Suppose you have an eight figure net worth. What is the better option?
A. Have one or two kids with a white woman who is virtually guaranteed to divorce you and steal half of your shit. Watch in despair as your zogged children blanda upp with mexicans and blacks.
B. Create a harem of dozens of young women in Thailand who will unconditionally worship you and service you on demand because you rescued them from poverty and misery and they know you are better than any man they have ever met or ever will meet. Impregnate them all and create 60 mixed race children. Set aside at least 500k for each child's future. Chances are that one of the children will come with all of your best traits, especially if one of the girls in your harem is already half-white herself. Have your sons learn Chinese and Japanese so they can pursue relationships with other asians, but teach your daughters english and marry them off to white men. This way your bets are hedged in the race war, and your bloodline has a future regardless of whether whites are exterminated.
>have the sons stay and marry thai women >bring the hapa daughters to Australia so they can marry white Australian men to help create a Eurasian ethnostate
Dominic Taylor
Instead of the Asian woman, how about some other shithole like Sweden, Poland Slovenia etc?
You know. White woman.
John Johnson
What a concept.
Justin Lopez
>He doesn't realize Asian women are the most materialistic on earth and will divorce you after getting a greencard Lmao. Fuck off with your degenerate fantasies Oh fuck off, Australia is the only Western country worth saving
Dylan Stewart
Or have a harem in Eastern Europe?
Mason Russell
jungle asians are not the same as east asian master race
Irrelevant meme. The opposite will occur, because my boys will be raised among asians, and hapas are worshipped as sex gods in most asian countries. The girls will have an exotic appeal to the white men they will be raised to seek. All of my children will have excellent and fulfilling lives.
White marriages are the most successful marriage of any racial pairing, even though marriage is a fucking nightmare for all men due to the legal strangehold vaginas have.
Asians are fuck toys and do not deserve Euro DNA. End of discussion.
I'm interested in having a large number of children, and unwavering obedience from the mothers. White women, especially Christian white women, do not accept harems. Thai women do. Christianity is also a mind virus that turns people into cucks and I don't want my children infected by it.
You do realize there is a shocking amount of men who chop their dicks off in Thailand. I think you are better off being rich in Eastern Europe than in Thailand.
Kayden Baker
>i’m unable to find a decent white woman because I’m an undesirable incel so Asian women are obviously better
Christian Powell
Option 1 with more babies than two and a prenup.
Bentley Perry
>dozens of young women in Thailand They are, or used to be, dudes. No exceptions.
Dylan Lopez
False dichotomy. Prenups are a thing. Hell, I could go for some slav dirt farmer girls and have a harem that way. Put them in separate residences if i am that fucking wealthy.
Hunter Davis
>not picking option C >leading a warband of bloodthirsty warriors to pillage all of europe and asia impregnating as many women as possible I'm going the Genghis route
Charles Hernandez
>Prenups are a thing. Why do you retards keep saying this as if they protect everything, or aren't disregarded all the time? Educate yourself on family law for once.