Now I understand why eceleb tier like Lauren Southern are rich = white male are beta
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Pretty much.
Fuck women.
Cuck's gonna get teased for the rest of his life over this.
Ridiculous isn't it. I really don't understand them. If they're going to pay money for attention, why not just buy a fucking actual whore and get something back?
Same with these fucking idiots who give money or wishlist items to twitch thots.
If you're not in the top 10% of men, you're now competing against the entire WORLD, just for a smidgeon of attention.
Bless his heart.
What a nice guy
This is like the opposite end of incels. Instead of being an oblivious loser who's angry, he's an oblivious loser who's gullible.
Women are not the problem, its the beta males who are everything wrong in this world.
Women are simply taking advantage of the retarded white knights.
>The man from Shreveport, Louisiana
>usa to australia
What the fuck, what the fuck
Paying indirectly to get pussy is the honest way to not get pussy
What a fucking cuck.
Attractive people play on ez mode life
White knight syndrome.
The classic Jow Forums movie
would you care for another Schnitzengruben?
This guy gets it.
yeah I knew the game already with 13 years old
how can a 25-50 year old guy be so ignorant about the world but still be able to work a job is completely beyond me
Just wait until she discovers twitch
thats really the weirdest stuff mane
not only that they watch spefically women, but also the men
why would you do that? Are there any statistics on how much money are changing wallets in the Twitch thing as a whole?
You probably could write books about this stuff, its not normal
Being a hot girl is like playing on Easy and still using cheat codes. They go through life without ever really needing to try, it's just the way it is. Betas will always do beta stuff like this.
Nothing is normal are chopping there dicks off, turning them inside out, and anons are saying it isn't gay to put your dick inside a dick, that's inception levels of faggots. We live in clown world now.
yep. if i had a sexy gf id have her play video games on twitch while i rake in thousands of $oy bucks. obese, bearded losers all of them
What I was saying, but it contradicted my belief that we are the stronger sex so I came to the conclusion: fuck slut enablers and beta orbiters
Can I get a quick rundown on this "twitch"?
This. You should never be mad at a con if the mark was this fucking stupid. FNGR is the perfect cross-section of beta males. Don't be like FNGR.
what's the reverse for men? taking advantage of poor fat and disfigured women?
people watch each other play video games
even if its a freetoplay online minigame or other bullshit
in the thousands, ten / hundred- thousands of people watch ONE guy playing some bs for HOURS AND HOURS
and then they donate money just so the guy goes "oh thanks " for some reason this makes people get a stiffy if their username is being called out by some guy on a webcam.
oh and they all have weird coloured computerchairs for some reasons
A lucky bastard who picked up one hell of a cook.
No... fuck the guys that allow this shit and encourage it.
Women wouldn't have anything handed to them if fucking sap dickheads wouldn't pander to their every request.
some of it is a woeful attempt at getting attention - some is an actual paraphilia type of pervy thing that they get off on - being a pay-cuck
yesterday there was a thread here on Jow Forums about trying to save this 20 year old white girl from porn.
have in mind that she has been doing almost exclusively interracial porn and white knights were trying to help her raise money.
I'm really starting to enjoy seeing women use betas like the retards they are.
>fat cuck s o y b o y
Pathetic, these cunts should NOT be encouraged, they should be laughed at.
He brought shame to Louisiana Tech
I understand where you're coming from but c'mon, you really can't see how this is possible? the hormones in all the food, complete ignorance despite having all the knowledge at your finger tips? It's prevalent as fuck. Add all that to a dissociation from reality thanks to social media and this is our future if not for the few remaining men keeping some cucks in check.
That's fucking absurd. Saying this as a fan of Pewds btw.
They're both wrong and worthy of nothing but God's wrath
Most men are too big of a pussy to go fuck a prostitute. Sex with prostitutes is better than sex with normal women. Especially in 3rd world countries
>It's LA Tech
Holy shit I went there. Yeah it's definitely cuck terroritoy. Tech is a small school with a good bit of hot girls, but not enough and they all love Chad. It's an engineering school so we got STEM Betas who are perptually thirsty and in denial about being thirsty.
Sounds about right. Anything for a fucking pretty girl's approval is how Louisiana rolls.
Yes women are the problem when they EXPECT to be catered to like this. They're being fucking parasites, it's not the victims fault the parasite is latching on. This is also contrary to what women tell you. Why don't we ask women to be honest about being independent and not ask for help just because she has a face people want a blowjob from?
would you take money from someone giving you free money without expecting anything in return? 99.9999 would take the money. its a no brainer.
we should start shaming these retards instead of women.
> it's not the victims fault the parasite is latching on
who is letting the parasite latch on in the first place ? nobody is forcing you to give your money or cater to their needs.
yet hundred of mens do it because they think that will get them sex.
I support women taking advantage of those disgusting retards
Only able to happen because of weak men. I'd shoot the man if I had to choose between the two.
Why not both
>who is letting the parasite latch on in the first place ?
He's not. Hence it's called a "parasite"... It doesn't announce itself as such. It usually tricks the host or hides in some manner.
>I support women taking advantage of those disgusting retards
Then you support yourself not getting laid because you told stupid cunts it's okay to be a fucking parasite and expect material goods for nothing at all. You should side with your fellow man here and tell girls to give out and put out when guys are being nice to them because than means it actually might happen for you for once.
The attitude you display is one of false alpha. The man who hasn't quite thought it all through yet because he thinks other men not getting laid will magically lead to him getting laid. It won't.
This tbqh. Women are just using what Nature gave to them (their pussy) to their advantage. It's a completely normal instinct to use beta male weaklings for money and attention. The reverse situation also exists with (alpha) men who use females for sex with the promise of a relationship.
Who takes and doesn't give anything in return? Thieves. Parasites. Why let vaginas when? Because you want them? So you're afraid to label negatively.
This. Much shame.
I can't understand why men degrade themselves like this.
Even at 18, with 0 market value, I didn't think about doing shit like that.
it’s honestly the same as any paid entertainment. You don’t HAVE to support them, but if you want them to keep doing what they’re doing and enjoying it, you can ensure they do. Personally, I opt out of that though.
Don't forget, they are "CONTENT CREATORS".
Because an adult playing video games for 14 hours a day ISN'T a loser, so long as it's be recorded.
If you think that’s retarded watch the YouTube debates by jf and those other losers. Why do you give money to watch people talk? For all that shit about not having money people sure are already to give it to random niggers on YouTube
> I deserve vagina because I gave money to her
do you know how autistic you sound ?
women teach other women to avoid players or suffer the consequences, some listen some dont
men should start shaming these retards who treat girls like princesses only to get laughed at
this guys were probably raised by a woman telling them women are everything and should be treated with respect and presents
>I expect people to give me money and I give them nothing in return.
Are you a vagina? Is this why it doesn't make sense to you?
>this guys were probably raised by a woman telling them women are everything and should be treated with respect and presents
Yeah and it's the MAN's fault... for taking any of that to heart. Again you blame men so much I think you're a woman.
To mischaracterize your argument that badly, that user is nothing good.
I'm a man and men these days are not men.
They are soft spoken limp wristed cucks who rather shower girls with money and presents hoping to get a bit of action than to improve themselves or simply go fuck an escort.
Ninja, who is the most popular Twitch streamer, has made (is making) millions playing games in front of a webcam. Shits crazy.
this camwhore got cucks to pay for her gun lessons after a tweet, there's no end to the roasties imagination for free money
fucking cuck
>women bitch
>betas fall over themselves to help
>women continue to bitch
>betas continue seeing to their every need
Repeat until western civilisation is dead.
If she didn't send nudes then we're all doomed.
>seriously though quit whiteknightting and supplementing these whores lifestyles
oh but the woman is the bad one here according to retards.
grown up cucks giving money to women online in order to get some kind of attention from them.
Simple really, women are a reflection of the men in society.
She asks because men will give.
I wish.
I would definitely be taking advantage of these retards.
>just give women another free pass
they're both at fault
I don't because it encourages women who usually won't to do it.
Break the cycle.
Legalize prostitution
Nah, fuck the betas
fuck him. kudos to her for depriving that retard of 100 bucks that he obviously shouldn't have
Luckily I am in the top 1% of men, and have fucked over 200 in the last 5 years.
I'm a virgin and even I don't get how pathetic you need to be to do stuff like this. Why give money to stupid cunts? I fucking hate all the losers giving money to twitch whores.
Huh? Is working in the radio industry not a real job aswell?
Donating to twitch streamers is pretty dumb but it's obviously hard work to sit infront of a camera spouting shit for 7-8 hours a day. It's just broadcasting in its newest form
what a fucking turbo cuck
ofcourse its the oldes question :
how can a well trained professional singer get no money and ozzy osbourne lives in a mansion
but you have to admit, people throwing their money at people like this is pathetic and sick
But you making this shit thread isn't part of the problem? See pic related and die.
The thing is with Twitch is that viewership is massively sporadic and you have to work hard to maintain subscribers and thus your income. Whilst I don't do it myself I don't feel like subscribing every month for content you enjoy isn't pathetic, but people who donate money just to have a conversation with someone is bizzare to me.
The only streamers which annoy me are the IRL ones. Atleast you only find camwhores if you look for them but fuck me every single IRL streamer without fail is cringey and ruins any location they're at.
Wow now i wish i was a roastie
Unless you have impregnated them all that is basically masturbation.
Burn Western Civilization to the ground
do you have more?
It's the "girlfriend experience" ... That Neckbeard is a fucking loner, and takes any chance to get the attention of a beautiful thot....
Aussie Slag got some Leaf beta orbiter to pay her ticket .lmao
This world needs to burn
I payed your toll... Please Respond ...
Fuck the beta men in n General. If a rapture ever occurd I hope It Takes all the Beta men. Women will never act like this if it weren't for pussies like that guy. Beta shaming should become a trend
it's male biology to take care of females
I've fucked escorts when I travel interstate here for a few days.
It's expensive as fuck, around $500 minimum for a hot as fuck 10 an hour. Last time I did it was when I was in W.A, up in the north part at this sick little hotel place on a beach.
Took a 10 escort, cost me about 7k overnight. I mean it was 100% worth it, fucking basically a supermodel looking chick without any of the bullshit you get with girls. But it was so expensive.
Trip was like
1. arrive, check in
2. kickback for half an hour, fuck her in the bathroom & shower getting ready for dinner
3. had dinner
4. walk on beach cracking jokes
5. fuck her in the room
6. shower and a little bit of oral/hand stuff
7. unwind in bed
8. wake up fuck & repeat
Fuck I hate this school
wtf? how fucking desperate are you?
not gonna pretend i never threw a bitch $40 for some head but jesus christ
Awwww, let's give the white knight a round of applause.
>7k overnight
I hope your rich user. You should have just gotten into a bar and picked up chicks 7k is way too much for sex
>around $500 minimum for a hot as fuck 10 an hour