Can you feel it, white people? Civil war is just around the corner. POC are waking up en masse

Can you feel it, white people? Civil war is just around the corner. POC are waking up en masse.

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Civil war against people who dont like guns. sounds fun.

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>I get to use my granddad's rifle he used during LA riots
How much would white people pay a roof Corean for killing niggers and spics?

Mexican immigrants hurt economic opportunities for blacks. I'm not sure how "POC" are going to be united for a common cause here.

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>ICE enforcing obama era policy
>fuck drumpf
fucking brainlets

White people could have chosen not to be fascistic and extend Dreamers protection

Mexicans could have chosen to stay in Mexico where they belong

Pretty sure the law came around in 2002 and wasn't enforce until Trump. Not that I have a problem with what's happening, just want to be factual.

Nothing is going to happen it is over.

I hope so. Then we'll have a legitimate reason to purge our country.

They hate guns and law enforcement....

No hyphenated Americans.

>we have the house, senate, presidency, supreme court, military, and law enforcement on our side
Should be fun to watch.

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>Not that I have a problem with what's happening, just want to be factual.
good on you, i actually knew it was bush era but I only want to see the world burn

Dat doggo

YES. we need to push this as hard as possible. all liberals in ICE need to GTFO

wish a nigga would

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There are currently about 12,000 kids in the system... There were 90,000 at any one point during Obama. Obama enforced it even more than Trump did - the left just didn't care

liberals don't care about facts. it's all about feelings and whatever the media feeds them


I'm talking specifically about the policy of separating the families. Also, I don't understand how 90k is more than 120k.

asshole you do realize white ppl own must of the guns and we enjoy hunting so step on up.

The point is to gaslight people o fb color and lefties into doing somethi ng violent.. and then they are screwed the right has the guns police military and maybe most importantly the farms and truckers.. can't have a civ war as you die of hunger and thirst...

Here's what the alt-left is doing:

What a good boi

They'll wake up just to get put right back to sleep. Americans will win.

I predict 1/3rd or more of nogs are going to vote for Trump in 2020.

Fish in a barrel

Taunting the nice people who graciously allowed you in their country despite a history of brutally successful organized violence doesn’t sound wise to me.

12k not 120k. Most of the kids are unaccompanied to begin with, though - what should be done about them? Even the ones who do have parents with them shouldn't go into gen pop with a bunch of potential rapists/child abusers

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Are you saying you are said korean?

Shouldn't have to pay you, the reward is itself

>Sam (((Lavigne)))

Honestly. Posturing needs to lead somewhere

the nigger is too stupid to realize if the white man decided unilaterally to get rid of your kind
they would all be gone in an instant.

> dreamers
What happens if bunch of people ilegally cross border to Wakanda?

I really shouldn't be giving you advice then, but making an enemy out of the Federal Gov't in addition to white people is just fucking retarded suicide. We've been assuming we'd have to deal with the gov in addition to the shitskins at the same time...

oh she's a glutton for punishment alright

ALL Federal employees need to be killed desu

"You no longer have a Constitution in this land. The most vile criminal people that ever walked the face of the earth now reside in Washington DC and they are your masters!!!
And Jesus Christ is going to bless this land?!
How dare you even consider it!!!
I'm asking you to make measly, miserable worms out of ALL Federal Agents! This is our country! When you raise that hand to feel the power, that comes from total absolute unconditional commitment!
We win or we die!!!"
-Louis Beam

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Make sure you encourage them on every opportunity.


Good. May the the best side win.

There are no “white” people here. There are only people of light.

Good. White people have BEEN ready.

Ah, misread, apologies.

>ALL Federal employees need to be killed desu
Yo Nathan you might want to make your sarcasm known to the CIA niggers

Let's get this account shut down for the lulz.

I just reported him for making violent threats. This is an easy one. It will only take a few people to report him.

I'm black and scared shit less. If you ghetto morons rise up they are going to wipe us out from sea to shining sea.

I love white culture, society or whatever you tattoo'd crack smoking faggots are railing about. I don't want to get mixed up in this bullshit because you cant keep a fucking job or even behave while you get free housing and welfare checks.


He's fine as long as he doesn't name any places, dates or persons.

Literally this it's hilarious


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Bring it on Nordcucks.

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>Civil war
>Against citizens of mexico


We won’t pay you but we will let you stay after the great cleansing of niggers and beaners.

CIA Niggers deserve the worst fate of all.

In a self-defense situation of course.

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THANK YOU! these racist posters who use the W word need to go back to whatever horrible racist corner of the internet they come from.

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Ir really seems like it. The US hasn't been this divided since the civil war, I don't think. Sure hope we end up getting California, Arizona, and Texas back. You can keep New Mexico though.

I get kicked off twitter for calling out some antiwhite kike and telling him to gas himself but calling for themurder of people who are enforcing our laws won’t even get a suspension

Like we will give you any U.S state back, you can take the liberal scum but we will be keeping the land. Have fun with them, soon they will be voting for laws that will price you out of your own neighborhoods and letting women accuse you of rape with no proof.

You’re completely wrong, king nigger defenetly enforced it and did the same shit.

I'm pretty sure the first amendment doesn't protect fighting words. Will anyone report libshits though since we know whose backing they've got.

>that good boy

Did you call?

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That is exactly what we want, a leftist rebellion during Trump's rebellion. Then we crush them with minimal losses and Trump stays in power for life. It'll be much easier to fight a rabble army of niggers, queers and women then it would be to fight the U.S. government under a liberal administration. If anything we should goad them into making their move now so we can put a period to the sentence and start building the American reich.

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>a leftist rebellion during Trump's reign*

Go ahead, it will take all of a week for it to be over.

No no no Wakanda is for BLACKS. White countries are economic jungles for everybody and anybody.

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We won't gas you with the others, and you can keep your convenience store. Deal?

i hope they try. i feel bad for the future victims, but the race war has to start somewhere.

aren't these the same goblinas that gave up their guns and sheeeit a couple months ago.
Attack of the lefty spoons

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>thinks Mexico could take a US state and not get its shit pushed in so hard New Mexico will have to be renamed to Only Mexico

To be fair, white people deserve to be genocided at this point anyway...

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>find ICE agent
>assault him for the sake of bashing the fash
>get ur shit pushed and and charged with federal felony
I can’t wait to see how this one plays out

You need to know the leftists doublethinking. They are capable of simultaneously thinking they're the underdog resistance and that the majority that matters would join them. They think that most of law enforcement and military would get on with their cause.


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Thank fucking god, Ive waited long enough

Exactly, it'd be a turkey shoot and a great opportunity to take down the entire progressive apparatus, fake news, pinko professors, the whole lot.

This is now a CIA Nigger hate thread btw

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You gotta go too.

you will receive exclusivity rights for a period of 5 years for all my convenience store purchases

I’d pay good money for that my friend

Sorry to the very few minorities who aren’t garbage, you’ll be killed just like the rest.
It has to be this way, do not hate the sword, blame those who forced us to raise it.

The democrats don't want a path to citizenship or to grant asylum. They want illegal immigrants.

That's better

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Is that English?

They'll do absolutely fucking nothing. If they try it, they'll get fucking destroyed by the government.

>Implying it's fascism to deport ILLEGAL aliens. Fuck off kike.

>civil war
Sorry pal, but you don't have Robert Downey Jr or Chris Evans to make this even an interesting movie. Keep dreaming, baiter.

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War now.

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They know they're losing and won't score a political victory on this. Hence the threats to ICE agents (doxxing and noe violence) since they can't affect them through the system.

>wanna kill border security
you sound like a traitor/enemy of this country, faggot

See? This guy gets it!

>(((twitter))) not going ban this

This. Good signs.

There's literally nothing wrong with fascism.

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With fucking what? Snarky comments on twitter with 100+ up-votes don't harm people contrary to popular belief.

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Twitter is an even worse echo chamber than Reddit. It's just how it is.