Jow Forums newbie, so this might be a pretty unoriginal post. But as a British person, everybody around me hates Donald Trump, and so do many Americans. But why? Do people just feel the need to jump on the hate bandwagon?
Why do people hate Donald Trump so much?
because he's a moron
Penis envy
no they don't kike. You are trying to use meme magic, aren't you?
Absolutley not.
I'm not a Trump suporter, against Trump, or a kike.
I just think that he hasn't really done much wrong as a president.
And yeah, I do agree that he is pretty moronic, but people treat him like he's evil.
Our TVs tell the retarded normies to hate certain things and like mindless sheep, they do what they’re told.
Dodged the statement a bit sorry.
People in the UK really fucking do, and I've only heard bad of him outside of the UK.
they absolutly loved the guy
then he became a candidate and they started shiting on him 24/7
Nah they loved him as a candidate too. They just didn't think he would win
Someone post the Colbert show where Donnie got a standing O as candidate
I mean, people make such a big deal about the whole wall thing, they claim that he's racist just because he doesn't want ILLEGAL immigrints crossing the boarder, because the kind to cross the boarder are usually the worst of the worst. I'm sure Trump wouldn't hate a wealthy Mexican.
I mean, yeah there are many who do love him, but I just don't understand why he's so controversial. It's like people are trying so hard to be politically correct that they ignore the real problems in the world.
I'm the last one on that column
He has vulgar taste and does not speak with the polish of an Ivy League attorney.
Most SJW are enamoured with their status as the educated elite. Trump upsets that Paradigm.
If Mitt Romney had the same policies, the outrage would not be as much, because he is presidential.
He's a massive pile of shit.
Haters gonna hate, half are nigs and other half are shilling kikes
he's the metaphorical daddy they either never had, or secretly hate.
the rest of us are cut from the same cloth he is, so it's charming and funny
This, I see only translated articles from fucking Gardian, Washington Post, all leftist rags.
But some people have started to see past this overflowing bullshit
Because that's what (((they))) want
>everybody around me hates donald trump
faggot confirmed
They could just not like his actual policies.
Because of the memes
Lurk more
because lugen press told them to.
What? It's not my opinion, it's all everybody here tells me. He's vastly hated here in the UK.
But that's what I don't understand, what policies people don't particuarly agree with.
It's simple, for the same reason that they believe in multiculturalism or the patriarchy: they have been intentionally fed bullshit by social engineers who use failed fashion models reading pre-written press releases, on highly visible media/social media platforms to sway the beliefs of what Mark lovingly referred to as "useful idiots" They have no desire to do any due diligence beyond reading facebook memes, and Gizmodo or Jezebel or some other vapid one dimensional travesty of human thought.
Because there are people who can think for themselves, and people who can't. Some people need to turn on the TV, or go to social media for daily patches to their belief system. And it would be INCONCEIVABLE to them to do things any other way.
Many wanted that criminal Hillary as president and when she lost they got butthurt and bitter.
In part it's because all Western mainstream media have run a constant negative campaign against him for 3 straight years, but mainly it's because he is an "anti-bullshit" politician. He doesn't need to lie to get support from voters, he just says whatever he thinks and BTFOs all the liars and fake news around him: he's an existential threat for all those who made a whole career out of selling delusions.
your perceptions have been managed, how utterly boring...
Because a large portion of the population would prefer a nice calming smiling President
Now that we have removed all religion and tradition for simpletons to focus on and find comfort in all they can do is look at the president.
They need a boring shadow of a man that tells them everything is going to be okay and america loves them and lives little sad Mexican kids at the border and everything will be okay.
Because more than half of the population has the emotional maturity of a child.
Trump doesn’t do this, imagine going back to the Middle Ages and telling people that god isn’t real and the king isn’t his regent on earth.
They’d hate you too, in fact they’d kill you.
Same shit new century
They hate him because the people are told to by their masters.
Their masters hate him because he's too powerful for them to manipulate. Donald answers to no one.
Jelly because he keeps winning and his shit eating grin is on tv 24/7 mocking them.
Because historically the globalist progressive juggernaut kept moving forward no matter which party got into office.
Because they're told to.
He also has a lot of masculine mannerisms which nu-males and mentally deranged people with rainbow hair don't like.
It has been shown that the media runs 95% negative bend on Trump.
Even if you take the cuck core polling, he has 45% approval in murica (and we know how much polls are accurate about Trump). And that's still higher than any (any) western European head of state/government.
The main difference is that due to the media pushing the line of anti-Trumpism, haters are much more open about hating him.
It may depend on your social circle too.
People don't want to think about politics. They want to be told what to think and get angry when their told to be angry then go back to bing bong wahoo and consuming narrative-approved media.
95% of people will do anything others tell them to do. The majority of those in charge don't like Trump so they convince the masses Trump is evil.
I'm Spanish, and I feel like you do. I'm not afraid to call myself a Trump supporter, but most of his hate comes from:
1. His race
2. His gender
3. His money
4. His non-SocJus politics
5. His likeness to memes and the internet
6. Some shit he said once about grabbing pussy once
That's basically it. Of course, none of these reasons make sense at all.
>They knew they would throw every lie they could at me and my family and my loved ones. They knew they would stop at nothing to try to stop me. But I never knew as bad as it would be. I never knew it would be this vile, that it would be this bad, that it would be this vicious.
>Nevertheless, I take all of these slings and arrows gladly for you.
>I take them for our movement so that we can have our country back.
He is obviously doing something that threatens The Plan
Lurk moar summerfag faggot
Well people hate him because he is really dumb and knows practically nothing about politics. But I like him a lot since he is the first human MEME to become president. He used memes to become president, and he is a Jesus to memes, as to compare to Hilary, is a literal Meme Anti Christ, she killed Pokemon GO as soon as she said that god awful pun, and decided to almost kill Pepe. So a lot of outsiders (people who know how to use memes correctly) hated her. Keep in mind as well, she wanted to go to war with Russia and hated gays. The anti Trump people just don't know that and if they do, they are just needlessly hating on Trump for what he does and who he is. When Hilary almost killed Pepe a lot of people decided to be on Trump's side as he accepted meme culture about him. So people hate him since he is a moron despite the fact that hilary is a lot worse for a lot of reasons
Holy shit I remember when he said that :'(
its literally due to media manipulation
>Well people hate him because he is really dumb and knows practically nothing about politics.
LMAO stay mad boi
It's even simpler than that. The majority of people, Americans in this case, can easily be bought off. Look at Obama, all it took was giving people free phones and a promise he might do something and he got a lot of the vote.
These are great answers.
Leftists are criminals who hate someone who calls them out.
some people are more susceptible to mind control and propaganda techniques
he force-pilled them the basics and destroyed their cucked lefty lives, that's why.
they took the pink pill and now they scream like kikes who want to rule the world but will never ever do so.
i would kvetch too if i were an asshole i gues, kek.
i love trump
>Well people hate him because he is really dumb and knows practically nothing about politics.
t. only watches John Oliver
"I HATE THAT TRUMP HATES GAYY!!!S" *hand movement* is one I get a lot where I live.
You must live around some shitty people.
I really do. Close minded fuckers who slurp up the media with no opinion of their own.
Really? That sounds just like Jow Forums.
>I really do. Close minded fuckers who slurp up the media with no opinion of their own.
> Im larpin on Jow Forums because faggots here are just as stupid as I am. it's teh funnahy.
hello jimmy savile, consider suicide.
We think he's better than most US politicians, but we can't fully get behind him because he's such a Zionist.
Leftists and niggers hate him just because he's a white male. Also, the US media is roughly 80% controlled by leftist Jews who shill for Democrats and poz constantly.
you're replying to a kike.
Because he says and does things that are necessary to keep America "American". Both Republicans and Democrats wants open borders to be flooded with some kind of brown immigrant (see Europe) and Trump is the only one throwing a wrench into their plans.
he's a kike puppet, thats enough of a reason to hate him
The media has decided they hate him. People easily influenciable (most) fall for it.
Nothing new, the media is leftist.
I think hes a bit too stupid to be evil, but now doubt deepstate/kikebanks/dems or whoever is on top of your conspiracy pyramid is probably pulling his strings. His tax plan was the nail in the coffin to his voterbase. 2020 is a tough run lads
In Finland every (100%) news about Trump is a translation from CNN etc., so basically it's even worse because we don't have the equivalent for example Fox news. I'm sure it's same thing with most of the Europe.
I aint no kike!!
White manufacturing unions love him for his trade protectionism and keeping spics out.
Also most people don't give a shit about rich people paying less taxes, as long as they themselves get a bigger tax return check.
Even (((Bill Maher))) said the economy was doing good, and he wishes it was worse so Trump wouldn't have as much support. Shill harder, faggot.
>I just think that he hasn't really done much wrong as a president.
>And yeah, I do agree that he is pretty moronic, but people treat him like he's evil.
I would replace Trump with David Duke or Patrick Little if I could, but Trump is still better than Jeb or Shillary would have been.
Globalist elites are trying to spin any form of nativism or border restrictions as "LITERALLY HITLER" because they want to pump the West with retarded brown slaves.
Small step's at a time i suppose.
False. He was sued and lost for racist practices when renting out his properties. Didn't allow blacks to live there.
So he has been accused and lost legally speaking.
Honestly this, most normies knew him from the Apprentice but whatever.
Then the media started their 2 minutes of hate and they automatically hated him. It's pretty pathetic to watch.
more brown slaves = more taxes = woo I'm richer!!!
it's like our leaders are actually a bunch of naive children