Daily reminder that plan voisin could've been a great step forward for all of mankind.
Le Corbusier aesthetics
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come on italy, I know you want it more than anyone else
His aesthetics are fucking garbage.
>literally the most typical past-century prison planning allowing a single guard per floor to watch for 4 hallways
Did you just watch the Indian travel documentary too?
Its looks like shit
it is actually almost impressive how devoid of soul a man looking creature and its "creation" can be
Le Corbusier was a shit when it came to city planning
Speer FTW
>plan voisin
>not usonian
I thought Jow Forums loved ugly concrete bunkers?
Nice commie blocks.
Someone post the corbusier smashing shit comic
You're mixing up poorfag's functionalism with boner-inducing brutalism.
It can be appreciated in an ironic manner. It's horrible.
That looks like non symmetrical TRASH
Yes, I do. Corbusier was a proper fascist.
it's literally what they built in communist countries
Le Corbusier was a retarded snobbish faggot who couldn't design anything inhabitable.
But what can you except from the French
Enemy of mankind.
Should've been shot along with OP.
Hideous garbage.
Absolutely disgusting. Notice how OP only posts drawings and none of the abominations he actually built.
Funny how everything he built is abandoned and run-down. Probably for good reason.
Reminder that le Corbusier himself is not to blame for the death of aesthetics, but rather those so lacking in originality as to copy his entire style and paste it all over the globe are to blame. The man created what was a unique style, but has now become bland due to totally tasteless copying.
Mega city I?
Postmodern trash designed to oppress and mock the human spirit. Soulless monstrosities like this should be blasted to rubble for the good of mankind.
This would look good on a snowy mountaintop patrolled by ski-masked guards.
The fucking faggot was scribbling on paper and the snobbish libshit elite was drooling over it. Every building he built is a fucking failure, abandoned and waiting for demolition
>inb4 Villa Savoye
Villa Savoye was also a fucking failure, just like Corbusier. 2 years after being built, and the roof was leaking all over, the owner even planned to sue that degenerate faggot. Now it only stands because the french government renovates that cuckshed every 30 years to prevent its collapse.
>what they built in communist countries
After Stalin's death in 1953 Khruschev seized the power and in 1955 pushed The Act about fighting excesses in building (the word "architecture" on USSR area stopped to exist that day).
Until that we had very cool building because they were used to show glory of communism. Seriosly, if you go for example in subway here you see insane difference between right-after-ww2 stations and more modern one. Old ones look like a legacy of past civilization humanity is unable to recreate.
That's part of many reasons why Khruschev is remembered as a massive retard and people still love Stalin.
Le corbusier was a fucking idiot who made some of the ugliest and least functional buildings in the world.
Stalinist architecture was kinda meh, but ironically, it's the last traditional architecture style
Yeah it looks intimidating but It'd probably crumble after a couple of artillery shells. Everything he built is useless and abandoned. Everything inspired by him is soulless and ugly. He did make some pretty drawings though.
This is supposed to be a convent, but it feels more like a satanist recruitment center
It's perfect as a bastion to fend off waves of nigger rapefugees with .50 cal. Just look at it.
Just add gun nests to taste.
Ugly as shit
Corbusier gave birth to the mentality that let pic related happen
Here's The Novgorod Drama Theater. I personally climbed one of those towers while visiting.
fucking commie
poor maintenance is the culprit
has nothing to do with the architect
Fuck that guy, post-modern architecture like pic related is based.
Disgusting anti-human modernist trash
Near everything of that concrete era needs to be pulled down or have the exterior re-done
The great shame is that modernist buildings were not quickly outlawed
my architecture teacher studied under corbusier for a little bit, due to corbusier visiting his college. he said the man was absolutely crazy and insisted on wearing a cape everywhere he went. the man isn't terrible, but corbusier's designs lack a certain soul. mies van de rohe is a much better example of contemporary architecture
>If the roof collapses because it's made out of cardboard, then it's due to poor maitance
>This is all your fault goy, not ours, you're just too dumb, we dindu nuffin'
Go back sucking ducks, OP
Fuck off with this vile modernist trash.
p-p-post the bridge
>its not communism it was western interference!
Most post-modern buildings are abominations, though
>Like our national theatre
it looks like gotham from the 90's batman cartoon. very cool
That's Unreal II tier
How are you going to shoot niggers when they are below your line of site. I hope those have open floors so you can pour boiling oil down them.
What the fuck
>commies made houses with cardboard
see, there's your problem
in most cases, pre-fab concretes are better insulated than trad wooden houses
Does Russia have brutalist style buildings all over or is it just some areas?
>autistic commie blocks
It's actually a nice interpretation of classical architecture. Without that weird autistic 'winged' roofing on the left, it'd be a 8/10 structure.
It looks overdone and try-hard but I like where they were going for though, just needs to get toned down.
Finland has the best Batman building.
that looks comfy
It looks better clo-
That's a beautiful prison.
>Battleship commieblock
Neat, actually.
Brutalism looks cool in a apocalypse kind of way. It would be horrible to live in one but they are still pleasing if only to remind you how much better everything else is.
I have a theory that if everyone lived in brutalist post modern concrete slabs, we'd all psychologically want the apocalypse to happen.
You shoot them from the comfy elevated position before they can reach the stem. Also defence lines with barbed wire, minefields and stuff.
Most of big cities in exUSSR countries have them.
Some compare commie esthetics to Warhammer. Check out this monument to Civil War red cavalry.
Neo Gothic was the way to go
yeah, most of the post-commie fags here forget about the fact that his maisonette design is quite a success
In fact britards had shamelessly copied it in the 50s, due to lack of innovation
Litteral demons..
He even managed to destroy a log cabin.
thats like 0.05% percent of post modern
And ancapism would be a perfectly fine ideology if it wasn't a pay-as-you-go suicide state.
Once the tallest building in the world
Vid of the woolworth building exterior
Interior and history
fucking hideous.
that pretty much sums it up.
this style of building and they completely autistic to the point you wonder if its a building post-modernist architecture has to be the worst.
>commie blocks mass produced
>great step foward for all mankind
top kek, look at this fucking retard with his 7s
What is it with you Russians and climbing shit?
great step forward into a pile of horseshit op is a fucking faggot
Idk, maybe it's our innate pull to conquering new heights.
that looks autistic as fuck desu
Stop conquering buildings and go to the moon then.
Yesterday - the theater, tomorrow - the galaxy.
See, there's that radiation belt we couldn't figure out how to pass without getting our spacemen killed. One day we will purge corrupted (((elites))) and start colonizing the universe again, Mars should be red, kek.
I only like it if it's far away.
>Build ugly trash
>Nobody wants to live in it
>Ugly trash goes unmaintained
I love the sight of concrete fused with wild nature. Like something incredibly strong destined to endure the constant change of nature. I would live unironically in a bunker surrounded by nature.
>commies couldn't figure out how to get past the radiation belt
It's easy: make your ship out of duct tape and tinfoil.
Was this shit literally ripped from Aeon Flux or vice versa?