Why are people pretending to care about some mexican kids?
Why are people pretending to care about some mexican kids?
virtue signalling for November elections.
the entire point of life is pretending to care about stuff
>Be liberal
>Bitch about crying beaner kids
> Support late-term abortion
These people are a fucking joke, they don't even try to hide it anymore.
This lefties need something to bring to the table and emotional appeals are their standard tactics
Flavor-of-the-week concern trolling meets soccer mom heroics. It'll pass.
>be hispanic
>people at work talking about these "poor kids"
>mfw i honestly don't give a fuck and am just waiting for the wall to be finished
Am I supposed to care just because they are "my people"? They haven't done shit for me besides rise my taxes, cripple education, and made it impossible drive in my city.
Use your fucking turn signals you God damn wetbacks.
it honestly makes me feel like a heartless, unempathetic dick. but i just dont care at all and i dont understand all the hysteria. why doesnt it effect me? i mean maybe its because im so far removed from it that its irrelevant to my life. but seeing everyone else freak out makes me think something is missing inside me, some kind of empathetic quality.
>why people care about kids
See, this is how dumb is the average trumposter
It means that you don't let cheap emotional techniques affect your decitions
See appeal to emotion fallacy
Their parents broke the law when they came over here illegally...but still to separate the kids from their parents that's kinda fucked up. Kick em out sure but...still...
>being so retarded you are incapable of thinking about abstract concepts
Please provide a reason why I should care?
How is it fucked up? Whats fucked up is we are letting the children stay
I'm saying it's fucked up they didn't kick the kids out with the parents. Don't separate them just send em all back to wherever the hell they came from.
I don't even know anymore. I'd guess the powerful people are covering their ass while the peons are just brainwashed.
Democrats can't run on their hatred for trump so they have to exploit children
This. They got publicly caught back during that meme government shutdown fighting on the behalf of foreigners instead of constituents. The focus groups were horrifying for them, but they never managed to find a new platform except fuck drumph. Now they're going back to an even more emotionally charged play from the same well. The media is lying to you. Blue wave is cancelled. Trump's approval is going up, not down.
Go to the (((psychologist)))
Once they cure your autism you may understand why people has empathy towards other people and specially small children
Any other answer other than this is wrong.
See that is a loaded question. No matter how I answer it there is a bullet in every chamber waiting to blow my brains out.
i only care about organic Transforming Flyers
Most of them are unattended, the parents send them out and they make their way in groups of strangers to cross the border. Would it be better to send them back or let them stay?
Let them stay I suppose. Their parents can't care too much about em to send them off like that.
I care about the sexy ones
Liberals are the most closeted racists in the world..they think so lowley of minorities they actually believe they cannot do anything for themselves.
Also they are retarded fags who don't care about politics so they take the easy route and pretend to give a fuck
It's the parents fault you stupid bitch
Virtue signalling faggotry, same as always
They do actually care about them. 'Bleeding heart' isn't just a metaphor.
I am not uninterested in their well-being per se.
However, in light of current asylum loopholes, it is paramount that we enforce strict rules for migration and asylum.
PARAMOUNT! I tell ya.
Fuck dude, that looks half nigger half Indian
Because the media has been looking for an outlet from which to justify their anti-Trump agenda.
This really is nothing, I mean LITERALLY nothing, just the media blowing up a trivial story for political gain.
Through this they have gained a very easy anti-Trump talking point, to emotionally manipulate people into accepting open borders.