PJW and Ashtonbirdie

Are they fucking?

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Fuck PJW, the Alt Right and your gay mafia.

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if not I’m quitting the internet

Post her feet.

So all these alt-right people like Molymeme, Sargon, PJW, Mike Cernovich, and all the other entry level gatekeepers are controlled opposition?
Figured as much.

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more than likely have you seen them flirt online

If he's bi, maybe

>Implying that any of those degenerates are in any way a part of the alt-right.

Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Richard Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Patrick Little - Controlled opposition cryptokike
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist

PJW and Ashton contrarian babies

have you seen old interviews where he talks about israel Paul is not a zionist

Garbage-tier thread; sage and move along

or gtfo yourself m8


Basically everyone but Molymeme is either controlled op, or opportunists looking to make some shekels.

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Ashton would be physically perfect if not her terrible gum-teeth ratio. Sad.

but whos hotter ashton or lauren

Sometimes I wonder if Molymeme is controlloed op, but then he does consistently dogwhistle (((them))) in several videos, call out single moms, and shit on communism.

that girl looks like a cartoon owl from a run-of-the-mill disney movie

too good for paul joseph watchwhatyouputupyourassitcouldturnseptic

Ashton she’s the only one left who wants babies she posts it all over twitter

don't know who they are, don't care.
you're making yourself dumber by paying attention to them instead of reading and listening to experts. spend a day at the library and get deep into research on your own. some of what you find may not conform to your preconceived expectations, but it is healthy to challenge yourself rather than just be spoonfed internet drivel that is designed to match what they already know you agree with.

Zionism is great.

I want White Zionism for a white homeland!

Anyone who wants an ethnostate of their own should support the premise of Zionism.

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i want to see these youtube women married. Everyone knows Brittany and her guy are going to be. I have a feeling Ashton and Paul will be next.

wow ur so smart
you have highly developed internet savvy
a true tactician of the infowar

Shut it, kike/shabbos goy. Never give your enemy a base of operations.

Adolf Hitler - Zionist
not even joking
also I want to FUCK and MARRY that blonde qt

>women in politics at any level

>Are they fucking?
I don't care, but you obviously aren't.

pjw sucks mossad logs out of kikes asses fuck alex jones too rambling idiot doesnt ever name the jew


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PJW is gay and Aston is asexual (pure), so no.

gradual making being a Jew in your homeland so unfeasible they are forced to leave
corral them in one area
ostracize them
destroy them at some later point

what do you propose, big guy

Whats the P in PJW again?

No he’s gay...really, he is

Do you never read the Bible? It says to scatter the heathen.

Great now they're dispersed and form an international control-network

>the holy bible is wrong
user., you should kill yourself.

Should you pray for me to come around instead of calling for me to kill myself?
You quote no Bible texts, don't elaborate on your point whatsoever, have nothing to add, you just spaz out like a weirdo and call for suicide.

it the same person retard
PJW is a gay tranny

All of them shit on Communism

Ahh....I see...

he's a huge faggot

>disregards scripture
>presumes to know about christianity
It really makes me think, user.

can you name someone you do respect?

PJW is a HOMOsexual

>he thinks count cuckula isn't just trading the bants about traps

I would fuck the shit out of lauren

I dont think PJW has a functional penis so Im gonna say no, I doubt it.