On 20 June there will be an EU vote on internet surveillance and censorship (Article 11 & Article 13)
The European Parliament will vote 20th of June on the Copyright Directive. The votes of 10 Members of the parliament will determine if the Internet remains open and free from censorship in the EU. Tell them you need them to protect your Internet against surveillance and censorship machines.
Article 11, link tax, would force anyone using snippets of journalistic online content to get a license for the publisher first — essentially outlawing current business models of most aggregators and news apps.
Article 13, censorship machines, would make platforms responsible for monitoring user behavior to stop copyright infringements, but basically means only huge platforms will have the resources to let users comment or share content.
>EU VOTE >UNELECTED BUREAUCRATS this is rich, my sides.
Easton Cox
No, fuck that. Why do they vote on my behalf? Who are they? If this is passed it means war, no more shall politicians sell out their countries, we shall hold them accountable by blood.
If it passes the net loses its links, then starting a war is hard We only need 1 vote and sending a message is dead simple: saveyourinternet.eu/ Also consider giving them a call: act.openmedia.org/savethelink-call
No, you don't understand. The internet is what keeps us docile. If they change that we will mobilize. Tweeting or e-mailing one of these masonic cunts isn't gonna change the outcome, that's already decided.
Juan Jones
It ain't decided yet We only need one vote And if there's a war we need information
Nope. That is ancient history. After 2016 they doubled down on combating "problematic thoughts". This is a big part of it. This is planned, they are all in on it. They want to eradicate platforms for people like "us", we who question the state of reality.
Sebastian White
Europe had its chance long ago. This is the path it chose. I love freedom but there comes a point where you've gotta let people figure it out for themselves.
Bentley Robinson
Julian Foster
This time it ain't all rigged They're ahead by one vote Don't sit this one out:
it was nice knowing and memeing with you all lads. we all know that political votes will never be in our favour in the EU and only actually revolting will change our fate - which we wont anytime soon.
i already spammed e-mails and phone calls to the supposedly responsible guys for this. it is 11pm here now, nothing will change anymore and it would never have, as those guys in the EU do not listen to what the people want - ever, as the EU wouldn't exist if that was the case. again, thinking that we actually can vote on this is delusional, they wont allow us to interfere. we got no democracy here, since quite some time, i dare say we never had. i wish the people would get this and rise and not just sit idly by and expect a vote, in a biased against them system, to change anything.
Easton White
True Spread the message and memes across the net A stranglehold on the EU internet won't stay isolated See above We only need one vote It'll make all the difference:
>No, fuck that. Why do they vote on my behalf? Who are they? So internet being censored is the straw that broke your back? Not all the other shit they have been doing? You realize once they take the internet you are screwed. Euros aren't allowed to wrongthink in public and after you can't online most will fall in line to what (((they))) want.
Jaxson Jones
Fuck this blackpilling. Well let's see, how we can continue redpilling with coming censorship
>implying any of us have a say in the matter What a painful timeline
Josiah Roberts
Americans: While you're snarking remember two things.
1. Remember how quickly American sites complied with GDPR? Yeah. This won't be different. 2. The fact that the big sites are not pushing to stop this tells you a lot about how much they are in favor of this.
tl;dr, this will affect you just as much
Xavier Wilson
No, it's what's gonna trigger the rest to follow. Internet being censored is a good thing, it will expose people to the true intentions of our "rulers". We have networks that operate offline. That won't be affected, we mobilize locally.
They won't be able to stop this wave of rage they will unleash. They'll try to v& the most outspoken, but that will only create more disdain.
2018 truly is the year of the phoenix, the flames are rising, the silly fuckers thought they could control it.
Zachary Wright
It don't matter what the EPP don't allow The EPP aren't a majority
there is also another side to this, no more bad news from europe about migrants = the USA can import even more migrants, to finally speed the decline of the white USA up and put the final nail in the coffin for it. its the same about how everyone is now so happy that italy and austria are against migrants. well nice, but it is already game over with all the millions that are already in the country. they would need to export MILLIONS by force and that, they are not planning to do. seems like we aren't able to look ahead more than one year anymore, if even that.
Grayson Smith
Implying you can't swing one vote What happened to memetics? Stopping the net breakdown exposes (((their))) weakness Stay connected for the happening
>Internet was made as a free service to share information >Big Government passes laws to turn it into a gatekeeped, profit-based system If I ever decide to kill myself, shit like this will be my reason why.
its over this is gonna pass and then we're all (yes, this will affect everybody, not just EU users) gonna have to browse shit websites with 2 dozen frontpage articles complaining about white fragility and praising refugees for news
every non-mainstream news source is basically gonna die after this. 4chans gonna die too most likely if they don't block EU users
its funny seeing autist americans being smug about this not realizing that it's gonna fuck them over too, also funny to see autists in other threads crying about inconsequential shit instead of trying to stop this when its currently the largest existential threat to the rising right wing movement
Jeremiah Brooks
they were always going to turn the net into cable 2.0. We'll be lucky to even be allowed to this site after this law.
Aiden Parker
GUYS: REMEMBER- IF THIS PASSES IT'S NOT OVER. It needs to be voted on Parliament, discussed with the Council, then voted on the compromise again.
This is like the vote being held by a panel of Congress, it's far from the end of the road.
Dominic Scott
Yep and with the comments turned off. Free net had a good run but it's over.
Luke Richardson
here's a projection of how parliament would vote, assuming everyone votes according to party line and party line matches how the party voted in the commission
dont blame me for the shitty colors btw, i got this from reddit
Agreed, but it's more time to sway situations. Remember, the SOPA analogue passed the panel and was stopped by the Parliament because of backlash
Cooper Hill
>the largest existential threat to the rising right wing movement This is it. This is the real motivation for them doing this. The silence from jewgle, kikebook and twatter is telling. This goes back to 2015/6 when they tried to campaign Hillary into office. The massive failure on their part have had them doubling down, twitter has reworked their algorithms to heavily target right wing views for suppression. Same with reddit, facebook, google and all the other jew valley fucks. Some of the themes at bilderberg this year was >Populism in Europe >Quantum computing >The global leadership of the United States >The “post-truth” world
They tried to take away our platforms, they tried to segregate us into forgotten corners. Now they are trying to burn it all down. In the year of the phoenix. These cunts are either well aware that they are memeing forth a Fourth Reich or they are so stupid and incapable of understanding what they are doing that they think this will stop it.
if there is any backlash. i mean, we are on Jow Forums here and this thread is hardly alive and going, despite the grim situation this would bring. if even here people do not care, what can we expect from the normies?
Nathan Jackson
Don't worry. Traitors before enemies.
Luis Smith
They are all unaware. Everyone is hooked up to their personal dopamine machine. That is about to change.
Xavier Foster
Make and offering to TempleOS and click to your representatives: saveyourinternet.eu act.openmedia.org/savethelink-call Easy
I hope you guys make a difference, but I fear that the 800 Billion that the US spends on fighting this will probably prevail. They are determined to keep the money making machine keep working at the expense of US tax-payers and from a privacy perspective, the rest of the world. Welcome to slavery.
Connor Robinson
if it passes i feel like quite a few burgers (myself included), would troll the shit out of them.
Oliver Williams
>what can we expect from the normies absolutely nothing. Whenever I talk about this to normies, I get silence and a vapid look. It's like it just doesn't register. Really weird, as normies often are... Are normies brainwashed or drugged? Is this what tv does to you?
Easton Ward
i hope so. it will be incredibly hard to organize without the internet tho, as the normal citizens and police work like the STASI did nowadays. one wrong word to the wrong people and you are getting a visit and maybe even more. and trust me, i may sound like a defeatist, but i just can't fathom how people allowed this to happen and just want to see it all burn, not surrender to them. just giving some of the cold and downright crazy facts that we call normal these days, to maybe enrage some other silent sleepers.
Bentley Jones
i have that same experience, its either they don't/can't listen or feel bad about talking about that issue and want another topic, as it isn't all happy go lucky, that they are used to. simply put, they don't care anymore, as long as they can be happy and lazy, not realising that those times will come to an end sooner rather than later. i would think it is the tv/movies and constant brainwashing by the news media.
Lucas Morales
Yes, literally. Subconscious programming.
Checked. Don't be defeatist. Be a warrior. You do not need to organize, you are a one man army. Your actions will inspire thousands, and their actions and so on. This is how we win. We stand for truth, freedom and liberty. We will prevail.
while i agree that we need to be warriors and fight for what we think is right, i do not agree with the one man army stuff. that only ends in them picking us off alone and without backup, like it happened so often in the soviet union. that only plays into their hands. if society does not care about you, then it is fairly easy to make you vanish. one guy vs the state is a bad joke, even more so in our modern times. we need to be more than that and organize the said thousands before we rush into action like a fool.