So, who else is sick of Justin Barrett and his shills stinking up Éire/pol/ with the same memes and trying to pretend their party actually is doing shit to save Ireland?
Eire/pol/ used to be an interesting place. For about a year its just been a National Party circle-jerk.
Have they done anything significant IRL yet? Like maybe register as a party. I'd swear the entire membership is just 13 posters here every night (1 of whom is probably Paddy Clarke)
Alexander Hill
By the way, Ive updated the pastebin links for the Twitter accounts and Youtube Channels. Actually contain some relevant figures now
You edited the top of his legs out faggot. Shit photoshop/10
Luis Foster
Yeah one of the Irish servers for Jow Forums went out or something. I couldnt post either
James Price
Say what you will about the national least they have made an effort, holding meetings, putting out videos etc what may I ask have you done?
Colton Martin
Yep. Intervention by Google. Twitter literally putting #HometoVote on the wall. Hundreds of thousands of funding from Soros. Soros groups "researching" hitpieces on the Pro Life campaign for The Journal
Almost as weak as Justin Barrett’s height game? Pathetic loser. Couldn’t win anything in life and he’s going to fail with this cringepast party
Ryder Fisher
Sweden fucking 2.0. Kind of hard to call myself a Nationalist anymore, Im not proud of my countrymen after May 26th.
Alas, we must regroup. At least go down fighting. Irish presidential election isnt far off, would be nice to see John Waters (or better) or somebody run
Kayden Fisher
i can put money that a gay black englishman will be swooped into office
its beyond shameful what they did and still doing.
Maybe a little off topic but I'm planning to go to Ireland in late August with my girlfriend. I really want to visit the countryside and as many castles as possible (mcdermott's castle and blarney castle are on my list so far). Can you suggest some other places that are worth to see?
Levi Jackson
Wait didn't know Éire/pol/ still existed since the discord disappeared.
But Id say head West. Cliffs of Moher, see a bunch of castles in County Clare while youre there. In West Galway theres communities that still speak Irish on an everyday basis. Best place for that authentic Irish experience
North of Dublin around the Boyne Valley theres loads of nice stone age stuff and old country mansions.
South of Dublin theres some beautiful landscape in the mountains. Heavily wooded. Glendalough has some pretty cool old monk ruins with Irish stone crosses. Probably the most celtic feeling part of Ireland
Grayson Morales
Never been on the discord before. Last éire/pol/ thread was two days ago though
Lucas Bell
Every single person behind those tweets looks like an insufferable ballbag. The likes of them can laugh all they want but there's nothing likeable or cool about any of those cunts.
Jacob Gonzalez
Haven't been using Jow Forums much recently so must have missed them.
Daniel Fisher
Of course a Jew was pro abortion.
Colton Foster
We really need to ban circumcision and kosher slaughtered meats.
Robert Lewis
Never been on reddit and never will. But thank you very much for all the info, I always wanted to hear spoken Irish in actual conversations not just in songs.
Noah Fisher
>go to international waters where abortions don't apply >go to England to get abortion ...etc. Well then you didn't ban abortion you stupid Irish monkeys. Are those not Irish citizen when they return from international waters or England? Fucking democratic morons. That's like me killing somebody in England and returning to Ireland and not facing punishment. So basically Ireland never even had a ban on abortion, just made it very difficult and expensive.
Nicholas Rivera
I'd swear it's Barrett himself.
Listen faggot. The NP are irrelevant. They've ALWAYS been irrelevant. Nobody outside of Jow Forums even knows who the fuck the NP are. Barrett is an uncharismatic hypocrite with a shady history.
The NP under Barrett's leadership have as much chance at success as a pork hotdog stand has of opening at Mecca.
You faggots have destroyed eire/pol/ with your cancerous shilling of this non-party. They're STILL not registered. If Barrett and clapping seal man weren't such complete fucking retards I'd almost believe that the NP are controlled opposition designed purely to turn the average Irishman off of any form of nationalism and patriotism
For the love of God stop shilling this dead party here. it only results in arguments about them when they're are more pressing issued concerning Irish politics.
I can only imagine you're either underage or not very bright when you shill this shit here. Thanks for simultaneously creating and fucking yet another eire/pol/ thread faggot.
Luke Baker
They should have charged those that went to England for abortions but the freestate government are cowardly bunch of bastards.
Gabriel Davis
Fuck must have missed the Éire/pol/ civil war.
Nolan Sanchez
>at least they have made an effort, holding meetings, putting out videos etc
They haven't held meetings. They've put Barrett in front of a camera in an empty room. Notice how they never show the "crowd" at these meetings in their videos. And any fucknugget with a phone can upload Youtube videos. The NP have done nothing but sour the taste of nationalism to those of us who might care more about it than the average Joe.
Fuck the NP. They are a joke.
Nathaniel Kelly
>Irish presidential election isnt far off, would be nice to see John Waters (or better) or somebody run
Yes because teh Irish president has any relevance or ppower whatsoever and Waters has a huge support base.
It's almost liek you're living in an alternative reality or something.
You're so retarded that I'm starting to feel bad for making fun of you.
Cooper Moore
I always hated the NP and thought JUSTin was a huge dickhead
Easton Wilson
It's pointless, i go on a boat and then i am in international waters and can take an abortion.
Bentley Kelly
Where's is this imaginary abortion clinic on international waters?
It's a real business and UN probably will give you one for free.
William Long
Someone should blow it out of the sea.
Hudson Lopez
Those are NGOs, just not refugee NGOs, but abortion NGOs. You can't shoot something that is in international waters. Not that i am against abortion, but if countries have laws then that should be respected.
Eli Nguyen
lurgans a utter IRA shithole
Kevin Robinson
Yeah theyre insufferable too, but theyre winning, and more people agree with them. They have the power of the establishment and media behind them, we dont. You have to ask yourself, why was the right so successful in America in 2016? Its because leftist extremism drove people away from the left. Extremism on the right in the form of the National Party is doing us no favours.
I think its a reference to leftist pub in dublin "the foggy dew"
Good, good, let the hate flow through you. Only thing is, its a different Ceann Comhairle. We hate the National Party now. Time to make éire/pol/ shill free again
Theyve put in very little effort mate. Their videos suck, One man show Irish youtubers do far better. Those meetings they hold are very irregular, and their members are too afraid to expose themselves to anyone. They dont fraternise with other groups, or network. They dont host any open events that people can attend
The presidential election is a national vote, gets nationwide coverage. General Election are more locally orientated, and next one isnt for years The Presidential election at least can allow us to get our issues out into the mainstream. Doesnt necessarily have to be Waters who runs
Jeremiah Stewart
They don't want to dox the crowd, plus you can always hear people clapping in the background. Barrett, the guy is based, he has charisma, he is a great orator, they are much better and more likable than identity ireland
Julian Jones
why do you fuckers never recommend the southwest coast (dingle to killlarney), it was the best place i saw in your country and possibly all of europe, trying to keep it free from tourists or something?
Ayden Foster
>Barrett, the guy is based, he has charisma, he is a great orator,
You're deluded lad. He's larping as an Easter Rising character. He's been derided by the Irish media then ignored as a comical irrelevance. As another user said the most publicity Barrett has got was being the butt of an Irish abortion referendum comedy sketch on Comedy Central.
I know a handful of NP guys who went to the Ard Fheis in Trump's golfcourse in October or something. There were only a couple dozen people there, including Barret, Clarke, and Reynolds.
Its not cause of doxxing that they dont show the crowd, its cause theres no one there. Take the Irexit conference in the RDS for example. 500-600 in attendance. Crowd shots by RTE, photos by Irish Times and the like. NP have been around for what? 2 years now. They havent accomplished anything even close to that
Justin Ward
Watching some thing on tinkers in America on TV3 lads
Who the fuck is this guy saying they're grand
Jordan Brown
Haven't been here in a while
Give me a quick rundown
Gabriel Wood
Seem there has been a big recent clash of opinions on the NP plus the discord has vanishe as far as I know.
Connor Campbell
Did he photoshop the ends of his massive pants too yeah
Josiah Torres
I've been out of the loop for a while
What happened, why do people hate Our Justin now? Is it because they haven't accomplished anything?
Wyatt Perez
I'm seeing a lot of shitflinging but no alternatives, what do you want us to do? Start from scratch? We'll never achieve anything if we keep fighting amongst ourselves if ye have something constructive to add then fire away, but all I can see is shills trying to attack people who I see as the voice of the right in Ireland. who else do we have honestly? The guy with the lisp? The gay black guy? John waters?
Jonathan Sanders
Has it? I nuked all my Jow Forums-tier accounts a month or two ago, discord was still there at that stage
Shame if it's gone desu
Jayden Nelson
There's been some minor spats since the Referendum between the NP shills and other éire/pol/ lads. Mainly cause of their constant shilling for an irrelevant party.
Theyve been around for nearly two years now and have accomplished nothing except make the Pro-Life campaign look like idiots when Barrett went on the Jim Jefferies show.
They also attack pretty much every other Irish Right wing group. Generation Identity, Kevin Sharkey, Irexit. We're done with them. Theyve ruined éire/pol/ and are a liability to the wider Right in Ireland
>who else do we have honestly? The guy with the lisp? The gay black guy? John waters?
Probably any of those would be preferable to JB and the NP
Matthew King
Tbf, I actually think Aiteall was right to be suspicious of GI here, it seemed sketch
But if they're not even fucking registered yet then it's a bit of a joke - at the very least, it shows they have so little influence that they can't even get a registration through the civil service
I also literally didn't hear about them once during the Referendum campaign as I wasn't on here of the discord, they should have been out REEEEEEEEing on every available medium
Sad to hear they're attack based Sharkey as well
I get the feeling something new is about to come along on the Right anyway. The Phoenix are suggesting Eamonn O Cuiv may break away from FF due to Martins push to the left, to form a right wing alternative, and the wan abandoning SF because of abortion is promising. Seems like people are waking up to the lack of a Republican Right in this country at last, and we should be pushing it imo
Andrew Russell
The gay black guy can at least be sold to the left. Dont know of this lisp guy. Barrett is toxic, way too much baggage and is the worst of them all when it comes to image (uncharismatic, squeaky voiced, angry little fella).
Why arent we doing something like Sargon, PJW, and Dankula? Taking over an already existing party thats registered? If not one of the big ones then why the fuck not Renua? They have funding, organisation, and can appeal to more than a few shitposters.
Brayden Baker
What happened on the Jim Jefferies show? Hadn't heard (again, this is how little press they get)
Charles Phillips
That referendum was 16 years ago. It's in the damn filename you dope.
If your cause is just, why do you have to lie all the time?
David Hughes
>right to be suspicious of GI here, it seemed sketch GI was poorly organised, and their thing where they kept asking for loads of personal information for prospective members was offputting. But speaking as someone who has met them a whole bunch of times, theyre legit. Quite open too, they were hanging out with people in the pub after Irexit.
Their leader, Damhnait tried to join National Party and was refused. In contrast when she came to the Irexit conference with GI, Hermann Kelly (the fella who organized it) just told her to not be handing out any of her pamphlets or recruiting or anything.
>Sad to hear they're attack based Sharkey as well I dont think theyve attacked Sharkey personally, but they refused him when asked to join, and their shills here are constantly laying into him
>The Phoenix are suggesting Eamonn O Cuiv may break away from FF due to Martins push to the left, to form a right wing alternative, and the wan abandoning SF because of abortion is promising. Seems like people are waking up to the lack of a Republican Right in this country at last, and we should be pushing it imo
Absolutely this
Aaron Ross
>Why arent we doing something like Sargon, PJW, and Dankula? Taking over an already existing party thats registered? If not one of the big ones then why the fuck not Renua?
That's all watered down civic nationalist shite, in the words of padraig pearse, we want an ireland not Gaelic merely but free as well, and not free merely but gaelic as well.
James James
>NP refusing GI leader >NP refusing Sharkey
Lel what
They'd unironically be the most famous people in the party
I thought Lucinda was bad at running a party but they're making her look like Frank Underwood at this point
Not only did it show absolutely zero cop-on for him to go onto the show (not realising comedy central are masters of the highly edited left bias interview), he started saying really stupid shit like "execute abortionists" and women who get abortions should be locked up for 14 years.
No-one, not even the ultra-Catholics in the Pro Life campaign advocated for anything like that. Moreover they opposed criminal punishment of women who illegally got abortions.
Interview ended being seen nearly a million times by referendum between Youtube and Facebook. The most publicity the National Party ever got and not only did they come off as a laughing stock, but they were a liability to the rest of the Irish Right too
Ayden Bennett
Does that Limerick user have any new pictures of Limerick? I want to show my grandmother who is from Limerick (she left Limerick in 1956) what it is like today. I told her and she went to the Limerick Leader and Limerick Post and then told me she couldn't see anything like that on those papers and that I was exaggerating.
So if anyone has a link to some Limerick pictures showing the types of people running around there now I would be very appreciative.
Limerick is a nice old Georgian city full of knackers
It's not as sketchy as it used to be though. Good for going for rugby
To be fair, when he did that "we're a straight party" thing we all said this guy could be too autistic to do any good, looks like we were spot on
I unironically think Lucinda, for all her faults, is probably the best we have at the moment, but if Eamonn O Cuiv forms some kind of actual republican party I could get behind him. Even if he's FF, he's still somewhat less cucked than the rest of his party (though no less snakey)
Jackson Morales
>Based Kevin Sharkey You mean the black guy who is running for president to "Represent the changing face of Ireland"? He's a civnat concerned only with the economic drawbacks of mass immigration. He is a snake, he wouldn't say what he really believes one way or another, whether he is based or not. So if he is based then he is a coward and a panderer, no good for any leader roll.
Michael Morgan
Obviously he's a civnat, he's black like
But we're so starved for right wing figures with any substance that even he's based in my opinion, and should be encouraged.
The fact that he's even concerned with mass immigration at all puts him streets ahead of essentially any of our current TDs
Jonathan Anderson
>Does that Limerick user have any new pictures of Limerick?
Yes as a matter of fact I do. Give me a moment.
Levi Adams
This thread was made by the little communist cuck Conor O'Donohoe, originally from Greenpark Meadows, Mullingar, county Westmeath. Now lives in Willow View, Athlone, county Westmeath.
Not going to happen lad. And when has an ethno-nationalist party got anywhere? It cant be sold to anyone, and honestly, at least have users on Jow Forums are only ironic ethno-nats.
Civic nationalists want to protect their culture, which means reducing immigration to rates that can assimilate incoming people. This is at least a step in the right direction for the ethnonationalist crowd
Sharkey is constantly talking about the threat to our culture cause of immigration. He may not be politician material, but he's advancing the right issues
pic related, he shared it on his faceberg page today
And I would have gotten away with it too if it werent for you meddling kids
Austin Smith
>The absolute state of Éire/pol/ >The absolute state of Jow Forums Trump maga based blackman Generation Identity bollockes Southern fucking cuck gay nigger bastards
Yeah NP are going nowhere. I went to a few meetings in 2017 to see what they were about. Found them to be proper cryptos who'd easily get exposed as cryptos like the BNP. If they continue as a party you can expect plenty of undercover reports on them with members saying lots of horrible shit on camera. There are plenty of documentaries like this on YouTube done on the BNP and EDL. Barrett's vituperative style may be passionate and sincere but it scares people off and it's not good optics. An explicitly ethno-nationalist party won't get far any time soon. We need our own UKIP: reasoned, calm, well-funded, with a good populist message - not ranting and raving about "ethnic homogeneity" and LARPing as 1916 martyrs. I won't be involved with NP any longer. However I'll say this: at least they are actually DOING something. They're holding meetins (which people do attend) at great personal risk to themselves, they're organizing, and they probably will register eventually. Meanwhile everyone else is just moaning. I agree with what another user said about entrism. We need an internal insurgency in an existing party combined with a CivNat party to the right to keep them in check as a potential vote stealer if they cuck themselves too much. Most people in Fianna Fail voted No so that's evidently where all the conservatives are. They need their own Trump. I wish the NP god speed but I just don't see them as a viable party that can bring the change Ireland needs.
Luis Johnson
Lads, any tips on pulling Irish birds?
Henry Perry
HA! has it really got that bad in the 2 years or so since I was there?
Joseph King
Notice the muslims in the foreground and the Palestinian flag hanging from the Georgian building.
Note: 40% of the students at the Christian Brothers Secondary school in Limerick city centre are muslim. Many have poor to no English.
Since the 70s or 80s I believe. No longer an accurate description. Knives were replaced by guns from 2000 onwards.
Limericks murder rate has been very low since 2011 after the state clamped down on feuding drugs gangs. Many parts of Limerick were destroyed before that though.
Go to Google Street view and search for clarina park limerick. Change the date to see what it was like a few years ago.
This guy got sorted at the dole office in the background and is happily making his way to the halal supermarket across the street.