1981: Neo Francoists tried a coup d'etat

1981: Neo Francoists tried a coup d'etat.
2018: ?
How can we create a francoist rule in Spain again?

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Not choosing falangist or better yet,carlist rule

right after franco died, a liberal government took over and within decades everything franco did was reversed and spain is super divided, your precious franco wont be returning

>everything franco did
And what did he do? Turned Spain into a fascist shithole.

>What is the red menace?

>the red menace
>falling for the right wing propaganda

Francisco Javier de Borbón-Parma y Braganza PRESENTE

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>Francoist prime minister was assasinated by a revolutionary grouo
>lol there was no red menace.

and? nothing wrong with killing dogs serving to opressive regimes

>Doesn't know what spanish miracle is.

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Wtf are you saying? Spain was united and strong under Franco till (((they))) destroyed it.

What's the point of being strong if it is achieved by installing the regime suppressing liberties?


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Is Carlism still a thing?

Liberties are useless if it makes a nation weak.

What liberties did Franco suppress?

Keep in mind, that the communists that he defeated were literally going into peoples' houses and executing them if they found a cross.

Francoists and Carlists have the same enemy!

>francoists and carlists
>not falangists and carlists
t. traidor


He united Spain.

not in the mainstream. most monarchists still have at least some following but in practice they basically lost all relevance following WW2.
part of the problem at least in France was they bandwagoned on the Nazi train, and reaped the whirlwind when the nazis lost.

A nation cant be strong if people live under the tyranny. "Strongness" of fascist regimes is nothing more than an illusion. Truly strong nations dont need totalitarism/authoriarism to be stong.

Franco traiciono a la falange y al carlismo, exilio a los carlistas primero y despues remplazo a los falangistas con opus dei

Franco forced the Carlists to merge with the Falange, which wasn't even the real Falange.

>How can we turn Spain into the poorest western european country again?

Spain needs to instaurate a Falangist regime, Primo de Rivera was the real deal.

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Are they really going to exhume him and Rivera? The PP will block their attempts to mess with Valle de los caidos again, r-right?

Good goy.

Lmao, are you a communist? Without strong rule people will not become strong.

He wasn't fascist, the state had very little control over the economy after the 60s and had US military bases. He was more of an autocrat.

I think they can't stop them. They don't have enough votes.

Aren't the PP a minority? I'm pretty sure their government survived solely due to Ciudadanos. I don't think they can stop it

He probably had a lot more than 22% popular support (SCHZ's votes)

Wait, latin american carlists are a thing?

Can't they just sue them and get an injunction like the Left always does?

>Without strong rule people will not become strong
False statement taking into account the fact that almost all examples of "strong rule" ended up with a failure of a total disaster.

So? He kept Spain united for longer then other european nations.

Maybe, I don't know the PP seems like a fucking mess at the moment. Plus it's then dependent on getting a sympathetic judge, but I'm not sure of the political makeup of the Spanish judiciary

Look up the mexican cristeros

>He wasn't fascist
A matter of terminology. His regime was clearly right-authoritarian.

They ended with the death of the ruler or (((them))) intervening/invading the country. Not one fascist country was a disaster.

Y que? España cera unida bajo Franco

>the death of the ruler
So the strongness of fascist regimes was based solely on the boot of the ruler in nation's ass?

>intervening/invading the country

"The strongest survives," they claim.

>Y que?
Que yo preferiria una españa unida bajo tercera posición o monarquismo tradicionalista a ultraconservadurismo

wut? Spain is still united as far as I know

Well, if you weren't an inbreed camel fucker you'd probably know different words mean different things.

1. It's hard for the people to accept the death and find a good other ruler that has the same impact on them.
2. It's hard to survive when almost the whole world is owned by (((them))), nobody can stop a horde of soldiers.

Wasn't original National Syndicalism tried in the first years of Franco's rule where it failed terribly and made Franco go full cappy which in turn created the Spanish Miracle? I respect the Falange but their economic policies have failed.

>Well, if you weren't an inbreed camel fucker you'd probably know different words mean different things.
>things are what they're called and nothing else

how is it to be such a narrow minded faggot?

Acuerdo, pero solo Franco es todavìa conocido.

I mean, Spain is not united as a people. (Catalan nationalists, basques, etc)

>2. It's hard to survive when almost the whole world is owned by (((them))), nobody can stop a horde of soldiers.
>we were outnumbered!


>1. It's hard for the people to accept the death and find a good other ruler that has the same impact on them.

Sure. That's why the people were celebrating the death of Franco.

>the same impact on them

Again, by putting boots in nation's ass? I see you, the right wing, love BDSM so much.

Seria una version lite y si fuera implementada la solucion real seguiria siendo ignorada

>implying that fascism is right wing

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It's not celebrated by the intellectual people, most people are dumb and that's why your democracy is dumb.

And it wasn't under Franco either. In fact we are more united now because all the special regions were flooded with immigrants from Spanish speaking regions.


If only was fascist...

>2018: ?
>How can we create a francoist rule in Spain again?
You can't, our recent history turned people to the left, still there are more conservative people than leftards, but forget about far right parties.

Who the fuck cares? It's not important how things are called, it's important what they are. The franco regime was authoritorian and traditionalist. How you call it - left, right or whatever - no matter.

Igual user por lo menos se puede debatir, no como con nu/pol/ que simplemente ignoraria un argumento de cualquier lado

>more united now

tu sabes bien historia de españa, el otro es un shill con una meme flag,

aprende historia, Franco era el mal menor pero un traidor a la patria. Si tan solo primo de rivera nos hubiera gobernado...

Stop speaking your language, niggers, it's not /int.

>implying that Franco was an a ctual fascist under a different label
>anything authoritarian is fascist

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Tienes razón

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>arab flag
Lmao u fucking moor

>aprende historia
Historia de los judeos?

eres tan siquiera español?

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Simple. Just continue aquarius-style shipments.