I just got back from the statue of liberty and on a plaque I saw this poem written by an American woman in 1883.
Mass immigration is an American value
How can you say mass immigration is wrong when this poem is inside of the STATUE OF LIBERTY?
>Emma Lazarus was born in New York City, July 22, 1849, into a large Sephardic Jewish family. She was the fourth of seven children of Moses Lazarus, a wealthy Jewish merchant
ya mass immigration from Europe
Dude, life is too short to be so hateful. Come on, really? Really?
Do you know why the french gave us the statue of liberty?
They didn't have any use for a statue with only one arm in the air
fucking idiot. This was written when there was absolutely no minimum wage, no health care, government spending to gdp was at 7%.
Free immigration is a good thing, but not when we have our 36% government spending to gdp of today, and our massive government regulations.
I'm all for free immigration, but we have to defund the government first.
Fuck off gay kike faggot
Reminder the sonnet OP is referencing is literal Zionist Jew propaganda.
A poem written by a Socialist Jew woman is not the law of the land.
>when you use so many meme flags you forget which one is active
We also didn't have income tax but liberals don't demand we repeal that do they?
When that poem was posted the world was just getting to have a population around 1 billion. A little over 100 years later and its over 7 billion.
That's a great point. wtf i love mass immigration now
Was a present from the French to celebrate the Centenial of the Declaration of Independence. Nothing whatever to do with immigration. Poem was put on it 20 years later.
Fuck that progrom dodging kike, and If that statue means America has to be the toilet for the turd worlds excrement then chop it up and send the bitch back.
>I'm all for free immigration, but we have to defund the government first.
t. retarded boomer
I literally can’t.
Statue of Liberty is a symbol of American Evil. The whole thing represents how the American and French (((Revolutions))) were connected at the hip and how "liberty" (and "freedom") are dumbass empty concepts that the Jews use to manipulate us. Furthermore the statue contains a lot of JEWlluminati/Khabalist symbolism.
American and its "muh freedom" and it's individualism are cancer and so is the France of "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity".
mass immigration has always been a part of America's culture, unlike Europe's "multicultural" somali refugees. prove me wrong Jow Forums
All United States immigration policies were either exclusive to whites or heavily favored whites before 1965.
another lazarus thread?
shills are getting lazy
"white" immigration is still immigration. and most of those groups were discriminated against when they first came to america
The United States was founded by whites for the benefit of whites. "Mass immigration" in today's context means a race neutral policy which sees the west as a free for all for the entire world. That wasn't the case for the vast majority of America's history.
>was founded by whites for the benefit of whites.
i think you mean WASP land-owners, which is a very exclusive group of whites that never included all/most european immigrants, even in 1776.
>race neutral policy which sees the west as a free for all for the entire world. That wasn't the case for the vast majority of America's history.
america has always been a defacto race-neutral free for all
We weren't a welfare state back then though were we? Times have changed you stupid fuck. Back then people were forced to work hard becsuse there wasnt a safety net.
All European ethnicities have been considered to be white by US law since the creation of the USA.
>america has always been a defacto race-neutral free for all
Except for the cases in which I provided, right? ;^) And the founder's intentions matter when discussing issues like the second amendment. Why shouldn't their intentions regarding race and citizenship matter when discussing historical immigration into the United States?
>this poem written by an American woman
Thanks for the laugh.
>Poems are the same thing as immigration policy
The US is a nation of laws.
Every single other fucking country in the world is a "nation of immigrants".
(((Melting pot)))