Dumb question Jow Forums

Dumb question Jow Forums
why are we separating kids? why aren't we deporting both the parents and the children at the same time?

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Cruz has proposed a bill to do this within 14 days of crossing the border. democrats want the kids to stay in cages for feels.

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We're not. The lugenprasse is trying to pretend unaccompanied illegal immigrant children were separated from their parents by INS, when they were actually taken from their parents by the human traffickers.

true. the thing that worries my about the jailed kids is why isnt the entire beaner family not put over the border immediately?

build the wall. build it higher

One word

Pizzagate is real

The kids are citizens.

i'm curious why this is a thing in the first place though

can we not deport minors or something?

Why are immigrants invading our country with their young children?

>the thing that worries my about the jailed kids is why isnt the entire beaner family not put over the border immediately?
The jew has agents filing for asylum. We're required to hold them or release them until the date they're officially rejected. King Nigger would just let them go into the country with a letter asking them to come back for their hearing. Zero did.

This is the kike trying to break our system by flooding it with trash.

>Why are immigrants invading our country with their young children?
Democrats need voters.

>illegal immigrants come across with their kids
>their kids are automatically citizens

There are laws against that, apart from the whole "media would immediately start screeching even more autistically" if we started dumping kids all alone in the Mojave Desert.

We should be euthanizing them, I agree, we’re doing it all wrong!

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Im laughing at this shit
Even here msm is making drumpf look like some fucking monster for enforcing the law while crying MUH CHILDRUNZ

I'm talking about "anchor" babies.

so if you try to cross the border illegally, just say you're a minor and you're good?
from what i've read we've been sending the adults back by plane

oh, that's a different situation, i'm talking about the ones being picked off at the border that the news is blowing up about nowadays

Why aren't we grinding them up and feeding them to the homeless?

>why are we separating kids?
'cos adults are cynically trying to use them as in-effect human shields to circumvent the law? Sure it sucks, but that's the state of modern parenting, not to mention an indication of non-suitability of citizenship. Trying to game the system before you even get a foot in the door is of really poor character.

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If the family cared, they would go back with them.

the parents are getting deported, what benefit is it to us to keep the children in the country? shouldn't they both be going?
it's just bad optics

Nothing wrong with taken in children because children generally can't be corrupted at such as young age by Mexican culture.

I think sending them off to pick fruits and vegetables in forced labor camps would be a better use for them

No, we can sell the ground up body parts, feed the homless or use it for animal shelters. Show some humanity you sick fuck.

We are trying to catch child sex slave traffickers. Kids won't speak up if they are kept with coyotes.

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>why aren't we deporting both the parents and the children at the same time?
That is what's happening. There is an amount of processing that comes with this sort of thing and with so many that takes time.
But deportations don't work and never gave, they're a waste of resources.

No way, they shit everywhere, that's why all that fucking outbreaks happen with fruits and vegetables from major chains and in stores. At least poos shit in the street, these spics litet shit were they eat and work.

Oh so you’re talking about something that has nothing to do with the present situation

Fairly sure they get deported at the same time?

The parents go to jail because illegal border crossing is a crime.
America doesn't want to jail the kids, so they are put in care homes.
In my country we just jail the kids as well, problem solved.

the wall cant be build fast enough. deport them all

Until we confirm age and/or find the parents, yes. They stay in the detention center or foster care, like other abandoned children.

Migrant rights activists sued the federal government for keeping the children with detained adults. The settlement reached in 1997 (Flores agreement) required the government to find family for the children or house them.

They aren't bring taken from their parents. The parents insist on pursuing their bullshit asylum claims and surrender their children to the U.S. until they can have their hearing.

If you need to ask, they are detained prior to asylum hearings because migrants were skipping their court dates and vanishing into the country.

wait, so the parents go to jail, the kids go into care homes, and once the parents finish their jail term they all get deported at the same time?
that makes sense

Yeah, honestly this sounds pretty good and also very caring for the children. Criminals get busted and victims of human trafficking get reunited with their actual parents/saved from their traffickers.

That is how I understand it, yes.

But America should do what we do: jail the entire family.
Illegal kids have no business walking our streets.

True true. Grind em up to feed the homeless does sound like a more productive use of the kids

A lot of those “parents” aren’t their parents. They’re child sex traffickers

Because we "owe" the beaners due process before we deport them, and since we're not doing catch-and-release anymore, we jail them while they wait. Can't send to kids to grown-up jail, so they have to wait somewhere. There aren't enough foster families or traditional group homes to handle the load, so we've opened large scale group homes.

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>why aren't we deporting both the parents and the children at the same time?
Because the privatized prison lobby, during the Obama administration, pushed HARD for the way illegal immigrants get handled to be changed, and won. Now instead of straight deportation, they get sent to a prison facility to await a hearing, and then are either deported, or get to serve an additional term at a prison facility before finally being deported. A lot of the facilities they go to are privatized, thus increasing their profits.
Privatizing prisons was a huge mistake.

Dems in the IG hearing, across the MSM, and on Jow Forums are spamming illegal immigrants.

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This is actually a good question. Why the fuck are we keeping the kids? What is our plan to deal with them? So far their plan seems to be to put them in tents in the desert forever.

Because only 5/6 kids in AHS detention came with human traffickers, not their parents.
Also, deportation proceedings take time, especially when processing an asylum claim.
This is common, public knowledge and only a stupid person wouldn't know this.

dumb question fagget that posts this everyday
why dont we just gun everyone down at the border?

nro actually steps up with a clear and concise explanation of the legalities involved. before cucking at the end, of course.




>legally, separation should occur if (1) adult is falsely claiming to be the parent, (2) adult is deemed a threat to the child, (3) adult is subject to criminal proceedings

>trump is enforcing laws that obunghole waived. his doj/ice was not prosecuting them for illegal entry. by prosecuting the misdemeanor, this allows felony charges for re-entry and will be a better deterrent

>prosecution can be short and sweet. especially since trump's doj got a shitload more judges recently assigned the spic pleads guilty, sentenced to time already served, returned to ice custody in the same day.

>hhs takes custody of the kids in the case of prosecution during this time

>if the adult then wants to go home, they get their kids and they go

>complication is the asylum claim. in this scenario, detain times go up. way up. this is the beauty of the new policy, spousal abuse and criminal activity are no longer causes for asylum claims

>ninth circus judge ruling extended a 20-day limit to holding children who came over as part of a family, which is why the kids go to hhs which typically finds a relative here to care for the child

>previously, obunghole was releasing the adults while asylum claims were processed, which meant that the spic just cried "asylum! mi esposo beats me!" and then went into the usa to never be found again.

>now, trump is holding them while the claim is processed, so they can't just disappear into the country.

bottom line, the actions trump is taking are god-emperor-tier and are about as good as any potus can take, given the legal framework he has to deal with.

Someone has to feed the demons. You can stop that sure, but then they'll just be coming here to feed themselves. Isn't it better for all of us if we use the remnants of families that already willfully tore themselves apart? You wouldn't prefer the random nature of a demon trust me.

Because they are literally being sent here alone without their parents.

They are being deported together...if they choose not to make an asylum claim.

The real question is why are the parents trying to get in illegally with their children, sounds irresponsible and bad parenting considering you should expect consequences if they catch you