Post holocaust material and debate if necessary for newfags.
Top tier: New updated graphics Mid tier: Posting graphics from your archive Low tier: Discussing and keeping the fire alive Retard tier: MUH 6 MILLION IS ALL REAL I TRUST EVERYTHING WIKIPEDIA EDITORS AND JEW SCHOLARS SAY
Here's Treblinka 2. Short and sweet. Shills have been out in full force lately making "the holocaust happened" threads.. those are a lot of fun and actually probably good for newfags overall because there is little to no censorship of challenges to claims like on other sites. It's always, "prove it" and then they have to start going through a, b, c, etc. and it's a great opportunity for debate and clarity on what is gray and anecdotes taken for facts, and what is not. etc.
It's really amazing that anyone listens to anything these rat faced rag merchants have to say about anything. Let alone all of that claptrap about muh 6 gorillion.