Explain these

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Other urls found in this thread:


it's France

Uhhh what?

Attached: 1529431217093[1].jpg (1067x1024, 490K)

trust the eternal Celt to fuck it up for everyone

Colours? Pixels? Images? FFS be a bit more precise you anarcho-cuck.

Voting and/or demographic statistics? (one and only nowadays)

give iparralde back!
pays basque!!!

Blue = sandniggers?

I guess it must be elections of some sort since my region is notorious for voting massively for the socialists. I like how the colour also encapsulate the whole former Duchy of Brittany and not just the region Bretagne.


Attached: Xz83tk[1].png (640x460, 61K)

thats gotta be migrant crime.
it looks just like germany's sexual assault map.

Attached: 1529300705420.jpg (550x400, 36K)

checké, mais remonte quand même dans ton arbre à jambon, le primitif

How about no, you crazy French bastard?

Attached: dr-evil.jpg (970x545, 84K)

It's a map

Basque country IDH (2013) 0,924

dont compare us with andalusia

Forgive us for we aren't enriched enough yet like the rest of France to know better. Although I've been seeing more and more negros and sand negros settling in my area in last couple years.


Attached: MqCHzt[1].png (976x2153, 265K)

>human development index
>implying basques are even Humans

overseas voters

Attached: GXFCkZ[1].png (1059x555, 178K)

data round 2

Attached: aCsi2d[1].png (531x2178, 167K)

>14% EXG for Le Pen
>9% far-left for Le Pen

Attached: 1525959214453.jpg (261x190, 8K)

how the fuck did she pull so many lefties in?
It seems neocons and center-right people is really what fucked Le Pen

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apparently horseshoe theory is right

Yellow and light blue need to be enriched. Then they'll turn dark blue. Then they'll turn back yellow like Paris once there's not enough whites to vote.

Genuine "far-left" people (not Antifa larpers) are anti-establishment and probably voted for her just to wreck things

le pen is a national commie
she wants to seize private businesses & bank accounts, as well as massively devaluate the Franc we'd be back after leaving eurozone
she also wants more gibs
and the main reason why she rose above 20% is because she took voters who once voted for commies (same as commies took voters who once voted socialist)
you don't think it be like it is, but it do

>so many

That's still 77% against her. And then you hear all day long lefties complaining about Macron, even though they made him president.

But once you remind them who they voted for last year they shut their mouth. And that's pretty much how Macron can fuck the socialist/communist left in the ass.

The fact of the matter is that people in South Europe have a statist/socialist mindset when it comes to economy and role of the state, capitalist messages don't work so well. I prefer the ideology of her father (a more capitalist one) but i recognize that it is not effective way to convince people. Whatever it takes user...what matters is to stop the nigger flood, the rest is secondary.

hmmmmmmm raelly makes you wonder how this will become

Attached: map2.jpg (1650x1275, 172K)

speaking of that
she's a civic nationalist...
I don't trust her one fucking bit on anything
not even stopping the nigger floods

>she took voters who once voted for commies

Wrong analysis. It's the social groups (factory workers, blue collar office workers, some categgories of public servants) which voted commies before who vote FN now. That's not the individuals themselves because people rarely switch allegiance.

And it's actually a process that's started under his father's rules, particularly during the 2002 election. And finally you can see the same phenomenon abroad, like when Trump won the white american working class.

Just because they're anti-immigration doesn't mean they're anti-gibs

>That's not the individuals themselves
same difference...
meanwhile, you don't catch flies with vinegar, certainly not that many flies
as to commies, they used to be racist as fuck
look up old vids with marchais, going to lead some semi-"ratonnades" against mud families whose "children" sold drugs
so that's not what changed
what changed first and foremost is the economic stance of fn/rn

What's with France today? Lot of activity from the Baguettes today.

I think it is a LARP...but all those fags around her makes me wonder sometimes...

I think she's genuinely stupid, commie and doesn't see a problem with shitskins as long as they eat sausages (like most of the leftist literal faggots she willingly chose to surround her...)

It's completely insane that the Francophone media could play Macron as an "outsider". It's a different thing when it's foreigners who don't know anything about France except for baguettes, cheese and wine. But a former socialist minister of finance, a political outsider?


Jean Marie Lepen talking about a meeting between him and a big head of a freemason Loge, maybe grand orient de France, some times after the 2002 election to the french presidency against Jacques Chirac (republican, cons)

Lepen 1:25
>He [the freemason] said to me that if the populist candidate you were [2002 presidency election, Jean Marie Lepen was second on the first round] actually made it, all our system would have collapsed, so we put all our strength, all our forces in the battle against you without reserve
>I [Le pen] even answered yes, even your spies in the rugby team, sailor teams and school called me the big bogeyman...

The whole set it rotten user.

who isnt a freemason in france?

most people, actually

among politicians, I mean

very few people, then

The whole system in France or any "Liberal Democracy" is basically that only people who are neutral (who do what their told) to downright agents of the Conspiracy rise to the top in government, news media, entertainment media, sports, military, secret/special services, leftwing-rightwing parties, etc, etc...anything that is of influence.

You can really see this network putting it's head above the water when people like Jean Marie challenge their power.

In politics in my opinion it is a pyramid. At the top (tier 1) are the rank-and-file agents. Tier 2 is the bought/blackmailed tools who are in it for themselves. Tier 3 are the mentally ill leftists. Tier 4 are the gutless cowards who are afraid of being attacked by the news media and entertainment media.

Around 150 000 FM


>Brittany is full of meme socialists
I thought Le Pen had protectionist policies, policies which would have likely benefited them. Are these people retarded?

>are bretonimals retarded?
if only you knew how bad things really are

Attached: bretonanimals.jpg (600x393, 144K)

I did feel sorry for their language being destroyed, but now I see sympathy was a mistake.

don't blame them, some of them are trying their best just like in every dpt in France

>le pen is a national commie

T macron cuck , happy they will sell the whole national society , electricity / mail / natural gas and so on to their little (((friends))) than your parents and grand parents payed to develope.
Just like highways and most of bridge today that should be free.

If you are not totally dumb , even if she wanted to get back to our ancient money.
> buy land with loan or house or wathever.
> inflation blow the fuck out
> banks are somehow ruined
> your mortage become a jokes just like for boomer .

Are you retarded or just a fuking kikes ?

they're still a bunch of primitive savages
can't hold their liquor, yet will drink more than anyone
filthy as fuck
very, very inbred (eg hip dysplasia rates through the roof... like over-popular dog breeds)
not the sharpest tools in the shed

He maybe /lesqueniste/

You are hard with them my man, I know the breton curse, but come on

>T macron cuck
not even

>happy they will sell the whole national society , electricity / mail / natural gas and so on to their little (((friends))) than your parents and grand parents payed to develop
there wouldn't be any need to sell anything, had all that been managed properly, instead of having been managed and abused by generations of retarded commies only understanding "muh free moneyz" and gibsmedat

I'm somewhere between a paleoconservative and a conservative libertarian

I gave them a chance
then I saw their worth with my own eyes
and gradually, I began to hate them


welcome to the french political voting system, where one party is used as a scarecrow to herd voters to the next globalist scum.

don't hate them too much
t. Alsace

when you see some puke all the colors in a rainbow, take a crap or piss on cars in broad daylight, stink so much their coworkers have to throw them still dressed in a shower, and on, and on, it's quite fucking difficult to redeem them

It´s because France has more than 2 parties.
They get 25% and everyone else sides behind the gay against the far right no matter who it is.
France would vote a commie or an Islamist into power before they uncuck themselves.
Next elections will be Melenchon vs Lepen and the commie that used to take (((Maduro))) (Venezuelan Pres) as a role model until everything went to shit in venez.
Yeah the polls make it ~90% sure that a commie is the next frensh pres

they're not all the same user

I get that, and in the end, I judge erryone individually
I indeed have met a handful of decent Bretons
it's just that I do know what most of them are capable of, and want none of it anywhere near me
apart from the shower thing, what I described did not even come from scum class people
let that sink in...

Melenchon exists to keep the "far left" people under control and to attack the FN, Melenchon masters dont want him to win because he would actually be forced to do "far left" things when it comes to economy. I am placing my bets on that Anne Hidalgo whore, she is clearly being manufactured to be the next "super politician that will shake up the system and move things forward", also the "liberated strong woman" factor.

separating your natural allies from the cesspit is a good beginning don't you think ?
there are trash heads in every social groups, they're a part of the balance

Attached: eternelbretom.jpg (400x267, 22K)

Yeah but the next election finals will most likely be Melenchon vs Lepen. Do you think they will let Lepen win?

They would want Melenchon no doubt, but it is very hard for him to make it to second round.

french cucks will pick the commie, for sure

the problem with bretons is most of them are "trash heads", even those you'd expect to know better from their social status
really, I've met my share of them, and do speak from experience
I'll still give them a reasonable chance, like I always do
it's just that I expect what most of the time indeed ends up happening
you may not like it, but really, with them, beware: they're not really civilized

>Yeah but the next election finals will most likely be Melenchon vs Lepen

You litteraly wotm9 ?
Macron will make it again, he's the most popular president since Chiraq

which one, though?
both are commies...
such finale won't happen, though

I don't like that either, but you're right

I'll add that Macron is backed by the whole system for christs sake, I'm sure even Wauqiez voted for him

You think so? Aren´t the commies gaining popularity atm with the protests etc? They were close to maron in the primaries last time and a lot of people seem to be pissed at him rn

>I'm sure even Wauqiez voted for him
I'd bet otherwise
wauquiez is pretty much on the same line as le pen
and macron cost him a potential prime minister seat

they're losing their shit, strike has done shit, Macron is winning on every plans.
They thought it woul've been CPE 2.0 but lel, that was underestimating the power of an hegemonic parliament plus Rotschild backed president. Macron is called Jupiter for some reasons.
Melenchon is a meme and will remain meme.

I doubt anne hidalgo has any political future. she pissed off parisians, her major voterbase. she isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

commies have been very popular in France since before Marx...
their problem is they hate one another more than anything
so seeing them ally to overcome that is quite unlikely
also, merdenchion is a narcissist: exactly the kind to shoot himself in the foot just before the finishing line (he'd have been on second turn, had he been less of a narcissist, had he made it all just a tiny little bit less about himself, and himself only)
and macron, despite being a mere socdem, dismantles their behind the curtain hold on the country, piece by piece
I don't like him, but I'll grant him that

c'était façon de parler
Wauquiez will try to pump up Le Pen electorate yes, but deeply he is a cons, a fucking Fillon under ritaline
Sarkozy was that sort of political shark
Never trust a fuckin cons in this country because these nogs will sell their own mothers for a gain

yeah, annie dinguo is done for
but the socialists are dumb enough to send her to a presidential election

Does any of this even matter? France has a pretty retarded system where you have to declare who you're voting for BEFORE you vote and then the government mails you your ballot to sign.

Which is how a bunch of Le Pen votes were ruled invalid because the shills who mailed them out made sure to tear them first.

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Oy Gevalt didn't France ban the collection of demographics data? Delete these bigoted maps immediately!

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The socialists are dead anyway. Hamon dug the party grave and tucked it in.


>Never trust a fuckin cons in this country
do you mean convict or conservative?
if the former, they all are either convicted, or deserving to be (even bayrou who looks like he's too dumb to be corrupt has his hands elbow deep in the jam pot)
if the latter, I don't consider there's any actual conservative in the whole French political landscape, which is even more depressing...

conservative, UMP UDI LR Chretiens Droite divers
They are the american republicans (german CDU) on the world political spectrum

MoDem LREM PS are socdem, german SPD, and american democrats, basically the multikulti globalist scum

yeah, here too, they're just neocons
and neocons are just trotskyists (literally)

rene remond says you have 3 kinds of right-wig, bonapartist aka plebiscitarian, authoritarian, anti-parliamentarian and mass-based and more revolutionary, orleanist aka libcucked, pro-parliament and center-seeking and legitimiste aka catholic, counter-revolutionary and conservative

I'd say you have no clear legitimist party today, and maybe not even politicians, that half establishmetn right are libcuck centrists and that some are bonapartist

most dont even seem right-wing tho

they all deserve the rope
no exceptions

>most dont even seem right-wing tho
this, plain and simple
we have neocons (eg sarkozy), with more or less nationalism flavor (and nothing more) added (eg wauquiez)
and socdems (eg chirac)
fillon took what you call a legitimist approach, but is corrupt as fuck, which (((they))) used as a way to burn him down, because it goes against all that's been set up here from living memory
counter-revolutionary and conservative indeed is what we desperately need, though, clearly

he seems more cucked than your typical legitimist tho

he mentions the action française and algerian anti-independentists as a mix of legitimism and bonapartist tactics for ex

Now do one with Jews.

well, those are cucked times...
we all are in short supply of men worthy of this name
but fion's momentum until his corruption got exposed showed counter-revolutionarism and actual conservatism are what decent people are yearning

Shut the fuck up you obese neckbeard. What mold are you fuckers cobbled together in that 80% of burger shitposts are the same unimaginitive bullshit?

a golem making mold?

gotta go fast!

If the French (former?) industrial working class is anything like the Scottish one, then they were previously nationalistic yet socialist / communist in equal measure, but also socially conservative. In the UK these people, if they have not lost their VOLKISCHNESS, are your typical working class UKIP supporter. Not terribly committed to the whole worldwide workers revolution thing.

I'd like to add that these types of people are also a HUGE % of the support base of modern nationalist-lite/left parties like the SNP.
I myself support SNP but also Brexit and generally 'right-wing' on a lot of other issues.

can marion pull it off? she seems like she could unite the right

I have the feeling she actually could
I like her a lot more than her aunt
her last name still is a handicap, though (even if she started being referenced only as Marion Maréchal, and not Maréchal-Le Pen anymore)

2017 Presidential election results by city (around 36000)
>Light Blue (right wing+ Francois Fillon)
>White (right wing++ Nicolas Dupont)
>Dark Blue (right wing+++ Marine Le Pen)
>Yellow (centrist Emmanuel Macron)
>Red (Communist Jean Luc Melenchon)

>all results map are available here

AMA, I studied those maps a lot's.

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