I just got banned from facecuck for 72 hours simply for pasting this image in the chat of a friend...

I just got banned from facecuck for 72 hours simply for pasting this image in the chat of a friend. Can we redpill normies by making them paste this image in the chat, thus getting them banned and making them wonder as to why a picture of a jewish man gets them blocked?

Attached: 1529405044776.jpg (600x400, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: suckinforeskin.png (1012x930, 816K)

lol you use kikebook


I hope you learned your lesson

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I've thought about making a facebook page posting degenerate fag shit to redpill normies but haven't had the time to set it up yet.

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What, you wouldn't want to pursue a career of violent sexual assault on infants? Are you an anti-semite or something?

Facebook must be Anti-Semitic for refusing to show a beautiful bris ceremony and a newborn Jew entering into Abraham's covenant. Shame on Zuckerberg and pals

How dare you criticize the ruling class cretin ! We are the masters ! Ver%botten for 72 hours !

I'm about to post it to a few friends myself. Will report the results

Faceberg wants to cover this up. There are many pictures of the pedophile kikes practicing their ethnic cult initiation.

The crux is that if the norman population were pushed this information in the same manner the catholic kiddy diddling narrative was pushed, the kike would be dehumanized and rightfully so. At least the catholic church removed and shamed the priests that molest alter boy, these rote appeal to tradition kikes have been doing this for over 5 thousand years and they aren't going to stop because it's pathological. Think of the number of individuals that were abused as a child growing up to be child abusers themselves. The retarded kike will continue the practice and they will flaunt it daring you stop them.

>there is a compulsion to repeat the trauma (or advocate for its spread) by some circumcised men

Attached: Low IQ kike.png (773x504, 46K)

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The kike uses his desert folklore book to promote a practice that was stolen from the Egyptians (when the kikes were paid labor, not slaves) but with an added twist. Instead of washing their dicks, instead of just cutting the foreskin, they have to put their mouths on the 8 day old baby dick and suck the blood. This can lead to infection and ultimately death because the inbred, goblin tribe can't keep their mouths clean let alone their penis.

Attached: jews-suck-baby-penis-5000-years-pedophile-pederast-child-molestation-rape.png (637x674, 231K)

If circumcision is a relatively new thing instead of an old tradition, no one will accept it.

When presented with the nature of the 8 day old baby dick cut and suck ethnic cult and its practices there are often the "atheist" or "secular" kikel apologist that come out of the woodwork like the vermin they are to screech that it's only an orthodox tradition. This is a classic, very often repeated lie.

The "atheist" kike still takes their progeny to the temple of sucking and cutting while afterwards attending a catered meal to celebrate the molestation.

Attached: jews love the baby dick.png (565x375, 371K)

It's totes not a weird blood cult, honest

Tell me about the Rabbis. Why do they suck baby penis?

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Only kikes and spergs use that memeflag

Some think the jews want power, some think the jews want money, others think they want some big milk juggs with their goblin faces in a female.

The kike wants one thing above all else: to take part in an 8 day old cut and suck cult ritual and revel in the screaming child's agony. The foundation myth of the jew is thus: we are eternal victims and we will victimize ourselves if no one else is readily available. We will not be introspective, we will blame everyone else because we are "teh smartz".

Attached: jew cock crazed.png (960x535, 386K)

I believe you. Your goblins milkers are the envy of all the goyim!

Attached: jews really want.png (2368x1183, 724K)

They've done a pretty good job initiating widespread acceptance under guise of standard of medical care particularly in the US and Worst Korea, but went through at least a phase of popularity in many other countries as well.

Stunning, really. But hey, these days people think its normal and good to give an infant 100 different vaccines without even knowing what they're for, all before the infant's immune system has developed enough to learn much immunity in the way that we are commonly told vaccines work.

And then there's the matter of people thinking it's somehow a good idea to transplant a bunch of backward muslims from shithole countries in to the civilized world. So I would say that people can be pretty retarded when it comes to accepting what their masters tell them they should want.

>ignore the 66 kagillion victims of our cult, goy

Attached: jewish dick suckers.png (2068x1422, 237K)


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>new converts?

Attached: jew suck on baby.jpg (924x520, 536K)

Hilarious that every single news article about this I've seen thus far (going back to fucking 2011) has completely blanked comments sections. Some even have a little box listing the number of comments on it (usually ranging from 400-1500), but when the comments section actually appears; 0 comments.
I don't understand how this shit is still going on, when fucking babies are dying in multiple incidents from STDs after having a man suck their cocks. Why even discussion about it is getting shut the fuck down. How are there even articles about it?

>Why hello Oprah!
>Care to promote some foreskin creme!?
>We will give you 30 cases for "free" for your efforts!

Attached: jewish profits.png (729x468, 47K)

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Attached: jews and babby cock.jpg (478x1092, 131K)


Attached: forskin for jews.png (735x490, 610K)

Why do they do this? The Bible says nothing about adult men sucking the mutilated penises of baby boys (albeit the Bible does advocate for mutilating those penises).

Attached: 1520264545570.jpg (1683x1911, 1.72M)

Will they suck the dick of a grown man if he converts or only when it's a young boy?

Make a le funny bein meme for normies with it. Then they get banned for memeing

There are a number of religious texts other than the Torah (old testmanent) in Judaism. Perhaps justification for this practice is found in the Talmud?

What justification do they give in the Talmud (if anyone knows)?

>The second issue of Foreskin Man, in which the hero fights against a villain named Monster Mohel drew criticism from the Anti-Defamation League. Nancy Appel, the ADL's associate director, was quoted as saying,[8]

>"The (Monster) mohel has a dark complexion, hook nose and is practically drooling at the thought of apparently doing harm to a child, he even has claws on his fingertips. He is blood thirsty just like the grotesque Jewish stereotypes that appeared in Nazi propaganda. It's absolutely a direct parallel."


Attached: article-2005515-0C9A403200000578-728_468x699.jpg (468x699, 66K)

>Foreskin Man-Outrages The Jewish Community


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>The brit milah (Hebrew: בְּרִית מִילָה, pronounced [bʁit miˈla]; Ashkenazi pronunciation: [bʁis ˈmilə], "covenant of circumcision"; Yiddish pronunciation: bris [bRJs]) is a Jewish religious male circumcision ceremony performed by a mohel ("circumciser") on the eighth day of the infant's life. The brit milah is followed by a celebratory meal (seudat mitzvah).

>The Talmud writes that a "Mohel (Circumciser) who does not suck creates a danger, and should be dismissed from practice".[33][34] Rashi on that Talmudic passage explains that this step is in order to draw some blood from deep inside the wound to prevent danger to the baby.[35]


Attached: moster.jpg (532x370, 81K)

Me too. Banned immediately. Some sort of plant image to track anti semitism

Wasn't there an instance where Jews managed to prevent a research paper that looked into the damaging effects circumcision has on a child's mind from being published?

The whole world should share in the beauty and joy of this ceremony. JIDF, don't hide in the shadows any longer! Come out, and announce with pride that you are circumsexual!


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You can't use the stock image. They have most of them archived already. Try making your own like and it might get around their filters.

Your friend probably reported you so he wouldn't have to suffer through another exchange of you REEEEEing about da Joos.

Why is it always cutfags defending circumcison? When will this stop?

>The Talmud writes that a "Mohel (Circumciser) who does not suck creates a danger, and should be dismissed from practice".[33][34] Rashi on that Talmudic passage explains that this step is in order to draw some blood from deep inside the wound to prevent danger to the baby.[35]
>if your baby is not sexually molested by a creepy old Jewish man, there is a danger to your baby
Why are Semitic superstitions like Judaism and Catholicism that justify the institutional sexual molestation of young boys by creepy old men still accepted by Western society?

because uncutfags would just get cut if they thought it was better

No sect of Christianity is supposed to be circumcising. That was part of the old stuff that got revoked when Jesus came along and established a new covenant. One of the popes even had to issue a public reminder back in like the 1500s or whenever it was.

We need to launch a campaign to ban the barbaric practice of circumcision. Not only is it the moral thing to do, but it will also drive the yids crazy.

Because you'll have an easier time getting most guys to suck a dick rather than admit there's anything at all wrong with their own.

Pattern of abuse passed on from one generation to the next. If you can protect children during the first 12 years or so, the cycle of abuse can be broken.

Attached: Dr. Jórunn Vidar Valgardsdottir from Iceland.png (734x748, 333K)

this will work better.

I'm looking into buying billboard space in several major cities. Millions will see it and (((they))) will have no other choice but to show their hand. Still working on the details but i'm motivated and watching the kike REEEEE is one of the funniest things that can happen on this earth.

There are many organizations who have been doing that for years now. And circumcision rates have been dropping for decades now. They are already quite low on the west coast of the U.S.

We need to advocate for a BAN on the practice. And we can do it for free on social media.


>that pic
jews arent filthy anim-
jews dont deserve to be ga-
i got nothing here user

And a BAN on religiously slaughtered food.

Attached: ac.png (1275x1650, 165K)

You've never seen anti-circumcision activists protesting? Have you heard of Bloodstained Men & Their Friends?

Fucking kill me. My mom got me circumcised and admitted she didn't even know what it meant when she ticked the box. The circumcision problem in the U.S is due to it's fucking shit educational system, people here are just fucking stupid, every one of them.

Well, it's CP. That's why. Enjoy the v&

Goddamn, I want her.

Yes, a ban is the final battle. Raising public awareness of it from all angles is an important step, a step that is being suppressed at the moment.

Sure, hospital circumcision rates have been declining like the other user said. That says nothing of rates of kikel cultist rituals. This should be a broad battle but lets be clear: the tribe is the enemy, they promote it, they normalize it and they hide behind their retarded appeal to tradition to justify it.

You should sue your mom and the doctor who performed the circumcision, and help set a precedent. Don't worry about making use of a greedy Jewish lawyer to push your case. If you need money for legal fees, make a Gofundme page specifically for this, and keep posting about it on Jow Forums.

You can have her. Jewish men are more interested in mutilated baby dick.

A ban should be our immediate concern. The kikes aren't going to kvetch about rates of circumcision falling among goyim.

This #hisbodyhischoice


The ADL gets to decide what constitutes "hate" on Facebook. They're shutting it down!

>Anti-Defamation League, tech firms team to fight online hate

>Facebook, Twitter, Google and Microsoft are among the companies joining forces with the advocacy group to curb cyberhate.


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Faceberg has skipped removing videos of gang rape but just happens to ban things like this and any hint of nudity. Really makes you think.

>what are the children being taught here?
>implying they aren't already fucked in the head, and probably somewhere else too

Bitch please...
I got banned for 72 hours for the following comment:
"Only a notorious idiot would state that Bosnians and Iraqi are the same people."


You should post white homeless people or African whites who were raped by blacks.

Your friend reported it. Possibly you need redpilled friends, not normies and cucks.

That's a good question. Circumcising the uncircumcised converts is standard practice but the sucking part I'm unsure of. I'm only referring to the progeny (8 day old male victims) of the new converts when I mentioned fresh dick.

>Circumcising the uncircumcised converts is standard practice but the sucking part I'm unsure of.
So in other words sucking the dick is only a part of the ritual when the victim is a young boy? You can't even claim freedom of religion in this case. It's straight up pedophilia.


I'm no rabbi, but I would interpret those Talmud quotes in one case to mean that the mohel should always suck blood, and in the other case to be an additional comment on why it is good for the baby being circumcised per the covenant to have his blood sucked.

So I don't see why a mohel of the sect that does the blood sucking would do differently for an adult unless there's some other commentary or custom that suggests against it, or if he just figures the goyim don't need or deserve good treatment in order to fulfill the covenant.

But that's just me thinking out loud. I have no idea what they would do, or if the blood-sucking mohels would even construe a convert as being part of the tribe rather than a mere semen-donator.

No, I can't sue my mom, she's just dumb, not evil. If anything it's the hospital's fault for this, and I'm not going to be doing any suing anytime soon since I'm full time in college already, and would't want to devote half my life to bringing down the Jewish supremacy that rules every part of American life (hospital, government, media) needed to actually end this shit. It's fucking sad, but both parties here are also deep down the Jewish dick sucking hole. The only support I'd get would be from Jow Forums tards, and we're not really that numerous.

>I'm just going to complain about getting my dick mutilated when I was a baby but I'm not going to do anything productive about it
This is why cucks like you get their dicks mutilated.

>Sueing your own mother
well that doesnt sound jewish at all kek.

Creepy Danny Sexbang.

>The majority of Jewish circumcision ceremonies do not use metzitzah b'peh
Once again, just a bunch of uneducated NEET retards who get butthurt at the Jewish master race.

Attached: based israel.png (1000x624, 448K)

It uses weasel words, and omits mentioning exactly which sects do it. Some orthodox groups use a glass tube to do the sucking "more hygenically" (dubiously effective), but the agreed upon method includes the sucking and is more widespread than the article suggests.

Who here suggested that all Jewish males are circumcised in this manner?

Attached: The US-Israel Special Relationship Timeline That AIPAC Doesn’t Want You To See.png (1350x3570, 1008K)

>omits mentioning exactly which sects do it
>some Haredi Jews use it

Attached: brainlet21.png (645x729, 38K)


Your friend reported you lol