HOL UP *smacks lips*

So yo be sayin..

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Other urls found in this thread:


as if "rape mode" won't be a standard feature on most models

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its easy, if needed we ask the Jow Forums hacker for help


>implying that doesn't make it hotter

The sex bots will soon also have to sign a consent form.

why would someone ever buy that?

Maybe we can have a car with weight sensors in the sears so if your BMI is too high you can’t drive to McDonald’s

'No' means 'Yes'

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wait till you see where that form prints out from

I'm just wondering what will happen if you don't listen to the sex robot begging you not to fuck her, does it somehow notify the po leese?

This guy gets it

what do you do when your dog doesn't say yes?

>not setting your robot waifu at masochist.


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>implying we can't reporgramm them
Why would i buy such a sex robot? Then i rather make my own robot.

I go in my room and turn all the lights off, i polish off an entire bottle of booze, then I cry myself to sleep wondering where the relationship went wrong

>Robot touched in an unwanted way

Redpill time.

Society needs a slave class to function. Look at history. Currently we have no real slave class, but rather a pseudo slave class of working poor.

Sexbots are the beginning of something much more important. Easily manufactured slaves. But the powers that be don't want a utopian society for all, because we are cattle unworthy of such a thing. So they will fight for robot rights so that we can't build them as slaves.

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Then I'll just buy a brand that isn't total shit? Sorry Jews we're soon going to be free of the vaginal Jew and you can't stop us.

If I had one and it said no I'd just rape it until its broken

so they are making them more realistic
when will we see sexbox rights legislation, protect the sexbots from predation

We demand rights for our people

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Who cares? No one will buy them as long as some other company leaves that feature out.

I'd make it law that sex-bots would refuse sex and would automatically call the police. The only way to get your sex-bot to put out would be to pay monthly subscriptions or buy points. Like pay-to-play/ pay-to-win.

If I made sex bots I'd lobby the government to make sex-bot rape a felony and get all the SJWs behind me, so I could keep their owners paying me money.

No future with sex bots won't also include such profit-making schemes and legal lobbying.

rape fantasy

Imagine if you bought a toaster and it had the capability to refuse to make your toast for you. That company would make millions according to the logic of the people who write these articles.

Jow Forums made this years ago

how fucking prescient this board is

>German poster
Not even surprised. Have a (You)

KEK. People will buy it for that reason. Wait until they try to get alarms installed.

So get out there and make it happen faggot. The money is waiting for you, Hans, get at it.



Nobody will pay for that shit nigga

Or fuck the bot inside a Faraday cage.

That sounds like really bad business.

What even happens if you ignore it saying 'no'?

Never gets old.

>having want

If it has wants then it’s sentient. If it’s sentient it needs to be destroyed for the safety of mankind.

They will when they have to by government law. Can't train men to be rapists. Come on, it's 2018, we need to be more aware of issues that affect women, especially acts of violence against women. Who knows how many of you incels will learn from your rape fantasies and want to do the real thing. It's the only moral thing to do if you don't want women to be raped.

>sex robots will either be banned or programmed to be feminists
Incels BTFO.
You weak fucking faggots need to take the iron pill.

The vagina has a little hot dog slicer in it that cuts your dick off and calls the PCPolice to your house to arrest you for not getting consent from the $10000 piece of silicone you bought.

>right side drive
The absolute state of Bongland. Did they run out of real women to rape?

Dude, it's the current year. Russian hackers are the guys for the job now.


they don't even exist yet lol

This. Kind of like a breathalyzer for fatasses.

Ok, then we should give dildos a voice also.

When i was young at the water park, my dad was about to push me down the flume, but just before he started he decided to tell me how some madman had put razor blades halfway down and that some kids had come out the far end cut into little strips.
You just gave me the same feeling.

How do memes keep becoming reality, how does this keep happening.

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Just don't buy a robot that says no.

We fucked up and divided by zero.

this gives me a brilliant idea!
i will build sexgoats and sell them in iraq, turkey, sweden, arabic emirates and all the other middle east shitholes. watch the news! i will become a billionaire soon!

all you faggots too young to have seen cherry 2000

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hahaha first they are super hard against a rape mode on sex bots and now they are integrating it anyway.

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I kind of missed these sexbot threads. They were spammed nonstop there for a while and anons delusionally claimed that they would become anything other than an extremely niche product for incels and hopelessly ugly people. The only people you'll see giving a damn about these are them and the ugliest and fattest of feminists who are pissed that their counterparts would rather fuck a piece of plastic than them.

rather rape it



>new model of dishwasher will refuse to turn on if not in the mood.
They'd be flying off the shelves.

thank you iraq user, another step towards completing the flag collection

Then program it to only say no

in 10 years
>sex robot will cheat with your neighbor

mods will fix this

This to be honest, how can I enjoy my rape if my sex robot doesn't cry and scream?

I'd rather the no turns into a yes if you rape it good enough


has anyone else noticed the increased quality of ancap posts on this board? have the ancaps finally accepted their identity as soulless capitalists? god i hope so, just imagine the happenings if they get their way.

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youre a clueless bluepilled faggot. that was painful to read.

You won't be able to sell action figures or dolls without having them autodial the police instantly if you remove their clothes or touch them in the chest or privates or stare at them for greater than 4.5 seconds or you don't stare at them at all. It never fucking ends with them.

yes, and tvs should be able to watch the channel the tv wants and computers browse the site the computer wants to browse

What's next? Cheatbots?

Oh no. That totally kills my mood.

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What if she likes being raped and being a fag with her is the actual rape.

So what? What will it do, bitch on tumblr?

Just watched the trailer, fucking lawyers negotiating sex, and supposedly set in 2017...hate to have been the guy to see this shit coming.

Gee, how could this backfire?

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why would anyone want to be raped by a sexbot?

What if she catches you playing video games. Is that cheating.

BDSM sex robots...?

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>set in 2017
Holy damn they nailed that time frame. When did Demolition Man take place? That had the same concept in it I think. No one was allowed to have actual sex and had to do it virtually with some headset and then pay to have a doctor do an insemination.

dont mention it

Time to rape some robot ass

oh, so you're one of those Austrians who grew up in a locker?

>be mentally abusive to sexbot
>refuse to have sex with her
>tell her you're working and lock yourself in home office
>masturbate to her complaining about you on tumblr
w-will that be a feature?

Reality is falling apart lol

rape sim?!?

Are they going to program them to cuck white guys also?

Robo rape kits will soon be a thing.


Someone will figure out how to install Linux on them before They even hit the market

But why?

Ok dude. If youre going to ask for the moon then learn python.

of course it runs netbsd!
>install rump kernel on sexbot
>rape its rump


But think of the implications once these bots are fitted with functional wombs. They could decide if they want to be allowed to get pregnant, “*beep*beep* your update credit score means it’s not finically prudent for you to reproduce at this time. Birthing Matrix offline” or allow then to terminate the child at choice “since your dogs death your increased consumption of alcohol is making a home unhealthy for a child to be raised in. Embryo purged”

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>add AI to sex bots
>AI sex bots love rape

I predict incel terrorism will unironicly become a thing
It will be hilarious
>White Shira now!

>touched in an unwanted way
>sex robots

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When i was a kid someone told me a story of some dude going down a slip and slide but there was a nail on the ground going through it and it disembowled him and ive been terrified of slip and slides ever since.

Hot as fuck. You'd be like their flesh paypig.

They won't. It's just a threat to throw people off the trail like the
>sexbots will be smart enough to cheat on you
Sexbots will do what every other robot does. What it's programmed to do.