A week ago TEDx Talks YouTube channel uploaded a talk where a woman tried explaining that "pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation, just like heterosexuality". The video went viral and got 6 gorillion thumbs down, and the comment section was full of people sharing ideas for how to construct gas chambers.
They shoahd the video, trying to quietly sweep it under the rug. After they did that, a video mirror was uploaded and the video had almost 15k views in under 24 hours. It had gone viral and outrage was spreading all across the Internet. The fire was rising, fast.
Youtube just completely deleted the video at the request of TED.com representatives. Here are their emails (why don't you shoot them an email and ask them why they are promoting pedophilia as a "natural sexual orientation"?): [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
We are holding TED's feet to the fire on this one. They realized they pushed too hard and too soon with their pedophile agenda and that the backlash was radicalizing normies. We are going to force TED to either officially disavow the video (rather than just quietly sweeping it under the rug), or force them to reinstate the video. We aren't going to let them just pretend this never happened.
TED Talks are all licensed under the Creative Commons license, which means it is not a copyright violation to reupload and share them, which many youtube channels regularly do.
This is a CLEAR indication of censorship and an attempt to SCRUB this pro-pedophilia TEDx Talk under the rug. It's time to unleash the Streisand Effect and let the world know that TED is helping push a pedophile normalization agenda that includes reclassifying pedophilia as a "natural sexual orientation".
ALL YouTube mirrors have been SCRUBBED, they are having videos taken down minutes after being uploaded. They are in full (((SHUT IT DOWN))) mode.
30% is still enough that you should gas them all, or give them their own island after sterilisation.
Jordan Williams
They deleted it because it was reported by a lot of people. It should be taken down but copies of it should be sent to news outlets. Another channel uploaded the video so it can still be viewed.
William Rodriguez
it ain't wrong tho old enough to bleed = old enough to breed
Just saw this email from YouTube: TED filed a trademark violation for the video mirror, stating EXPLICITLY that: >This is not an authorized TEDx video - This video usage of TEDx is not authorized by TED and is infringing on its marks and should be removed . This confusingly similar use of TED logo damages TED's brand and reputation.
>(((TED))) went too far >said they didn't do it, and that it was a fake, unauthorized TED talk. >website shows the speaker name, bio, and the blurb about pedophilia, proving that it was real they got busted
Michael Phillips
It's not controversial.
What's funny to me is this is a tool the use to ruin and entrap people (by planting CP on their computers). It is also one of those "forbidden fruits" of the ultra wealthy. TEDx was taking that away from them.
Alexander Phillips
Reminder, they fucked Milo into the dirt for doing a lot less than TED have done. Get em.
I completely agree with everything she said, listen before posting
Julian Adams
She could annex my Crimea any time she wants.
Isaiah Ortiz
Petition user, I think the following first paragraph would be better. >Pedophilia is a disgrace. Any normal human being with common sense understands the implications of having pedophilia sympathizers not only advocating pedophilia, but attempting to normalize it. Unfortunately, it seems like TED has proven themselves to be a pedophilia sympathizer.
Dominic Garcia
holy shit you're a retard. ted is not the fucking government. This isn't illegal. Fucking kill yourself pedo.
This is insane. Remember when "They'll legalize pedophilia next" was a classic conservative talking point, and normies laughed it off as conspiracy theorist shit. And now it's actually happening.
QUICK RUNDOWN: >guy investigates child prostitution >finds its happening a lot >takes it to his boss >gets told to shut up >keeps digging >finds even more >every higher up he takes it to does nothing >they threaten to take his kids away >they stop paying him >moved around the country to try keep him away and quiet >investigations underfunded and filled with alcoholics trying to cope with how awful it is
His bosses probably told him to stop investigating because VIPs are fucking the kids.... if the VIPs go down then so do the officers that have been covering up the whole thing for the past fuck knows how long.
Did you actually watch the video? She condemned child abuse.
Chase Jackson
its almost hilarious how easily ignored you people we be when your THIS brainwashed the only predators yall should be concerned about are RAPISTS/MOLESTORS and Murderers of innocence the only problem that exists. youre all caught in a Prime distraction from these specific individuals mere pedos arent the problem RAPISTS who molest and or murder children ARE.
the dumbing down to distract control and enslave our infinite minds of heart spaced consciousness above hate or fear to be distracted by murderous bigots
>Britain is a key link in the biggest ever international investigation into the production and supply of paedophile 'snuff' movies - in which children are murdered on film - an Observer investigation can reveal. theguardian.com/uk/2000/oct/01/ameliagentleman.philipwillan
>I don't have an argument so I'll call them a Jew.
Oliver Phillips
It has nothing to do with pro or anti pedophilia. Ted posted a video that got a bunch of down votes and then took it down. Now it's trying to claim that it didn't post the video even though the speaker was on its website
We want the lulz of them trying to explain this
James Walker
And you're either deaf or haven't watched the video if you think I'm wrong.
Ian Ward
dear anons, if you are reading this and want to save ANYTHING from youtube you can do the following:
*change youtube to hooktube in the url *click the download button *select the file format you want *right click the video and save it to a file
you now have the video file on your computer.
sincerely, your friendly neighborhood autist
Adam Turner
No you can't just say she is wrong, why do you think she is wrong?
Liam Phillips
m8 this whole talk made me figure the solution out. Closed off monitored pedo communities. The pedos would be incentivised to go there because they've have privileges like non-enforcement of laws about certain pedo material, like who cares if they make certain drawings or manufacture certain kids of dolls, they'd just have to get vasectomies/tubes tied before being admitted, and they could even be given gibsmedats which might also help solve the nigger problem. Oh and of course no child nor pregnancy would be allowed there, like duh.
So it would make the pedos come out of the woodworks, give them an incentive to do all this and allow them to live in a community of accepting and like-minded people while they die off as genetic deadends.
Samuel Hall
I too think that everything she said is reasonable. The controversy is with TED deleting the video and getting Youtube to delete mirrors based on false copyright and trademark claims.
Tyler Howard
Fuck off dickhead, they're trying to normalized pedophilia. Read between the lines you fucking pedo retard.
Dylan Nguyen
Has anyone else sent an email?
Ryder Nguyen
They already have one. It's even promoted on Netflix
You don't get it, TEDx videos are published under the Creative Commons license. Anyone can copy and share the video as long as the video is not edited, monetized, and TEDx is credited.
There is no need to remove any tradmarks, in fact doing so would be a violation of the Creative Commons license. They are either trying to lie and say the video was never published by them (not an "authorized TEDx video") or are just trademark complaint trolling to censor the video (this is what is happening).
Ethan Adams
>Nishat Ruiter What is that a poo-germanic name lmao
Andrew Sullivan
Do you think most pedos only care about pedo material? Just let them have dolls and loli.
Evan Collins
What's wrong with normalizing talking about pedophilia
Cameron Hernandez
Colton Reed
>Private company takes down content...no illegal. Filing false copyright infringement claims is illegal. It violates the Creative Commons copyright license the video was released under.
Xavier Morales
>let's just close our eyes and pretend pedophilia doesn't exist.
Camden Bailey
>Did you actually watch the video? What, you expect me to form my opinions based on my own interpretation of the facts? You must be a fucking Jew!
Alexander Morales
Are they allowed outside of this community? I'm ok with some kind of open air concentration camp
Michael Cox
if i recall correctly, there is a financial penalty applied to false DMCA reports. does the creative commons license have any teeth? is there an avenue to pursue litigation?
Blake Campbell
Could you be more specific as to what in the presentation indicates that the speaker is trying to normalize pedophilia? I think she is very clear that pedophilia is an illness and thereby not normal.
Jack Ortiz
Condemns child abuse but promote pedos? What's the best way and simple way to deal with pedos? Jail.
Daniel Jones
I want to say yes but im not a lawyer regardless im uploading this to my personal and mirroring so i can sue when it gets taken down regardless
David Powell
Cool. Well try to tie them up in knots a bit, it will all make for a delightful montage as the flames are fanned. 9/10, would smile approvingly again.
Grayson Reed
What part of Reddit did these Lefty kikes come from? That was fast as hell. Starting to wonder about the Mods
Carson Taylor
It's normal in the sense that it's common, that doesn't mean it's good.
William Williams
>Could you be more specific as to what in the presentation indicates that the speaker is trying to normalize pedophilia? She clearly states that pedophilia is a natural sexual orientation "just like heterosexuality".
Jordan Cox
you are NOT being serious I just ended up following the ted case the other night with a post requesting weaponized autism or whatever that meant
Asher Mitchell
TED employees
Kayden Edwards
Condemns child abuse, not people who haven't comitted child abuse.
Jason Parker
Archive link of original TEDx Talk YouTube video: archive.is/WZAt3
Jonathan Green
I believe this is a legal gray area.
Do you know the exact license? This is very important. creativecommons.org/licenses/ Sounds like "Attribution-NoDerivs CC BY-ND" but it's important to know the exact one.
This one says "irrevocable".
Aaron Lewis
Impregnating a girl before she finishes puberty does NOT produce the healthiest offspring. ~16 is the peak age for optimal reproduction, but that's entirely on a biological level rather than an emotional/psychological one. You're getting the rope.
Liam Fisher
>muh free speech >American Education Only applies to government officials in the US (if its not struck down by a higher court), you peanut
Carter Sanchez
those Jews, always a step ahead
Noah Howard
Yes, I do know the exact license: >Creative Commons license, Attribution–Non Commercial–No Derivatives (or the CC BY – NC – ND 4.0 International)
It's not a grey area at all. TEDx Talks are published under this license, and you cannot revoke the license after it is published.
You are also missing the point that TED is censoring this pedophile video, and that TED allows thousands of mirrors of other TED Talks to exist on YouTube without issue.
Nathaniel Martinez
Anthony Wood
That's completely wrong. Are all Australians this autistic? I saw one on here the other day that was trying to say the US takes in the most refugees.