'Explosion' at Southgate Tube station
London tube bomb
fuck off JIDF
rake yourself retard
>oi! You got a police filmin’ Loisense
What a misleading headline.
My very first time on the tubes in London some ManU soccer hooligan got in some Paki's face and said "WAT U GUNNA DO U PAKI MONG, BLOW UP THE TUBES? DO IT YA FUCKING CUNT."
it was kinda neat
Reminds me of the Parsons Green tube attack. Didn't fully explode, a number of minor injuries.
All part and parcel in khans london. People should enjoy the diversity and enrichment.
>royal chicken (((n))) pizza
For chicken lovers and cheese pizza lovers who want to "dine" together just like the duke of york.
>minor explosion
Fury police on the case
Then everyone clapped and it was beautiful
and that's a good thing
fuck im visiting london atm with the gf and was on the underground all day
But what does it all mean?
You got a bomb license bruv
Muslim Mayor seen leaving the scene
Wow. Just wow. That could have been done by anyone. Don't jump to conclusions user. Muslims are a people of peace
why do people even believe what comes out of the mouths of london police. They probably kidnapping kids
why would you visit london to stay on the subway all day?
That's great news. That means no white people were harmed.
hyperbole man, hyperbole
>Police were called at 1903hrs on Tuesday, 19 June, to reports of an explosion and people running at Southgate underground station.
Emergency services were called to the scene after reports of a "suspicious package".
Police have sinced confirmed a "minor explosion" at the busy London tube station around 7pm – but are yet to confirm the cause.
The area is on lockdown, with people evacuated from nearby buildings, restaurants and a gym.
London Metropolitan Police confirmed in a statement: "Police were called at 1903hrs on Tuesday, 19 June, to reports of an explosion and people running at Southgate underground station.
"Met officers remain at the scene along with colleagues from British Transport Police, London Fire Brigade and London Ambulance Service.
"Cordons are in place and the station is closed.
Yeah, blockhead chavs always abuse Muslims.
>t. Faggot
>panning shot of the Thames
>*London's Burning* playing
>red double decker bus drives past Buckingham Palace
>LONDON, ENGELAND subtitled on screen
>only the 132nd cut, we have 868 left to go, move one, nothing to see here
I hope some liberals died
I hope many anglos died
Dude what the fuck is wrong with your spelling and grammar
nothing to see here slaves just a minor explosion
And you won’t believe what happens next
I hope you get butt fucked with pork Muhammad.
>duke of york.Say what thyne will about lancastrians but neigh sir should you slander such a good man again and thyne will be duelling by sabre lest you apologise. Prepare for a gauntlet to be cast thy way.
What film is that gif from?
>spotted the english teacher weeb
Literally today they held a memorial for the (((Finsbury Park))) terror attack. You know the one where a man ran into a bunch of Muslims in revenge over the Rochdale child grooming gang(all Muslim men) after watching the BBC drama on it. Apparently 1 man died because of it except the fact is, he was already dead from a heart attack just minutes before.
Normal people have slated every official that attended calling it a disgusting distraction from the hundreds that have been killed and wounded in the UK over the last 12 months to Islamist terrorists.
Beautiful karma in Londonistan.
This reminds me of Parsons Green attempted bombing aswell but it never fully exploded, if it had the entire carriage would have been twisted metal and body parts.
Is that Shakespeare?
Well no one was hurt and it was on a packed train. So we're safe to assume it wasnt a fucking nuke
Tropic Thunder
The Naked Gun
I also hope you are raped in the ass with pork products
and then he was arrested for hate speech
I thought It was Naked Gun, but couldnt remember if it was the first or second.
Need to rewatch for lols.
Checked anglos deserve more enrichment through daily suicide bombing and knife stabbing
Yes, did you not have to read them at school?
Calm down lads, the coppers are only there to check his bomb licence.
needs an bit of an edit for curretn year +2
>panning shot of the Thames
>London's Burning in the background
>red stained bendy-bus drives through the gates of Buckingham Palace
>Islondobad, New Western Caliphate subtitled on ISIS war video posted on Liveleak
Deployment, not a teacher. And this place is way better than that shithole you come from. Best of all there’s no niggers and no dune coons here. I do miss wasting muzzie bitches like yourself though.
oi u cheeky wanker, you got a permit fer that filmin loisense
>many Anglos
>in London
hi iqbal wassup?
I guess that's Henry VI?
We read Macbeth, Merchant of Venice, Romeo and Juliet and the Tempest.
Remember that, whenever you read Shakespeare, this is how it originally sounded: youtube.com
part and parcel, saging this boring thread.
sky is blue, london get bombed.
I'm upset it's not a 'stabbenings'.
It's been 34minutes since the last person was stabbed in London.
Why hasnt Khan resigned yet?
I know I was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat THE FUUUUUUCKKKK. Like after I posted that was was like doing a double take and said to myself
Two gentlemen of verona. Whilst many see it as his first play it is merely the first one you should start with.
Pretty sure there have been more Islamist bombings in America. If not, then more Americans have still been killed by terrorism.
How can muzies even bomb these daysxin london. I know they want to get those virgins but these days its easier there to score a teamkill and then its express ticket to hell. Why dont tuey bomb Bath or something
Sticky this thread mods
Bongs are dying
> resigning over part and parcel of life
Shoupd he resing for sun going up in the morning?
Op you live in southgate too?
So I've added it to my database for the last month with publicly known acts and shit the (((Media))) likes to "forget":
London,England 18/5/18- Man arrested for preparing acts of terrorism possibly targeting the Royal Wedding.
London and Hertfordshire 23/5/18- Man and Woman arrested for preparing acts of terrorism. Directly linked to Friday's arrest on the 18th.
Liege, Belgium 29/5/18- Gunman kills 2 police officers and a passerby before taking a hostage at a school and being shot dead by police, was heard screaming "Allahu akbar!". Gunman was a native Belgian called Benjamin Herman who converted to Islam in prison, he killed another man, a former inmate the night before his gun attack. Confirmed inspired by Islamic State and radicalized in Prison.
London, England 1/6/18- Man arrested at Holburn Station with two serrated knives(one in each pocket) and a "suspicious backpack item".
Manchester, England 4/6/18- 2 men aged 23 and 27 arrested in Bury,Manchester on charges of terrorism after a tip off about "suspicious" items at a house. Charged on 14/6/18 for plotting terrorist attacks on Parklife concert and Taylor Swift that same weekend. Trial begins in July. Believed to be associates of the Manchester bomber and may have been the last people to see him that day on 22/5/17.
Cologne,Germany 12/6/18- 1 Tunisian migrant man arrested for producing Sarin gas and plotting a terrorist action in the city.
London,England 19/6/18- Partial explosion on a packed tube train at Southgate tube station. 11 people treated for minor injuries. No confirmation or motive at this time.
>minor explosion
>no serious injuries
very unimportant news lets all just forget about it
I hope the medical responders saved all the shitskins.
I hope the medical responders only surveyed the brittbongs to see what organs they could harvest to save mudslimes.
Part and parcel.
Be a good lad and hang yourself to make room for more shitskins.
dont worry brit bongs its all under control
>London news: Southgate tube station explosion - several injured | UK ...
>express.co.uk News UK
>21 mins ago - POLICE have evacuated Southgate tube station in north London this evening after a “minor explosion” and reports of a suspicious package.
>a "minor explosion"
Nothing to see here.
Just a minor explosion.
You know your country is fucked up when it's "just a minor explosion", no worries mate.
who gives a fuck you fucking idiots
our country is dead anyway
just enjoy the world cup while we're allowed to have TV's
Yeah watch your nigger team play
hahaha just because your nigger team is getting fucking REKT
gas yourself you pathetic loser-nation
>our country is dead anyway
that's it mate. keep fighting
Muslims fear the bath.
>plotting terrorist attacks on Parklife concert and Taylor Swift
Not Tay Tay
>Cologne,Germany 12/6/18- 1 Tunisian migrant man arrested for producing Sarin gas and plotting a terrorist action in the city.
It was ricin gas. Dunno if this is the proper English term, but the nigger was caught because he ordered seeds online by the thousand. Thank you CIA
Start recruiting and reclaim the empire.
You know what to do....
see pic
Just asked her if my explosive license had expired
Its a 15 minute drive away,but I've had a drink.
we acknowledge it and want to get rid of them. You guys want to delude yourselves, that's the difference. Hence me echoing your mayor, in saying Part and Parcel of living in a big city.
Nothing on the bbc still.
See here Someone needs to report that this was the work of right wing extremists doing this to free Tommy Robinson.
I reckon they'd take the bait
Fuck off. Don't you dare do that.
Today is their shilling day over the meme that is Finsbury Park a year ago today.