You're losing this fight bigots

You're losing this fight bigots

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Barry Soetoro school?

Awesome. Their new school mascot can be a drone carrying a missile.

>Jefferson Davis
>Confederate general

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I haven't seen any right wing people on Twitter give a fuck about this. Only lefties talking about how angry right wingers will be.

Kids hate school anyway, so does make them racists now too?

>Confederate General

Pic of Jeff Davis. CNN and OP are fucking retarded.

Beat me

Obama has all but been erased by the Teflon Don.
Having a few nigger schools named after him is expected.
Blacks only have like 3 people they can use for honorary namings.

Osama Bin Laden memorial library.

Kang niggra school

it can be changed easily once the nigger is rotting in jail or a grave, fuck him, i will personally go on a travel visa to take a dump on his grave

We will exterminate every last nigger and nigger-loving Northerner soon enough

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Who's the artist?

To be fair, Davis was a fucking jobber

bin Laden is more deserving of having a monument named after him than any American president in the last 150 years desu.

At least bin Laden mostly killed New Yorkers

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The name change probably reflects the schools new demographic better anyways, better than letting their poor performance be a blight on his name

The least cnn could do was get their history correct

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Calling him a general is almost a jab. He was tactically a fucking idiot.

Obama deported more illegals than Trump. He is secretly /ourguy

Don't be in such a hurry to lose another war bub.

The south had the largest percentage of Jews-slave owners. Sherman's march was necessary.

>implying we're gonna lose

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He was the President

Although not the first, if we wanted to go with semantics people like samuel huntington and john hancock were the first presidents

10 presidents during articles of confederation>>>>>~100 year power gap>>>>>>confederacy reforms and jefferson is President

>Sherman's march was necessary.

ALL Nigger-loving Northerners deserve to be EXTERMINATED



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don’t cut yourself on that edge, son

I can't imagine the amount of shit whites are willing to take without being outraged. I guess as long as we have our football, guns, and trucks...

We killed a ton of Jews. I don't care if your family suffered. Gen Grant expelled Jews wherever he went and executed them. You gave them quarter and haven. You attacked the North first. Your own troops killed Stonewall Jackson. There was never a chance you could win. The north has the brains, and industry. You have nothing.

that school needs a little redecorating, any incels up for a challenge?

At the absolute most there will be some riots, some attacks, some murders, maybe even a mass murder (like Dylan Roof) but at the end of the day you don't have the numbers, organization, leadership and not enough people really care about all this racial shit to kill and fight in a war over it. A lot of you will end up dead or in jail.

Last time you went to war over the slaves...which was a big deal back then...but this time what will it be? Because you want to say openly nigger? You want to kill all the niggers? Force em back to Africa?

Good luck getting this short attention span generation to give a shit about that enough to die or go to jail for it.

>We killed a ton of Jews.

No you didn't you nigger-loving Jew shits

>You have nothing.
>kills two Northerners for every Southerner in battle

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Who the fuck would want to go to Barack Hussein elementary school? My mom would of pulled me out and sent me somewhere else.

>You want to kill all the niggers?

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Fort sumter was ours. You should have evacuated once we declared succession

>I don't care if your family suffered.

I lost 29 family members in the war because you faggots wanted to give niggers rights.

At least they killed 60 of you fuckers. Too bad it wasn't 6 million instead.

You nigger lovers deserve to be slaughtered down to the last plain and simple. And we WILL do it.

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You're the nigger lovers and Jew lovers. As stated there were more Jews in the south than in any other area of the world. You even fucked your niggers and reproduced with them, significantly lowering the average IQ of the southerner to the current day.

Succession is illegal.

>At the absolute most there will be some riots, some attacks, some murders, maybe even a mass murder (like Dylan Roof)

There will be the Day of the Rope. And you will die on it along every other nigger and nigger-loving subhuman

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any place named after a nigger is a place you don't want to be

You southerners are pussies. We should've just exterminated all of you and repopulated with the original stock that made this country unstoppable. The south is to this day a fucking burden. Highest rates of obesity, smoking, incest, rape, murder, no high school diplomas, and that dumb annoying fucking accent. Jesus could anyone sound more retarded? Golly Jee huck huck

>You're the nigger lovers

You literally freed the niggers gave them the vote.

>Jew lovers

The North is literally overrun with Jews. You've probably got kike blood you polluting your veins yourself you filthy nigger loving race traitor.

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I'm actually glad. It helps identify these schools and neighborhoods.
Is there a bigger indicator of low property values, poor schools, and high crime than a school named Martin Luther King or Barack Obama?

>falseflagging on Jow Forums

Do that shit on other boards my guy, we all understand the way the world really works here.

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A tyrannical federal government was never the vision of our founding fathers

It wasn't even about slaves you nigger

Yes, because naming a school after a president helps society improve, let alone black people.

I swear, fucking niggers.

>We should've just exterminated all of you and repopulated with the original stock that made this country unstoppable.

We WILL exterminate you. YOU are the leftist subhuman vermin that have faggotized this once great country and given it to the parasites and the niggers.

>and that dumb annoying fucking accent. Jesus could anyone sound more retarded?

That's funny coming from a filthy Jew Yorker parasite with the asthmatic Hebrew lisp emanating from his wretched lips



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That's right, your short attention span lady boys will never take up arms against a rebellion. You're doomed this time

The South is the REAL America

The North is in a leftist Jewish nigger-loving Hellhole that needs to be WIPED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH



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We only freed the niggers to fuck you up. Then you went and killed Lincoln, who was a hardcore racist and planning to send the niggers to Africa. My blood is pure you filthy fuck, that's why I'm where I am and you're where you are.

>they change school names
>we change the president
fair deal

Oh but it was. That's what a republic is. Tyranny.

lmao, didn't even notice they completely fucked up who jefferson davis was, wow cnn, pack of tards

Even Hitler thought the southerners were worthless. He only liked the midwest and the north.

Whenever that "day" comes please be wise. I genuinely don't want you to spend the rest of your natural life in a prison cell over something stupid.

State rights?

The south is a shithole, indistinguishable from Mexico.

100 years ago the "racist bigots" warned what would happen if blacks were granted full freedom
The RACIST said blacks were:
Sex crazy
Would reproduce without any concept of fidelity
Crazy desire to fuck white women
Would vote for anyone that gave them free stuff
Would reject upper education
Black men have no concept of fatherhood
Are lazy, feed them and they will do nothing

EVERY THING they warned up about has come true!!!

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Yea you're a fucking troll. Hitler had high regard for the South

Source? Nope. He praised the Scandinavian and Germanic elements of the US. Not the inbreds who lost a war in their own country

So what’s gonna happen when obama is outted as a pedo loving faggot? His only achievement is doubling the deficit and being the first nigger in the oval office

Idiocracy wasn’t supposed to be a a documentary you guys!

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Well considering richmond is over 50% blacks this is no surprise...

>We only freed the niggers to fuck you up.


>Then you went and killed Lincoln

You're goddamn right we did. It's a shame we didn't do it soon.

>Then you went and killed Lincoln, who was a hardcore racist and planning to send the niggers to Africa.

His last public speech was literally about giving niggers the vote you fucking retard.

>My blood is pure you filthy fuck, that's why I'm where I am and you're where you are.

lol no it's not, you're a goddamn nigger-loving Jew and deserve a trip to the incinerator with the rest of your wretched kind.

Hitler hated Americans in general you fucktard.

>I genuinely don't want you to spend the rest of your natural life in a prison cell over something stupid.

Don't worry, I don't let them have the pleasure of taking me alive.

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Virginia hasn't been a red state for quite a while. Minnesota is more right wing at this point.

>Virginia hasn't been a red state for quite a while. Minnesota is more right wing at this point.

Because Virginia is overrun with Jewish parasites from DC

Trump is a puppet of World Jewry (and probably a Jew himself) so Obongo will walk.

>this coming from a Northerner who lets Tyrone fuck his wife every night

Hitler praised America as a successful example of Germanic colonization. Specifically he loved the way we exterminated the natives and modeled his concentration camps on our's from the 1800s. You dumb worthless waste of seed. Lincoln said shit for votes you idiotic wretch. The north was nice enough to rebuild your economy and allow you to join again. The CSA was destined to fail because it was run by inbred toothless low IQ retards. Personally we should've just continued and slaughtered every last southern man, woman, child, jew, and nigger who fought for you.

>Blacks only have like 3 people they can use for honorary namings.
You'd think that, but they pump the numbers by lowering the standards of who you can name shit after. There is a community center in Baltimore, right now, named after a career felon and heroin dealer.

>1out of 100's
math is hard

"You no longer have a Constitution in this land. The most vile criminal people that ever walked the face of the earth now reside in Washington DC and they are your masters!!!
And Jesus Christ is going to bless this land?!
How dare you even consider it!!!
I'm asking you to make measly, miserable worms out of ALL Federal Agents! This is our country! When you raise that hand to feel the power, that comes from total absolute unconditional commitment!
We win or we die!!!"
-Louis Beam

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C'mon. Southern girls love the BBC. It's a known fact. Southern chicks are the sluttiest, most cum guzzling sluts in the entire US.

As if those in the South even go to school
Anyways, it will become the worst performing school in the district soon enough.

>The Juden shows his true colors

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Remember, the Confederacy literally seceded because the North didn't support expanding their nigger breeding program.

Fucking NOVA

Same shit happened with Wolfenstein II and the claim "Nazis" were upset. Only complaints were about making the game political.

Cletus won't know the difference.

I'm a far right Trump supporter and racist. I don't give one fuck about defending the confederacy. Quit acting like it's a political issue.

>The south is to this day a fucking burden. Highest rates of obesity, smoking, incest, rape, murder, no high school diplomas, and that dumb annoying fucking accent

Uh, mostly due to dem thar niggars.

>losing the fight
We bigots have the political power now. You changed the name of a fucking school. Stop shilling

The Jews wouldn't have any power in America if not for their plantations in the south, which we burned and pillaged.

Big deal, times change so why do you care so much?

Last time I checked trump is in office and practically destroyed Obamas legacy. If you count naming a random elementary school after Obama as an accomplishment that's pretty sad

Is Barack dead yet?
Naming something whilst said person is still alive is bad form

>Hitler praised America as a successful example of Germanic colonization.

lol no he didn't, Nazi propaganda always depicted America as Judeaified and Niggerified, which it's become because of NORTHERNERS

>You dumb worthless waste of seed.

That's funny coming a Unionist subhuman who literally wants America to become the land of Marxism and niggers.

>Lincoln said shit for votes you idiotic wretch.

He said it because he was a nigger lover like you. Plain and simple.

>The north was nice enough to rebuild your economy

LOL no you didn't, you plundered the South for everything not nailed to the ground and then put niggers on a pedestal.

>and allow you to join again.

We don't want to be a part of you nigger-loving Marxist Republic. And we will burn it to the ground.

>The CSA was destined to fail because it was run by inbred toothless low IQ retards.

TWO dead Northerners for every Southerner and WE are the inbred toothless low IQ retards?

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NOVA Jewified, Richmond negrofied, and don't even fucking get me started on the coastal area. Fuck. VA has been lost for awhile.

>Personally we should've just continued and slaughtered every last southern man, woman, child, jew, and nigger who fought for you.

Not if we exterminate first. AND WE WILL.


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Is it hard knowing you will always be nigger?

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We can reconquer it. Christians took Spain back from the mudshits, so shall we retake Old Dominion.

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They're trying to erase Confederate history to bring back the slave trade.

Lot of "you're losing faggot" thread recently.

Do libtards start shitting their pants ?

Hitler literally wrote of his admiration for America in Mein Kampf. Joke's on you though, because I already knew you can't read. I don't like niggers, marxism, or any of that shit. I just like money, power, and clean pussy, which is why I live in the North. I bang supermodels from all over the world, I'd never want to date women who've had sex with their fathers and brothers, cousins and uncles. Your exaggerating, there were more people in the north. You were humiliatingly defeated and forced to sign unconditional surrender terms. The other option was complete and utter annihilation.

That's what your great grand daddy said before mine shot him between the eyes

the union went on to murder inndians for years after the cvil war. then they murdered spain in a false flag war you east coast jews started. southerners have to stop joining the miiltary and midwest too. make the goverment have to draft people when they false flag us into wars so the east coast faggots can fight for themselves when they jew us into another war

lincoln didnt free slaves in union slave states though.

switch your meme flag, faggot.

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is that why is took 4 years and unlimited resources and immigrants and 3000000 dead yankees . hahahaha you cucks got 30000000 dead yankees killed and then let robert e lee live the rest of his life as a legend. so embarssing how trash the north east is at anything involving balls

To be fair, they're not technically wrong. As president of the Confederacy, Davis was the Commander and Chief of all Confederate Forces. As Thus, he was the head General/Admiral of All elements the Confederate Army and Navy.

But who won?

when are jew yankees going change the name of washing dc and tear down all those statues of racist white presidents including lincoln who was still a white supremacist himself