The Holy Ohana: >Pepe: Chaos incarnate. Depicted as usual >Pele: Hawaiian goddess. Queen of volcanoes, mother of fire. Blesses the creative. Lives in Halemaumau crater where she drinks offered gin. Depicted as a tanned woman, early in middle age. Typically wearing red. Ohia lehua adorning her hair. Decided recently to grow it blonde, hoping to please her white nationalist followers. Now sports traditional tattoos. >Pelepe: Older twin. Daughter of Pele and Pepe. Deity of fire like her mother. Residing in fissures, summons the lava flow. Expanding her mother's great domain with the creation of volcanoes. Working with her sister to cause eruptions. Skin colored that of volcanic rock, as is the texture. Often covered in fissures. Like her mother, adorned with ohia lehuas, but in flowing magma hair. >Pepele: Younger twin. Daughter of Pele and Pepe. Takes after her father as a deity of water. With tsunamis in her arsenal, sends father's enemies to a murky slumber. With skin and hair made of water, boats and a hibiscus float hypnotically through her mane. >Peridot: Youngest daughter of Pele and Pepe. Takes after her parents with father's skin and mother's hair. >Piney: The lone pine of all salvation. Through her death, heralds the end times. The beginning of the end. The confirmation a prophecy is unfolding. But still living on in spirit to guide the living through the dark ahead. Never leaving the side of her trusty feathered pal. Rusty the Rooster. The big black cock. >Slump-Chan, A pitiful but endearing manifestation. The unappreciated spirit of a Hawaiian landmass who's about to snap. All from the pressure of Pelepe's bullying. From this alone, the prophecy unravels. Through this bullied spirit, tied many souls. A prophecy of great death awaiting the California coast. All, the many, following the death of one spirit. One pushed by fire, only then to be pulled by water. Dragged to the abyss, where her eternal sleep begins. All alone on the lonely sea bed.
Stop this shitty threads already, it's is NOT going to HAPPEN!!! As much as you wish for, and I do too, but be realistic here. It's stupid, and you know it's stupid.
Could of answered the question instead of Jow Forums CONTRARIAN ASSUMPTION!
>Chaos worship for the hulacaust.
Another forced meme-waifu like Ebola-chan? That's what I figured, it's just so predictible with this board now how it can't be about politics or current events, but memes about memes about maybe current events.
Luis Reyes
YEAAAAH CUMS TO SUCK THE ROOSTEEEER >forced Kek most of these threads have hit bump limit with praise. The only retard in this one so far is (you). Nigger
>Thinks meme's that sprouted organically and slowly over the course of over 140 threads is "forced" Maybe you should check out one of the nice "MUH ILLEGALLY TRAFFICKED SHITSKIN BABIES" threads? They are much more kosher to a (((person of usury))) like yourself.
Jaxson Allen
In lava news. Flows are spilling over regularly and the flow speed at the fissure is fast AF.
Okay.,. you're a faggot and a virgin. Happy? You got your contrarian fucking argument because you can't for the life your dumbass figure out why anyone would be asking you what you're doing....
Says the retarded 19 year old spending his summer break obsessing over memes he'll forgot about by fall.
>reddit spacing I'm not telling you to fuck off this general, I'm actually telling you to fuck off Jow Forums
Josiah Richardson
Am i the only one who actually listens to the KVG playlist? Do I have autism?
Liam Parker
>Am i the only one who actually listens to the KVG playlist? Well if you are then I'm happy at least someone is. Spending good time finding volcano/quake/tsunami music. Hope you like them
Thanks for making it. I just like getting immersed here. Wish we would all just ignore the butthurt fags trying to ruin our fun though. Takes me out of the experience
Guys, That rapey (((PGV))) is in big trouble. I think Pele and KEK are SUPER pissed! >Kilauea's eruption reignites debate over Hawaii's geothermal plant >State Sen. Russell Ruderman, a Democrat who represents Puna, said he has been protesting geothermal energy for about 30 years. He described what he called a “triple whammy” of issues with PGV: the toxicity of the geothermal steam, the geologic instability of the area where the plant resides and the proximity to residents of the area. >Ruderman said just the images of the plant, which is surrounded by lava, illustrate his concerns. “Even if you don’t know anything more than that, it’s obviously not the place to put any critical infrastructure,” he said. >He and others who have lived in the area described experiences over the years, before the Kilauea eruptions, when the gases released from plant operations made them sick. He said a major blowout from one of the plant’s wells in 1991 led to uncontrolled release of the steam and hydrogen sulfide that naturally occurs in the ground. >“We could hear it and we could smell it,” he said. “I know at least a dozen people who were knocked unconscious or lost their ability to breathe normally for weeks or months.” >Beyond the environmental concerns, some people on the island -- including native Hawaiians -- believe geothermal development undermines their worship of Pele, a deity and the volcano goddess. >many Hawaiians and those who worship Pele believe the geothermal plant is a “nonconsensual rape of the deity, literally digging into her body and extracting her life, her lifeblood, her lava.” nonconsensual rape of the deity >nonconsensual rape of the deity nonconsensual rape of the deity >nonconsensual rape of the deity nonconsensual rape of the deity
Carson Cook
Fucking hell I love Pele now. Just hoping drawfriends remember to leave out that dumb Spartan tattoo from this first design.
The spartan tat isnt ugly but it doesnt really scream "hawaii native" like the leg and hip tattoos do. But thats what i love about this general is there's a discussion that goes on for every meme canon addition or change. Like Peridot yesterday taking up the thread
Austin Robinson
Not to mention from a design standpoint the tiddie tatties take away attention from the cleavage. But yeah I appreciate us forming a consensus of sorts. Its autistic but works.
This entire event has SJW fingerprints all over it. From #MeToo, to green energy, to the Blue Wave. >They did this to themselves. Of course we already knew that, but that story from the Washington Post from yesterday was the first time I saw the #MeToo angle to this event.
Gabriel Martinez
Here, this would be better to post than that pic if you dont want to cause confusion for future drawfrens
Just like the good ol days, huh? Requesting OC of Palmey kissing a happy teared Rusty.
Jordan Martinez
Holy fucking shit, Im literally starting to believe in this meme magic thing. It all just adds up to good. Look. A picture of the Holy Ohana shortly after Piney died. And look who is in the background? And the position of the tree, the exact spot in the camera as her old body, Piney. Shit is getting wierd.
Worry not, have I even properly lewded anyone ITT? That banana cocktail pic is just kiddie game. Anyway was just dropping by, got to go to bed, got my grad. work in a week, then I'll have a ton of free time to finish the video.
can someone explain what this is in detail? t. uninitiated.
Elijah Hernandez
Hope you finish this Pele before turning tonight! Would love to have a proper ref than that 3D edit. Somebody made a great lewd last night but saw the wrong ref and had to start over lol
Sorry, but I can't, haven't got enough sleep yesterday, and need to replenish my health. Also, I just took that 3D render as a reference, with some tattoos excluded. Like the spartan helmets on the tits, I don't think they belong on a hawaiian goddess.
Carson Hughes
No rush m8 just wake up refreshed and finish it. Pele is my favorite of the Holy Ohana. Hope you edit this to make it our Pele too. My favorite rule34 pic
Sleep well ruskiebrah >edit Nah he should just redraw it. His edits would clash with that artstyle since his is unique.
Parker Gomez
It's a thread where several drawfags attentionwhore and draw girls in suggestive attires covering it with the thread's "lore". Oh, and some occasional volcanic eruption discussion. Aren't I salty today? Goodnight for good.
Matthew Fisher
Hope he keeps the bikini boobie tug. Dont know if it would work with the chains.
>attentionwhore Lol I wouldnt call it. Drawing is just your way of connecting to the holy ohana. You're like the divinely lewd priests of /kvg/
Levi Fisher
Goodnight bibby. Hope you throw us some Palmey OC tomorrow!
Adam Turner
rollin for a Rusty/Palmey lewd. In my headcanon he went through a tough time after Piney died, turning to sex with whores and doing drugs with Layne's spirit Now that she's returned he can be happy
Carson Hernandez
Anyone get banned from HCB yet?
Ryder Campbell
No no Bibo finish the Pele first! >whore YOU TAKE THAT BACK
It all started so innocently. Hawaii was having lots of earthquakes indicating a possible volcanic eruption. A geologist mentioned the Hilina slump and how it could slip into the ocean with a large enough earthquake triggering a 100 foot high tsunami that floods the west coast of the US drowning all of the SJW fuckheads in California. So people started trying to meme the volcano into action. Lots of shit happened. We discovered many new things. Deities are involved in this. So are sertain tribes of (((people))). Welcome. You are in thread #140-something. If you need more details than that, you are going to have to do a lot of reading through all of the older threads.
both is good but a completed Pele ref would be nice. Even this one has that Spartan tattoo no one likes
William Harris
Not even sure what this thread is about but I see a cartoon for fags with mental illnesses on the OP. Kill yourself any time.
Elijah Jackson
Its not that no one likes the tattoo it just clashes with the hawaiian traditionalism. And Pele is also a patron goddess of traditionalist culture Right after you, chimp