Is Buddhism the true redpill?
Is Buddhism the true redpill?
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Buddhism is for the weak is the true redpill.
its certainly a redpill
It's Hinduism for Plebs
you're a mental weakling
If being a pleb means not worshiping cows and shitting on the side of the street then I'm good.
>eternal truth
Sanatan dharm you mean
>not worshiping cows
>Be careful to your thoughts!!!
It’s too much superficial. The only true way is God.
t. onion boy
That's hindu philosophy
Truth is God though
Hinduism preaches other religions are different paths on the same mountain we're not a theocentric civilization
Yes. You are right.
checkout Sahdguru
>Hinduism preaches other religions are different paths on the same mountain we're not a theocentric civilization
they are right in that case.
The middle way
Matthew 7:14 New International Version (NIV)
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
God has nothing to do with religion
They can and will fight back if they have too. Just ask the Rohingyas.
Old people need to be gassed
>God is Truth and Love.
God is a Dragon.
Why is there friction between Hindus and Buddhists?
Explain the problem pls
Even with the name that site trys way too hard to be edgy.
"For too long, so many lies and so much misinformation have been spread about Satan. Many of us have seen him, have conversed with him, and have even been astrally touched by him. Nearly all of us who know him agree concerning his appearance. Enemy so-called "religions" have for far too long, written the book on how they believe him to appear, how they believe Demons to look and these are nothing but blasphemous lies."
They try to paint satan as a good character but play up the dark, goth/emo stereotype harder than a 13 year olds myspace account back in the day.
>Animosity, conflict, clashes, discord, strife.
Genuinely interested
Buddhism is essentially a leftist offshoot of hinduism
They worship faggotic devas, not Gods
They’re human like with a spiritual body
This. I am Buddha, not a Buddhist. What kind of faggot worships themselves? Buddhists, that's who!
Their is not friction it's not even a meme
Yeah that's why Buddism flourished and grew out of India
Buddhism is pretty dope. Maybe not all of it, but there are some interesting concepts at its core.
The Four Noble truths are pretty legit, basically that life is suffering, and desire is the root of all suffering.
1. Suffering
Life always involves suffering, in obvious and subtle forms. Even when things seem good, we always feel an undercurrent of anxiety and uncertainty inside.
2. The Cause of Suffering
The cause of suffering is craving and fundamental ignorance. We suffer because of our mistaken belief that we are a separate, independent, solid “I.” The painful and futile struggle to maintain this delusion of ego is known as samsara, or cyclic existence.
3. The End of Suffering
The good news is that our obscurations are temporary. They are like passing clouds that obscure the sun of our enlightened nature, which is always present. Therefore, suffering can end because our obscurations can be purified and awakened mind is always available to us.
4. The Path
By living ethically, practicing meditation, and developing wisdom, we can take exactly the same journey to enlightenment and freedom from suffering that the buddhas do. We too can wake up.
t. I'm afraid of the truth
>American education
>being aware of your thoughts, actions and strings of consequences is too superficial
>the real deep thing is blindly worshipping the god your priest told you about as a kid
Truly amazing.
Literally, a poo.
Read the site....
"The site is too edgy"
If all you obsess over is the color and layout of the website, then you truly are a retard.
Satan is the truth. Deal with it...
Yes the big man in the sky is certainly real its not just human imagination seeking a causal connection in the forward motion of time, something your brain is hard-wired to do.
No it's lame and gay.
don't anything at all ever under any circumstances: the religion
>don't walk over there cuz your legs have to do manual labor, icky
It's more edgy to believe Satan is evil and hideous (the Jewish version) than it is to believe Satan is the kind and beautiful Being that He is.
Why is it always Americans, is it the lead in the water or niggers in school
>Being against nature is superficial
More news at 11
Secular Buddhism is cool, but as a religion you're better off becoming a Unitarian which allows a Buddhist framework
It's the toxic and self-destructive society than we have to live in, I'm guessing you're content with living in slums and not pooing in the loo?
>post makes absolutely no sense
To be expected
Just remember guys
Truth transcends man made religions.
>Secular Buddhism is cool
So many things from it can be applied to your life regardless of your religion.
Buddhism has a lot that we can learn about the ancient truth but as a whole it's just a suicide cult.
>Reject everything from life.
>Become a part of nature.
>Escape the cycle of reincarnation.
It's basically the method of becoming one with God but forgetting that God exists so your soul disappears instead. Chinese buddhism is marginally better.
I don't live in a slum faggot only a very very small part of the urban population in India lives in a slum America has a higher level of homelessness than India
Americans are told from birth how important freedom is. If one can do that using a practice that isn't 'native' to their life experience; why try and stop them?
Thoughts come naturally in the mind you stupid shit
>Buddhist thought consistently rejects the notion of a creator deity.
It can be, it has a lot of good lessons.
Treat it more like philosophy than religion.
>secular Buddism
What does that even mean
>soul disappears
>how important freedumb is
>pays kosher tax
>being this retarded you don't even know what being aware of your thoughts means
Jesus, Jow Forums should replace the captcha with an iq test.
Buddism is a technology for controlling ones own mind.
>What does that even mean
That means you aren't following all the monk rules.
My mom says Buddhism isn't a religion because Buddha never claimed to be God or a prophet of God.
No. All worldly religions are in decline.
Being a monk is a choice
The whole point of becoming a monk and rejecting a mundane life is so that the soul becomes one with nature escaping the cycle of reincarnation.
Buddhist monks follow 227 rules while normal people only have 5.
It depends on how secular you are I guess. Some treat it as a life philosophy while others have their traditions derived from Hinduism.
Your mother is quite right about it.
There is always desire to be something more within human. Usually it manifest itself trough materialistic ways, sexual ways, trough drugs or parenthood example. It is endless chasing, rat-race that leads nowhere but keeps you busy trough own creation that people calls as life.
We can't remember our time as toddlers because we didn't exist in that time. We had no identity. Only when years has gone while we gathered data from our environment we created identity. When we have our identity, we decide what matters to us. Then we experience impulsive feelings when things didn't go as we wanted.
We are piece of life that creates own image and plays it (Genesis 1:27 So God created man in His own image). We get so tangled to our own creation that it can kill us and bring us into hell. We think that something or someone causes our misery even when we alone create everything within.
We have all this mysterious desire to do something, be something more. It usually manifest itself trough sexual ways, materialistic ways, trough parenthood, dating, drugs, games, food, alcohol.. you name it. Trough that it leads nowhere, it keeps us happy for a moment and then we need more. So where we are now? We are piece of life that want to experience bigger part of it. Trough physical ways it finds not that part and when that need to expand finds no expression we create this pain within. So what to do? This is what meditation is all about. We wan't to think nothing, be nothing because that is just the data we gathered from the physical and created self from it. When we learn to be still, just be as piece of life, something start to happen that seems to expand you into everywhere. It seems to that consciousness, awareness is the basic that exist and everything else it is manifest of it.
I think that what ((they)) wan't is to bind us more and more into physical, sins, into that rat-race i wrote about above, so that we wouldn't learn or even think about this.
Why don’t you explain it to everyone, smartass?
This reply sounds like it came from someone who does not understand sadhana, much less Zen.
You can do that just by following your duty to the universe
What is sadhna?
>What an affirmative Aryan religion, the product of the ruling class, looks like: the law-book of Manu.(The deification of the feeling of power in Brahma: interesting that it arose among the warrior caste and was only transferred to the priests.)
>What an affirmative Semitic religion, the product of the ruling class, looks like: the law-book of Mohammed, the older parts of the Old Testament. (Mohammedanism, as a religion for men, is deeply contemptuous of the sentimentality and mendaciousness of Christianity— which it feels to be a woman's religion.)
>What a negative Semitic religion, the product of an oppressed class, looks like: the New Testament (— in Indian-Aryan terms: a chandala religion).
>What a negative Aryan religion looks like, grown up among the ruling orders: Buddhism. It is quite in order that we possess no religion of oppressed Aryan races, for that is a contradiction: a master race is either on top or it is destroyed.
4 noble truths are real.
>master race
Civilisation is a pendulum discount hans
Google version:
Definition of sadhana. plural -s. 1 : Hindu religious training or discipline through which an individual attains samadhi. 2 : Hindu or Buddhist spiritual training through which an individual worships a formed image as a mediate step to the worship of a formless deity or principle.
Since the soul has no form, and Truth becomes subjective the 'deeper' you go; anyone is capable of this.
How does it relate to American being into freedom?
Satan or Eris are the redpills
Hail Discordia Hail Lucifer
>explain it to everyone
You're the only retard in this thread.
Some Americans are aware things are changing. Where do you go when you're already in the best place to live? You go within.
We are souls inside bodies, existing in a universe. There is already some math to suggest there are others. We made need AI to confirm this, as human explanation is too poetic sometimes.
That shit would never work here in the US
china's worst nightmare
Lazy philosophy for docile do-nothings.
Might be useful to subdue some niggers though.
>Gneugneugneu I don’t even know there are lurkers
Buddhism is pretty legit, and my poster child of showing how shit mudslimes are. Muzzies piss the buddhists off, how much of a bunch of assholes do you have to be to piss off buddhists?
Hinduism is some top tier anime shit. Might explain the hilarity of bollywood.
Meditation gives this, I will post later what christianity gives you.
And here are the "benefits" of being a kike christcuck.
Buddhism is just a Kshatrya revolt agaist the Brahmins
Proof that the Shroud of Turin is the Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ!
Creation and Miracles - Condensed Version
muh happines and tranquility
Buddhism is a black pill. It asserts that all existence is meaningless, and the only freedom is to renounce all of life and stop caring "becoming attached" to anything. Once you accept the meaningless and eternal flow of life, you can remove yourself from it through entering Nirvana, or having your consciousness merge with the nothingness.
I think it is probably the most depressing and awful philosophy there is. That being said, it makes more sense than most from a purely logical perspective.
Do buddhist drink cow, camel, or any kind of piss?
studying buddhism and then completely abandoning it is the final redpill
Time does not exist. Because we are mortal we invented a concept of time because ours is limited. To immortal creatures in the world our concept of time is not very relevant.