
I think I'm going to move to Switzerland, I'm done with my country and the EU.
Don't worry Swiss bros, I'm not coming for welfare.
> I got an IB diploma with 45 points
> I graduated from UNI with a degree in Computer Science and Engineering.

Attached: 604px-Coat_of_Arms_of_Switzerland_(Pantone).svg.png (604x669, 15K)

>Fuck the EU
>Uses EU freedom of movement to immigrate to Switzerland

You couldn't make this shit up.

Attached: switzerland-the-people-32-638.jpg (638x359, 55K)

Fact: 95% of posts made by an EU flag are actually American

You're fucking lying, it's only 90%

100% of meme flags are jews. Too bad cuntmods won't let us filter.

fuck off, we're full.

I'm sorry, swiss people will always look down on you because you are coming to their small and happy nation and are stealing jobs from the natives; doesn't matter how qualified you are. Maybe if you go there you'll truly understand how a real immigrant feels like

why are swiss people so racist?

Yes, because OP is using his god given right of getting from one place to another that means he's a massive hypocrite.

Not all jobs are open to all natives, they have brain labour demand as well.

At best, you re gonna do contracting work for 70,000CHF a year (foreigner special price) in a country where a casher makes 51,000CHF. You will struggle with the cost of life and have to rent a dilapidated studio in an overcrowded small city. You wont make any friends because there are not so many people and the swiss will resent you for undermining their salary, plus you are a poorfag.
Then you will realize that Switzerland is like the rest of western Europe with a 10%+ African/muslim population growing way faster than the native and lax criminal laws for minors and minorities.

Fuck off we're full

I know that, and it doesn't matter. It's the same thing in every fucking nation:
If your nation is normal, immigrants will work picking up trash, in fields or in taxies but everybody will complain they are stealing jobs
If your nation is wealthy like switzerland immigrants will work in offices, factories, as
managers and everybody will complain that they are "stealing muh jobs"

They bring people in only if there is a shortage, no one is complaining if people with PhDs come to work in countries, my department has tons of foreigners and we still can't get enough.

Why would it be different in Switzerland? Besides there are many Cantons, Switzerland is based because of it's decentralized model.

For example in the italian border thousands of people everyday cross it to work in very respectable businesses and bring worth to the country and still there are political parties wanting to ban them because they are stealing jobs from the swiss.
Also where do what is your department, I'm from Trst gib work

I mean for people working in CERN or UBS, do you think they only hire locals lol? CERN is mostly foreigner driven.

Which parties?
>Also where do what is your department, I'm from Trst gib work
I work at a software firm that specializes in medical imaging.

Those places aren't even really swiss, it's like working at an embassy and everyone lives at the company's assigned houses

serious question, what european country is the best for dollar conversion?

Also the parties are "La Lega del Ticino" and the nationalist right

Thanks so much EU, for letting me get out of your borders

How do they manage to just get by and be left alone?

ahahahahahah, NO!

That party only has influence in a small canton (again which is good) but yeah what I meant was high productivity high IQ individuals tend to stick together and work over borders with huge companies.

I agree that it's stupid for someone to try and become Swiss because some local shop employs you but in general the top positions in any country are open to everyone.

Take your degee and shove it up your ass. Nobody needs you here.

Lol this OP, even if you don't leech for wellfare the switz are the biggest racists outthere, even against europeans especially if you're french or german.

I have dual citizenship with ireland so Im allowed

The Swiss are more welcoming to Muslims and Africans than fellow Europeans or whites.

You think your lill' diploma will get you a place in Swiss ? It is already difficult and it is about to get harder for foreigners to get there.

40% Americans
40% Germans
20% Brits

>evil Switz are racist against the French
Tell me one good reason why we shouldn’t be, Abdullaziz

Isn't Switzerland like 1/4 French?

op is a confirmed faggot

>become honorary mountain Jew
>step 4?

You're in your right desu, you still are a bunch of bastards

Because we can annex you when we please, little man.

>he thinks Francucks can actually annex the bastion of the world globalism and Rotshchilds


Attached: Barad dur.jpg (1024x768, 455K)

No. French speaking. Not French.
Jealous much?
>French annexing countries.
Yeah, no. But I give you that France is able to control a bunch of (sand-)nigger countries.
Think about it: since France has stopped buying Swiss mercenaries, it has not won a single war.

Jealous ?
Fix your demographic issue first you dense fuck

You definitely have a point there. Switzerland has become the victim of its own success, I guess. I think we should start with kicking out those parasite frontaliers & immigrants from France, Germany and Italy since they’re by far the largest groups of foreigners.
At the same time we should kick all niggers and muslims out.

You have too much concentrated capital in top global firms, you don't have enough (by definition) high IQ locals that can fill all the jobs of those companies, so you need Germans, Italians and other such "subhumans" to fill those jobs in order to maintain wealth.

I really respect the best of your country, Ivan: Bright, hard working and much less alcoholic than one might think. And the girls... good stuff.
But unlike Germany, France, Italy, and other (((EU))) countries, Russia really sends her best. Spasiba.

Oops, haven’t seen your flag properly because phoneposting. Forget what I said.

>you don't have enough (by definition) high IQ locals that can fill all the jobs of those companies
Wrong. Average top manager IQ is 115. All this does is to marginalize very high IQ people like me even further in the job market by bringing in the most annoying group in the world into the country :
educated idiots.

is belgium nice

Attached: Screenshot_20180619-124414.png (1080x1920, 1.27M)

Fuck off, we Swiss are full.

We is kangz of swiss table serving and construction. Swiss is Portuguese colony with Swiss, German and Italians tolerated because they bring wealth. We let a few Albanian, Turks and African baboons in because it allows us to better dominate the society by "Divide and Conquer" methods.

Fuck off of our Portuguese turf. we're full.

Fuck off we are full...DO NOT COME...YOUR ARE NOT WELCOME

How muslims even got to Switzerland? I heard that you can get local citizenship only if all people in the area agree on that. It actually sounds like very ancient shit, in ancient kingdonm you were accepted only if you marry local woman (i.e. get accepted by her father) and by other locals.

Unfortunately, that is not the case anymore in all communities. But it’s actually a very sound process because who else but the neighbors and the members of the community can tell if a person has integrated well? I fail to see how this is an ancient method of verifying someone’s integrity.

Muslims? Yeah. A sad chapter. Switzerland should ban Islam and tell Muslims to convert or to fuck off.

>I fail to see how this is an ancient method of verifying someone’s integrity.
I mean, your democracy is not something super-progressive, but it's a very ancient thing. Everywhere else citizenship is given by bureaucrats.

But my question is how muslims even get citizenship in switzerland? I've been there, and swiss appears to be xenophobic even to foreign whites.

What is the best job to learn if you want a lot of movement?, I want to be able to leave Austarlia if I'm able to.

To clarify, by “ancient” I understood “outdated”. I’m fine with the notion that it’s an ancient practice in the sense of “well established”. But in many communities (especially in cities), bureaucrats are in charge now too - hence so many muslims. Plus, we’ve got a shitload of woman and cucks in this country as well, Luigi.
On a side note, witnessing the developments in Italy makes me proud of you and it fills me with hope. Godspeed user

> me
> ctrl+F
> no one shills for Liechtenstein
> no one shills for Liechtenstein on Jow Forums
> no one shits on Liechtenstein on Jow Forums
> ???
> people chill af
> actual monarchy in XXI century
> Christianity as a state religion
> the leader is called a Furst (yes, I know there is an umlaut), which in itself is hilarious
> the country is literally called after the owner that bought it for better social status
> literally whitest place imaginable
> bonus points for being a microstate for your elitist needs
> Germans go through 2 countries to get better wage, the highest wage goes to one that gives best head, good too see that for change
> to actually live there you will have to sacrifice virginity (basically marriage is the only way) and shit like ten million bucks for a shack
> still worth it

top tier country, so much better (and actually whiter) than Switzerland

Ok, but why is this in Jow Forums?