Tell me why i shouldn't support democrats

>they support universal healthcare so if i am sick or injured i wont be in medical debt forever
>they support clean energy proposals and investing in alternative forms of energy; which is good for the environment and also economically necessary to adapt to these new types of jobs
>they support having good relations and trade with our allies and not making us enemies of fucking canada
>they support education and training skilled workers instead of encouraging educated people to flee to other countries like canada or ones in europe that actually want to make use of them

The Democratic Party is in my best interest and actually wants to make things better. Meanwhile the GOP just wants to alienate all our allies, leave us behind by still working with coal and not investing in new energy, and would rather raise the military budget than support healthcare.

At the end of the day, if you look past the funny memes, it doesnt make sense for me to vote GOP at all.

Attached: 2000px-DemocraticLogo.svg.png (2000x1950, 93K)

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>The Democratic Party is in my best interest and actually wants to make things better. Meanwhile the GOP just wants to alienate all our allies, leave us behind by still working with coal and not investing in new energy, and would rather raise the military budget than support healthcare.

Dont forget they support your right to murder babies and engage in disgusting sexual behavior, as well as flooding our labor market with cheap workers.

All of those things only work in ethnically and culturally homogeneous societies, democrats don't support that, so your points are moot.

Sounds like your happy being a plantation slave, so fuck along back to huffington post

>they support
>they support
>they support
>they support
How do you know what they support other than Trump Russia, Trump Stormy, and Trump illegals children. Those aren't positions.

>muh degeneracy
this is why everyone thinks you're a joke. i dont give a shit if people want to have sex or abort their own babies. how much of a loser do you have to be to actually care about this?

100% of what you said is bullshit. They just want to maintain power and influence.

>they support universal healthcare so if i am sick or injured i wont be in medical debt forever
You won't be sick cause you're young, but some old fuck will and you'll have to pay for him. Also, they don't support universal healthcare
>they support clean energy proposals and investing in alternative forms of energy; which is good for the environment and also economically necessary to adapt to these new types of jobs
Actually legit.
>they support having good relations and trade with our allies and not making us enemies of fucking canada
The cold war is over, but they're still leeching off us and ripping us off in trade. We pay to defend them yet they STILL beat us in trade
>they support education and training skilled workers instead of encouraging educated people to flee to other countries like canada or ones in europe that actually want to make use of them
US students who study abroad are less than 10,000. It's very rare

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>All of those things only work in ethnically and culturally homogeneous societies
but america has honestly never been ethnically or culturally homogenous

>they support universal healthcare so if i am sick or injured i wont be in medical debt forever
You can always buy insurance with the money they would have to take you from taxation to support universal healthcare.

>they support clean energy proposals and investing in alternative forms of energy; which is good for the environment and also economically necessary to adapt to these new types of jobs
Clean energy is a scam made by people who are in the clean energy business themselves. It's far more expensive the other energy options.

theyre unironically demons

theyll ban your guns and add import loads of spics, as well as censor your words and censor ideologies bc someone deemed it "hateful"

The absolute state of shariablue faggots

Democrats want gays running the world. They also will tax the shit of you and make you poor..

Why would you choose to be poor?
Also why are you a complete faggot?

1. Guess that Obamacare isn't working out for you. How sad. Surely we should entrust the same people to fix it!
2. If you want more Solyndra, buy their stock yourself.
3. They always smile when they see a sucker coming. Democrats aren't smart enough to realize that.
4. They sure support indoctrination and mo' money fo' dem programs, while jobs flee overseas. Sucks your degree in trans-zoophile oppression studies is worthless and now you need retraining to work at Starbucks.
The more you look at it, you can't help but recognize that Democrats are the most gullible batch of rubes in human history.

they will also increase your taxes to pay for these spics, as well as nigs. so it affects you. it also grants you less pay as the cheap labor dilutes the job market

It was pretty close up till the 60's.

If you believe that, then why would you vote dem? We've always been ethnoplural (EU mutts), but there was a time when we had a uniform "American" culture. That pretty much died in the 1960s when we became a culture of critics.

>culture of critics.

Actually, if you're so desperate to be told how to think politically, the Democrats are right up your ally, sport.

>they support universal healthcare so if i am sick or injured i wont be in medical debt forever.

I understand the appeal of that. But in university they taught us that if you make something free, then people will use too much of it.

>they support clean energy proposals and investing in alternative forms of energy; which is good for the environment and also economically necessary to adapt to these new types of jobs.

Sounds good. If we let global warming continue we will get hit with a drought that we can't recover from eventually.
>>they support having good relations and trade with our allies and not making us enemies of fucking canada.

But how are you defining "good relations"? That sounds like I am being flippant. But I am not. What tact do you think that America should take towards other countries?
>>they support education and training skilled workers instead of encouraging educated people to flee to other countries like canada or ones in europe that actually want to make use of them.

Hard to disagree with supporting education and training skilled workers. But America already spends more money on education than most of the OECD. And Trump already has his own Job Training Program. So what are you actually advocating for that you don't already have?

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The democratic is full of degenerates as well as their values

>Dont forget they support your right to murder babies
This is illegal. You must not be telling the truth

>and engage in disgusting sexual behavior,
One day you'll figure out that's the best kind, incel-user.

>flooding our labor market with cheap workers.
Cheap workers, doing the shittiest jobs Americans won't ever do, are responsible for low prices.

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>tell me why i shouldn't support democrats
Controlled by the Jews.

>but america has honestly never been ethnically or culturally homogenous
Yeah? Who was allowed to be citizens when the USA was founded?

The Zionists are 90% Democrats. That should be reason enough. If any country is thinking of nuclear holocaust, I would suggest that New York and Maryland would be better targets than the rest of our otherwise peaceful nation.

Your party has the mainstream media, they disseminate the status quo. These greasy politicians seek to strip more freedom away from the citizens while also doing anything they can to keep control.
I will never support people who want to limit/destroy the 1st & 2nd amendments.
Fuck your dialectic frame.

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>this is why everyone thinks you're a joke.
>Trump won

make sure to sage slide threads

>universal healthcare

You mean Obamacare like the Democrats put into law that mandated you have to BUY health insurance or face a government fine?

>clean energy proposals

Like 400 million to Solyndra just so they can go bankrupt? Isn't corporate welfare something most Democrats preach against now?

>education and training skilled workers

How much education did they push through when they had Obama in office and supermajority in Congress? What skilled workers did they train?

oh right, they imported millions on H1B visas to replace our workers, no longer any need for "training skilled workers" when it's cheaper to import them

>This is illegal. You must not be telling the truth
You know what he meant, but jew the statement around a little

>One day you'll figure out that's the best kind, incel-user.
Anal, rimming, cumming on the face of somebody (you) "love". Boy do I love e.coli in my urethra and mouth. Guess you must get used to the gonorrhea

>Cheap workers, doing the shittiest jobs Americans won't ever do, are responsible for low prices.
Supporting slave labor, $5 an hour. Maybe if they paid a fair wage, like minimum.