Based black man

He BTFO's black guests one by one. He even wrecks a dr in social science on a show.

Where did this man come from? How did I never hear of him before?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Oh look. MOSSAD shilling for a new e-celeb.

yeah bro im mossad. sorry for trying to have a conversation

"Hello young lady. Are you a SLUT?"

Tariq owns this coon.



Thats amazin'


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Dat nigga looks like a ghoul

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Jesse Lee Peterson flies under the radar, but he's a great debater. I've seen him own BLM-types to the point where they get up and walk off his show. All it takes is listening to them and asking questions.

>He BTFO's black guests one by one
And he does it slowly, calmly, and methodically.


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Das amazin

he used to be a guest on fox news a lot in the 2000's but I think he got blacklisted

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This guy's been doing radio and youtube shit for years and he barely has 40,000 subscribers or viewers. Crazy. Also, he sometimes argues well and sometimes argues nonsensically which is annoying.

He ain't new.

This one is pretty good

Listening to these liberal young blacks is cringy but it helps you understand the idiocy we are seeing on twitter nowadays. These morons really believe the bullshit they've been fed.

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BTFO ...
Pathetic and to see many years later the same shit live on today.

What's hilarious is how much they feel out of place not being able to chimp out on a such a cool-headed nog that lived through the Jim Crowe era.

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JLP is an actual BASED African-American gentleman.

He knows about the (((children of the lie)))

They try but he just plows through it and calls them out. If he was white they would start jumping around and doing the chimp out thing that you see later by the women in the audience


This is very evident in his Styx interview although it also shows Styxs faults

JLP is just echoing what we say but he also acts like hes white. In the sense that he sees black people as seperate from him. He doesn't understand socioeconomic factors and there is no doubt he is shady.


BASED black men are so epic please fuck my wife and kids amirite /nupo- I mean Jow Forums!

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dont you have a tiki torch rally to get to?
This was a good one.

I'm glad one of you finally woke up and posted before jerking it to degenerate porn, it's pretty late in the afternoon!
There is still a divide between black and other races and the video I posted above addresses that early on you, should give it a look! You don't need to trust black people but, even assuming they are your enemy, you should not underestimate men like this either.
The last thing you should do is the_donald mistake of treating blacks like pets just as the elites in our media do.

>Hurr durr alt right evil Nazis
Back to plebbit newfag. Summer doesn’t give you a free pass.

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No you fucking newfag nigger lover. We don’t sperg out over BASED black men over here. They are the enemy and they aren’t human or the same subspecies as us. Go the fuck back to the reddit shithole you crawled out of. Summer doesn’t mean shit.

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holy shit, a real user. all i've seen for a year is shills.

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i miss big gay huell...


Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve seen any of us on here in a long time. Jow Forums has been dying before the 2016 US Presidential elections but that election was the final nail in the coffin for this place. We were filled with newfags, redditors, and boomers that never left. That’s why /ptg/ still exists today and it being summer doesn’t help. I can’t believe we actually lost this place. There’ll never be another place like it again. Just wish us oldfags could stick together.

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>we don't SPERG out
>spergs out
what did he mean by this?

lol hes great, calls out dumb fucks calls liberals racists which blows their fucking minds.

>Sucks nigger cock but only BASED nigger cock so it’s okay

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Yes more epic libtard roasting with no solutions. Living in 2016 must be fun.

>sperging intensifies
well now I'm convinced

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>alt right evil nazees
alt right is a meme and you are a loser.

Wow, a whole bunch of words and yet you've said nothing. Amazing!

"No decent man would marry a slut."

No one said Nazis, you dumb nigger faggot.

Das amazin'

The great white hope.

He keeps saying that when he's at the Trump Hollywood star. I can't be sure but I think he's not making a joke here.

Here's a better conversation with a black student. Although she parrots the narrative she doesn't chimp out like the other morons.

Checked and I absolutely loved that video.

this evil monkey is very dangerous.
he's the porch monkey agreeable negro.
highly lethal and an argument by the race mixers.

I fucking love JLP, been listening to him every day for a few weeks. He's based as fuck and doesn't give a shit about political correct.

He puts hippie queens like Michael Savage to shame.

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>hippie queens like Michael Savage
Hold on I need a basic gestalt on this. Years ago I used to listen to Savage's radio show for a laugh but other than acting like a faggot when it comes to his dog I didn't think of him as a hippie.

>a whole bunch of words

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can a sane minded user like yourself explain to a newfag why do mods on Jow Forums delete nigger bashing threads very often and was it always the case?

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this whole video was good but started at 18:14 he destroys these white kids using the race card. it's not the typical use of the race card and Jesse was just using it to shut them down. this little white girl looked like she was going to cry.

I agree.
You should fuck off out of here.

* while everyone was clapping

These threads are shilled en masse and little to no discussion occurs in the thread. I didn't know these were deleted as I frequently see them up for longer periods. They are especially important during a normie influx

he was good friends with mega hippie alan ginsberg. they swam nude in some ocean among other thing.

sure people change but at one point savage aka weiner was a typical '60s hippie.

did you have fun?

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I could watch him argue all day. He is intimidating even for his age.
>You're stupid
>y-you're stupid!
>why are you telling what to do
>no u
>no u
My sides user ow

Ahh ok. I won't judge him based on something from long ago. Until I experienced first hand the leftist propaganda machine thanks to my now ex-wife I was all-in on the leftist faggotry. Anyone can wake up, even black men.

He's a diehard animal rights activist, saying we are on the same playing field as every other of God's creatures. While I do enjoy listening to his show, he's not shy about his animal rights rants and he'll blow a whole show about it.

Plus he's kinda a stodgy old blowhard, but I can can hardly fault him for that.

Did something happen to his nose ?

>sir sir stop engaging
>... will she go away?
>this woman hate black people!

>I'm part black
>No you're not you're a MEXICAN!

And here I thought he only did the calm thing. This is wild
>Am i like animal? So you show me another black animal

Yeah is old age and disconnection from the working people is difficult to get past. I think I gave up on him when he was on one of his annoying faggoty animal rights rants. Not that I think anyone should be off torturing animals but he goes full on Disney left with that garbage. It is not easy finding a decent non-leftist radio show host worth listening to.

Also he's a self described sexual libertarian, but he does stay true to fighting the sexualization of children and argues against public spending of sexual reassignment procedures.

He's unique in that regard but I don't care for his sexually liberated attitude, I'm pretty sure he's all for the rights of women to slut around like farm animals since there's a noticeable absence of touching that issue.

People have always loved watching niggers dancing and doing shows for the white man.
Nothing has changed

>BLM: the post

Yeah he does have a lefty feel. It was a good gateway speaker for me as I found myself unable to watch the John Stewarts and other (((comedians)))

Watch this one if you don't want a spectacle. They discuss BLM in a calm and rational (as rational as the left can be) manner.

dat nigga 69 years old


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not ones like this one here, but usually ones about racemixing where you could expect lots provocative pictures and just bashing over whose women want which race more.

I’ll take JLP over your bitchass any day.

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whitey himself making a stand against cultural marxism just might not be enough in these modern times, but you can cooperate to together to counter the jewish tricks
That is not to say that most niggers don't act like fucking animals and which is true their kind is known for this, but those with common sense in their brain spitting some truth into a liberal mind could be a good way of waking them up that perhaps the whitey is right and not alone on this
i bet most of you wouldn't mind a black man or woman there and there so aslong as they keep to themselves and don't come swarming in droves ought to replace the host population, that's how i remember the general publics opinion being until the shitstorm that is the migrant crisis came

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>He BTFO's black guests one by one.
Yet fails miserably against white people.
>What's his trick?
Having a 95 iq

Here's a short and sweet one where he calls out a mexican reporter calling a white guy racist for picketing for border control. That's 1996 and he sounds exactly the same yet looks about 40 years younger. Apparently not being a chimpian shill makes you age quickly.


"Most Blacks Are Mentally Retarded!" Jesse vs Ty Barnett (Rematch w/ Black Comedian)
The very next video

And he got owned by Jared Taylor so bad the Nation of Islam 5% said Nasheed let them down. Those reaction vids were great.

>a man says niggers are the evil scourge of the earth and they need to be eradicated ASAP
>"wow look at this Jewish plan psyop triple reversal false flag kike ruse"


Found one that is non confrontational. Nice change of pace and seems Jow Forums relevant. He discusses the problems around feminism with some women. First I've heard of her but she hits all the points that we hit here.

The woman's name is DeAnna Lorraine

>page 10
Good thread OP
I'd nearly forgot about Jesse

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the only sad thing about this american man is that he never had the merites to fully express his feels before trump, i'm a little upset he's not more popular when he should be, it's not often you can talk to a guy from his age who actually picked up cotton, a patriot and still can lecture younger generations into confusions on camera

He's not done yet.

Here's a good one where discusses Trump with Ben Shapiro. I've never seen Shapiro so unbalanced and obviously biased. Although I didn't watch him pre election.

i don't know but this is a fantastic interview weev did with him