You can predict the future. But you need digits to do that. This thread is blessed only 2 year old anons can enter.
Blessed thread.Only digits allowed
I predict this thread will get deleted
what does this have to do with Jow Forums?
digits confirm
Full disclosure soon please!
Everything and nothing at least it's not a gay thread you are welcome
so close nigger
>digits thread
>didn't start with digits
haha you're gonna get banned
israel is nuked by iran
FUCk you
>digits confirm this
The EU will collapse. Europe will be saved by the immaculate heart of Mary. A new age of love and understanding will be ushered in. The 4th dimension is coming.
yare yare daze
>no digits
you niggers can't even triforce. eat my nutsack jewbogs
No digits
>you will get banned for being a leaf
get banned shill
Rollerino for mods banning OP from this board.
Jow Forums will be ground zero for a spiritual awakening unlike anything we've ever seen before.
Fucking wow
I will kill myself
Check em, restore the habsburgs
Pls this
fug you nagger yu can't tuch mi
I'm a 33 y.o. boomer can I join?
Also, Obama dead by sundown.
Well I am supposed to be banned so I cannot answer