Please give me your best red pills on everything before article 13 comes

you know that article 13 is coming and Europe will be completely cut off
I assume that it will lead to a information black out.

I thank you

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HALLO !!!!!!!!!!!!! GUYS

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Delet this


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uh, mate whats a proxy?


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Just for you, Wilhelm. See you in Valhalla.

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thank you guys

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Read Prinipia Discordia and welcome the ensuing chaos
Hail Eris


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until then in Valhalla.

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The last one I have for now, save it all

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checked and saved thx
>can i have a bump

Valhalla awaits!
pic related

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The EU wants a Runet of it's own, an EUnet if you will. Why? Because it would be extremely easy to control. State propaganda will get cranked up to 11.

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I know, that's why I want to do a hardcopy