they forgot why they needed men because men built them the greatest, safest civilization in the history of the planet.
Your entire post is a [citation needed]
>"beating and raping them will only drive them away"
Obviously this isn't true because its the blacks who are beating and raping them.
I really doubt that. Women lack self reflection which is necessary for feeling some sort of regret. Don't worry tho, Islam will have the same faith as we do. Just give them some time.
say it with me guys
Note how the OP attempts to supplant his own statements onto other
>so your solution is to keep them weak and dumb...
Confirmed kikefag
A woman who fucks up and bangs someone in high school isn't necessarily a whore forever (though women should stay virgins till marriage; more sex partners = less stable relationships). A girl not being a virgin is not ideal, nor is it a dealbreaker, so long as
>and this a Very big IF
She admits she made a mistake and has recommitted to chastity.
Okay another bait thread, I have to admit at least this time you guys are trying.
I agree with gypsy
Once you go black...
Chad doesn t make kids you dumb idiot. Women always end up settling for a beta in their 30s. Now these betas are going mgtow , and cunts are crying.
>Know girl
>She's super depressed because she knows she's not funny and can't keep up with any kind of conversation and hates herself for it
>Eventually subject of women being funny comes up
>I tell her women aren't funny because they've never had a need to be. Women can not be funny at all and still get cock. On the flip side, men absolutely have to be funny to get pussy
>She blows up, accuses me of sexism, says she's going straight to Reddit to tell everyone about what I said
Not even joking or exaggerating.
>double standards that only apply to them
I’ll give an example. My wife gets angry that I’m not more supportive of her because I don’t do the dishes or laundry for her more than a couple times a week. She also says it’s sexist I don’t ask her for help with things like the car, repairs, or outdoor chores. But when it comes to these “man chores” (what she calls blue jobs), she won’t even touch them with a ten foot pole. We once got into an argument over a table I was building because I didn’t ask for her help, and then when I let her help she broke the damn thing and started crying.
I want to do my chores and often prove myself correct that she refuses to take out the garbage or mow the lawn without me, even while she argues with me all the time I’m just being sexist and unsupportive by not doing her chores too or asking her to do mine despite knowing she’ll refuse or fuck it up. Makes me laugh at her face, but deep down it does bug me she can’t stop her double standards and just leave well enough alone. She’s getting a good deal.
Also I’m the better cook and she hates it.
Sorry bro. I don't want nobodies trash.
There is literally nothing wrong with white women. A very small percentage are trashy coalburners, but statistically white women are the least likely of all women to racemix. That's why BLACKED propaganda is pushed so hard, because you don't need to promote something that's commonplace. The only reason incel hapas complain about white women is because they are weak, with shit genetics, and white women don't want them.
>have crush on girl in my class for years (lets call her veronica)
>always try to hang out with her
>always stick up for her
>defend her honor
>bring her gifts
>pretty much a perfect gentleman
>she always ignores me or straight up mocking me for being a gamer
>still stick by her
>she chooses chad thundercock time after time after time
>eventually say fuck it
Now Im a shell, of my former self..used to be this kind, sweet kid, well....no more.
Now Im literally a twisted fucking psychopath, cold as ice and I dont give a single FUCK about those goddamn ROASTIES.
of all the kike-made threads, this one is the most jewish
>miscegenation is OK, goy
>thottiness is OK, goy
>women are EQUALS, goy
lampshade yourself in the oven and turn up the zyklon b while you do, ashtray-filler
Be me
High school sweet heart on and off
Have an abortion down the line due to being young and dumb
Fuck up some more
Fall into depression
She hate me
Sucks another black dudes cock
Fuck up more due to ongoing depression
Claims rape as I would’ve claimed disloyalty to her
Given up since then
And she happens to be black
Still miss her and wish I’ve been better.
>i'm depressed
t. every retard who's uncurably bluepilled on w*men, the jewish gender
Bruh just go lift some weights and go fuck some qt and get over your oneitis
RACE MIXING (including just having sex) is being a TRAITOR.
These women will get shot for treason in the coming war.
There will never be a war and they will most likely have racemixed babies or get a white man since they are all weak.
Last time I observed, most white men are either a) cuck pussies who will do nothing or b) delusional lardballs who let their Dunning-Kruger effect take over and get BTFO'd in a riot
>Citation needed on Jow Forums
Because the majority of them are emotionally abusive manipulative, parasitic cunts who only know how to manipulate people and be bitches?
Because they don't use logic. Like at all. All they know how to do is listen to what the media tells them to do, and act on their emotions instead of control them.
Because of the above two points, they are actively trying to sabotage traditional masculinity because it, rightfully, makes them feel inferior.
Nigga youz focusing on the pucci too much get and escort and lift some weights. Improve yourself and life will follow
A white woman with a white baby still has a chance at love and happiness with a white mate.
Yeah WW1 really was the death of the west. Not even because of the number of men killed, it was the ones who came home. The thing about war, especially a brutal one like that, is you just stop giving a fuck. A lot of your principles fade from importance. Tradition becomes less significant.
It doesn't surprise me at all that basically all western women got the right to vote within a couple years after the war ended. Basically all the burnt out and jaded men just said "fuck it, anything to shut you up."
Counterintuitively, it seemed as though the phenomenon was more prevalent among the victorious nations, for whatever reason. For example, france prob got hit the worst with the male apathy disease despite winning.
what's it with coalburning. i never see this in reality. i only lived in cities with less than ~70.000 citizens though and the handful of blacks there didn't even have a girlfriend.
is it really that much of a problem in america?
Basically dating this chick named valerie and went on date accusing me of cheating on her with my best friends girlfriend. Tell her that's not the case and also accused me of being gay because I take care of myself to much. Just a bunch of shit test. I pass them, a couple weeks go buy and tell her I have feelings for her. Ghosts me and doesn't reply, so I move on. Seemed a little fucked up. Move on and drop acid that summer, enjoy myself and decided that I really need to get my shit together in life. Start doing test, tren, and sarms getting ripped. See her at college one day parking her car, while I'm walking with qt. Messages me like she's entitled and who is she. Block her and never hear from her again. Last I heard, shes a super liberal feminist. So you you can see I got redpilled. They're all roasties, that's all you have to know.
I almost never see it and I live in a liberal big city. I'd have to see real stats on it because my eyes tell me its not very common.
It's not. Racemixing in general is not very common, although it is more common in the major cities so the impression you might get is that it's more common than it is.
Now that i think about it it's prob most common in the South.
Dude, are you insane?? You cant ask those questions! Its not up to you to tell her what she can and cant do with her body! Now pay her more, she needs it!
You still stick out like a sore thumb
>accusing me of cheating on her with my best friends girlfriend
>Tell her that's not the case and also accused me of being gay because I take care of myself to much
>Just a bunch of shit test
>I pass them
No you didn't.
To be fair, they do act like they care about society and all that. In my experience, nost actually do, until their egocentric nature kicks in and they decode that its theie duty to have 4 children. From then on, themswlves and theie children is all they care about
Why do you even put up with her? Good pussy?
I study languages so its 90% women. One, i never talked to her, said "nice pants, paul! I like them!" In front of like 10 of them. Imagine me going, in my all masculine voice, to my 10 buddies, "nice pants, lisa! I LIKE THEM!"
>white people getting BTFO'd in a riot
>lift some weights
lmao im a GAMER
the only muscle I exercise is my brain
> What did women personally do to you that makes you so damn enraged?
They stopped behaving like women and instead started behaving like what they think men act like and only adopted the ways of the sleaziest men ever. It's like they played Leisure Suit Larry and said, " THATS IT! "
> Only a sin if she was cheating on a man while doing it. There is nothing wrong with preferring a ripped Tyrone over an Aryan neckbeard lardball
Once you go black you're done. You don't get to come back. A nigger stuck his dick in a sock, now it's my turn. No thanks. He can keep the sock.
> Natural selection desu. Procreation is Chad and Stacy's birthright for winning the genetic lottery.
Oh you can fuck better than yourself. You won't get to keep better than yourself. Men know the score bitch.
> So your solution is to keep them weak and dumb?
Oh they've now been given all the power women have probably ever had over a civilization in world history and they're still weak and dumb.
Yeah, you're having the totally wrong reaction. You know why she's banging Chad Thundercock? Because he doesn't give a fuck about her. Women are programmed to hate needy men. Quit being butthurt, get over it, and focus on improving yourself. That's how you get pussy.
>What did women personally do to you that makes you so damn enraged
entitlement mostly..a white woman is the only person on this planet that is both right and wrong at all time
This. What is this “enraged” stuff all about? Being in touch with the objective reality that the decadent modern society we live in has turned women into whores, thereby harming women and men alike does not equal rage. This shitty shill thread needs a sprinkling of sage
1. Why are you even with this woman?
2. Why do you let her talk to you that way?
I thought I did cause we were fucking. Either way tinder helps
Oh look it's another thread about how we should be forgiving and saving all the coalburning stacies in the world.
>Haven't seen that before
Oh and incase it wasn't blindingly obvious.....for every used up hallways wide pussy there are millions more younger fresher untainted ones right around the corner.
There is NOTHING wrong with wanting a equal partner, it is actually laudable and a completely natural thing observed world wide for thousands of years.
>It's natural selection you could say :) ....to be honest.
>Procreation is Chad and Stacy's birthright for winning the genetic lottery.
pic related, clearly working out
In your eyes aren'tt race mixers defective? So why exactly are you so upset about what they do? Anyone who sees you complain about it will automatically assume you are an incel.