Is he /ourguy??
Starlord says God is real, to get out and pray
How did they let one slip through?
He's too beloved and high value to dump
His impending blacklisting should be a good redpill for plebs.
He's a good and respectable guy.
He's just gonna tell us to pray for refugees and shit
Christcucks are the worst
>No more acting for you! Bad goy!
now church is gonna get filled with normies
He's too high value to blacklist unless he pulls a Mel Gibson
he is saying that we should use our telepathic abilities to communicate with the real Star Lord to ask for favours.
I'll give Chris a Christian pass since he's actually a good guy rather than a judgemental, paranoid douche.
He isn't our guy but he is a bad goy.
God is real, it's confirmed by Quatum physic
hear he's a big gun nut too. Never cared for the shit he ends up in and don't find him to be particularly likable or talented on screen but from what I've heard he sounds like a good enough guy. Pro-God pro-gun, pro-family dude
Tmz video of him giving the camera man some jerky he made after hunting
Prayer is literally worthless regardless of if there's a God or not.
Poor chris pratt will now be soon suicided with some weird reason.
His meteoric rise to A-list status must have made Anna Farris go completely nuts
I laughed
He's a smart larp and is sensing the turn and following suit to get more people to watch his faggot shows
ourguy? deluded and insane? :\
of course he believes in god. every single thing in his life, ever, went right. every single thing. nothing has ever gone badly or wrong for him one time.
other people are dying of ass cancer at his age though. god is so great. gives some people amazing 100% perfect lives and just kills others with misery disease.
He's the Tim Tebow of acting.
Igor? Grishka? Are you ok?
But Tom Cruise said that Overlord Xenu is real. Who is right?!?!
In that vid he actually seems like a decent human which is a stark contrast from most actors who are sentient manifestations of trash
This post will trigger fedoras
He's dating Arnold Schwarzenegger's daughter now. He upgraded bigly.
He’ll probably get metoo’d soon.
luckily after Freeman got accused nobody cares anymore. Even irl rape allegations are losing their power. It’s like an irl boy who cried wolf.
Who is Tim Tebow? I don't follow rugby-for-pussies, sorry.
Thank you, Chris.
Damn...mad props to him.
He seems like a good guy. I wouldn't say that he's /ourguy/, though.
Hes a funny down to earth guy, he knows how lucky he got and appreciates his success everyday. I hope (((((they))))) dont corrupt him.
Giving things to people is what makes them decent human beings.
It is getting more and more leftist in here all the time.
>this user somehow knows why he believes in God and his entire life story
user stop being stupid
jurassic world was shit, the second one's not too bad
I do like him as an actor though and he's gone up in my estimation after this
He never said which god is real ;-)
OMG I can't believe you just posted that from the JW Bible Story book
Tom's still looking really good for his age. It's hard to question Scientology when they produce those results.
He means pray to Allah you sausages, how can you all be so thick
that means nothing to bongoloids or eurofags
is tim tebow based or cucked?
It'd be hilarious if he comes out as a Sunni Muslim.
its quite ob oh you're a tripfag, filtered bye
What a martyr. I know he understand that he will get #metoo'd or even getting into an accident involving 3 shots to the back of his head. Truly a man of God.
Heisman trophy winner who had a brief career in the NFL. Most noted for being very religious. But he's one that walks the walk. He builds hospitals and orphanages in shithole countries and visits people in prison. Not a holier than thou type. Just leads by example.
He is a true Christian.
Reddit please go.
>doesn't understand the difference between saying God and god.
LARP'ers gonna LARP. He's only doing it to let more people watch his crap movies.
This is blasphemy in the liberal media space. What a time to be alive. I'm so glad I didn't an hero during the Obongo years.
>Poor chris pratt will now be soon suicided with some weird reason.
this pajeet gets it
Chris Pratt is literally one of the only people in Hollywood still worth a damn.
>his twitter is just him thanking his fans
Is he the only sane actor in hollywood?
He also cries when he loses, so kind of a fucking pussy.
See my numbers
and then see your own.
All glory unto The Most High.
so many fedoras ITT
Can you imagine the ubermensch male offspring they could produce?
>He builds hospitals and orphanages in shithole countries
he should stick to helping americans tbqhwy
One of the few.
Sadly non-denominational Christian but that is a massive improvement over the rest of Hollywood.
I should do a Catholic General tonight to wrangle them in. Could be fun.
He was an accident. Look at his Chad tier Cromagnid physignomy. He's probably directly descended from a Bronze Age god-king. For years it was hidden under a pudgy, onions exterior, where he looked like just another average white guy. That's how he made it as an "artist", taking minor rolls, doing little comedy bits. They weren't initmidated by his averageness then. And he can be a glib, shekel mining ironic faggot just as good as any of them. As a former stripper, almost a literal manwhore but not quite, can thrive in (((their))) service economy ways. He has all of their strengths, and none of their weaknesses.
Mostly yes but he did marry Anna Faris so that knocks him down a couple points.
>quantum physic
>can prove something
Not falling for jewish "sciense"
>is he /ourguy??
No, he's a decent person.
Dude actually gave a shit. And no QB who basically plays like a fullback is a pussy.
Better than the literal satanic rituals other celebs practice on stage.
Why is Anna bad user?
he's going get suicided soon
You retards are overreacting. He's always been "out" as a Christian.
christian persecution complex
>you’re guilty of crimes you didn’t even commit
Very Talmud
christianity redpill thread?
fucking this
Nice meme flag retard. Watch the vid and tell me you dislike Pratt.
The only difference is the capital letter
Fuck off mohomo
Hahahaha aye women do ya feel the bern in ya pussy .
>Eurozone education
arnold schwartz nigger is a mason and false christian and nazi sympathizer.
Hes also a part of the gay mafia
>being this unaware of Hollywood
I'm not religious but their persecution is a thing irl. Which is odd because if anything the other Abrahamic branches are more deserving imo.
also satanists refer to lucifer as their "god" dont be swayed by these false doctrine spewers
jesus is the one true lord and the only salvation to eternal life. Nevar forget.
>nazi sympathizer
You say this like it's a bad thing.
Well hell. Already like the guy.
fuck off kike
Pray soon goyim, these nigger feet aren't going to lick themselves.
Kys tripfag
>Chad Pratt lits up the assassins and mossad corpses on his hunting cabin leads to end of ZOG.
Especially since most modern christians idea of praying is whining like a spoiled child and virtue signaling to yourself...
>is he /our/guy?
has been for quite some time. there's a strong chance he's in this bread now.
>jewish masturbation intensifies
Fuck off Shlomo. You weird people out.
which god is real?!?!
How did the kikes let this one slip through the cracks?
you're a disgrace to the rebel flag
giving things is a leftist point of view you retard
you work hard for what you got and you shouldnt have to give shit to anyone