There should be no stigma on interracial couples...

There should be no stigma on interracial couples. Each person in an interracial couple is considered equal in the eyes of God and women have the right to get inseminated by any man they want, including niggers.

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As a fellow rabbi I agree.

I am so glad that almost every single TV show, movie, and commercial celebrates a relationship between a black man and a white woman. I am so glad that our children will be conditioned to see NO PROBLEM in such a harmless thing.

Unlike most of you rednecks, I am able to override the distress signals I feel when I see my daughter holding hands with a little black boy. Do you know why? Because I am a better person than you, I do not succumb to my disgusting instincts. I have something called principles. All men are created equal.

I stopped caring about faggits, race-mixers, and single mothers. Obviously there’s too many of them. Exterminate the Jews and these types of people will be the much smaller minority they were meant to be. If all these people were just 2% of the population, I would say “they’re people too.” But no, they’re starting to approach 1/3rd to 1/2 the population. They will self-depopulate AS LONG AS WE EXTERMINATE THE FUCKING JEWS.

You’re a faggit though

Dude, life is too short to be so hateful.

>black man, white woman
you kikes just can't help yourselves, can you?

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Too bad white women think they're ugly, huh?

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You need to get rid of wellfare. You stop making me responsible for them you can then say its not my decision.

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>Nazi flag
>talking about being probrace mixing
Congrats this is the worst bait I've seen all day. Get a life faggot. Sage.

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give this coalburner a piece of your mind pol
facebook com/joanne.flaynew.5

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I just dont really care anymore. If I cared about every daddy hating white girl who ran off and eloped with a nigger I'd be worrying until the end of time. Society will correct itself inevitably whether it is 20, 50, or 1000 years from now. I'm just going to enjoy my life while I have it and trust that once the US balkanizes, then a chance for a new world will show itself.

Yes, yes, life is too short to get angry over things outside of your control. I am about to start up my Nintendo Switch and smoke some weed.

What's your XBOX username, dude? You seem pretty chill.

This but unironically

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do brown people secrete acid or something? Why do they always have acid on hand?

I bet if we remove that nazi flag a turkish flag will be behind it.

not if you fuck her first

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You're disgusting

oh fuck I didn't sage

>He collects pictures of flaccid black cocks

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>his name is literally alpha

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>trying to troll other trolls

Is the fact that they're not hard and unblurred disappointing to you m

I agree. No stigma. Just a mass grave. One of those giant quarry pits will do just fine.
