How will she manage this? The only thing I can see is some agreement with Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia, Turkey etc. for German border guards and German equipment helping to close the migrant routes. Plus a lot of money to close the routes.
With her back against the wall, can she manage the impossible?
This is good because people will do research and the actual stats will come out
>CNN; "afro ghouls in Germany commit 400% more X not 600% silly drumptard!"
Christian Bailey
>Stop inviting muslims to EU >Muslims stop coming >???? >Profit
Hunter King
Yes, borders are just impossible..
Ayden Watson
The only way to stop the migrants is German border guards with German dogs patrolling Greek borders because Greeks are not interested in controlling borders.
Jason Perez
>it only took 6 years to gas her
memes can come true my friends. expect to see this kike and her ilk dangling from the neck next
Wyatt Thomas
>false crime figures Yeah, since murders and rapes are the same as grandpa Günther parking in a prohibited area.
Hunter Thomas
Germany doesn’t have any troops to send anywhere.
Liam Barnes
Germany wants them, it's like putting a wolf to guard the sheep
Dominic Reed
>over all crime down >murder rapes and robberies are up
Lying stasi cunt
Ryan Martin
she will need a lot of ovens to succeed too bad you already destroyed all of them in your country also we'll not borrow you these ones you left in here
Cooper Wilson
>Merkel wants them
Elijah James
what the fuck are you talking about retarded sperg?
Alexander Morgan
at this point, all we have to make sure she doesn't get out of berlin.
hitler escaped, but she won't. the irony.
Jason Powell
We have 200,000 active soldiers and 50,000 reservists and 250,000 police troopers. So half a million, We can spare 10k to stop the invasion... especially when we leave NATO and stop contributing to America’s illegal war and also ally with our friends in Russia.
Logan Lee
Then you should be happy she is going home
William Perez
So is that gif of her taking talking a German flag away, and her refusal to take the necessary measures out fear of appearing too nationalist of hitler-esque?
I understand wanting to distance from that image, but that doesn't mean let your country get muslimed
Jacob Ramirez
ya' know, that could totally work. What could possibly go wrong?
This is a dog and pony show. Bilderberg pulling migrant crisis back out of fear. They want to drop Merkel to make the public feel "heard". Do mot fall for this and do not relent.
Austin Bailey
well yeah, but a german getting all verbotten with the wagen is pretty shocking stuff, Deutsch-bro...
Adam Hill
Can you read the headline in the image, you retarded pirate
Gabriel Harris
The reason we are fucking you in the ass all the time on your debt is to make you close your borders. Unfortuntaly, it seems all Greeks love to be assraped by Germany...
Even as a German I understand that mindset. We kinda deserve a genocide
Justin Johnson
Greeks aren't interested in it for a few reasons
1. They know mudslimes all too well and loathe them for what theyve done to greeks in the past
2. Even if by some miracle they felt sorry for the rapefugees they have little to no means to support them since you put the austerity measures on them, so its been cheaper on their part to let them pass through much like Mexico with central American illegals
Isaac Gonzalez
No, politicians only cite the general crime figueres which incorporate all crimes. Even crossing the border illegally is included here. Obviously you will find a negative trend there. However, rape and murder statistics have stagnated for years now. Germany isn't getting any safer. In fact, you are much more likely to get beaten up because some Turk wants you mobile phone
Connor Collins
no they are mixing them, if you have less smaller crimes like littering and false parking but more rape and murder, you can say that the crime statistics didnt change overall or maybe even declined
You don't deserve a genocide you need a bloody fucking revolt against your brainwashed govt. Less beer hall putsch nore like the French revolution
Noah Evans
oh the irony
Parker Sanchez
>they have little to no means to support them
Make the Greek military pensioners do it.
Obviously not the super old ones, but give ex military guys a gun and they would do wonders guarding Europe from migrants trying to sneak through
Kayden Butler
Didn't she say that she will never step down, even if the population wants her gone? Sounds like the precursor to a public hanging.
Jonathan Price
well we could really just hang her if there is need for that
Landon Nelson
Do you notice how there is a cut in th video at the end making at appear as if she was shacking her head?
I disagree with Merkel’s policies on migrants, but at least I am not so petty to suggest she somehow hates the German flag despite a gazillion videos and pictures showing her with the German flag.
Adrian Barnes
even my shitlib brother told me that the police literally ignores petty crime now in some areas because they can't fucking deal with it anymore
Lincoln Smith
She already stated she won’t run in 2021, so she will retire next year or 2020... or be decommissened now if she doesn’t do what Bavaria wants
Joseph Wilson
>millitary pensioners >Greek That's going to turn into a very bloody version of Dads army fast and not gonna work user
wait really? how did i miss out on those good news?
Nathan Diaz
Implying she is not pointing to the eu flag next to it
Aiden Long
This cunt wants to have the cake and eat it aswell. She wont back down from her "refugees welcome" narrative and instead relies on surrounding countries to block off access. If they do, she gets the bonus of being able to shit on them from her moral high ground, if they dont, she can push for ambiguous shit like "securing european borders" which is simply an act which makes normies believe she is doing something while she basically shovels the blame on first-stop european countries. Even if she wanted to actively pursue some plan to stop the refugee flow, agreements with most of those countries are basically impossible because she already managed to piss of half of europe with her politics. Turkey probably would have declared war on Germany at this point if they did not have to fear other NATO members. Eastern Europe already has WWII flashbacks and other western Europe countries are rapidly drifting out of control themselves.
She cant even quit if she wanted to, she went way too far to pull back now.
Jackson Rodriguez
Dude, a muslim is probably doing your mom RIGHT NOW while i'm comfy in my free from terror attacks country I don't think you are in a position to fuck anyone
Dominic Taylor
>...she is going home What do you mean by this?
John Torres
>crime is down >reporting refugees is an illegal opinion
Implying she is not pointing at the 14y/o german slavegirls out of frame she prepared for this political meeting.
Luis Rogers
>crime statistics speak for themselves >over 1000 rape cases in Collogne in just one night so does this mean 1000 german men withhold themselves this year and the other assaults just were enough to be even?
Jonathan Robinson
>afro ghouls haha i like this
Carter Garcia
Isn't she getting removed or something?
Gavin Allen
>comfy in my free from terror attacks country
Yeah sure, the crime rate in Greece is beyond the roof. Wages are like 300 euros and most of your teenage girls fuck fat tourists for petty cash.
Cool country you have there, why don’t you hand it to Erdogan already, you are the same race anyway.
Honest question for Krauts, do normies in your country still believe that crime isn't increased by migrants? to what degree to they hold their beliefs? even my liberal boomer parents are redpilled on crime and immigration
No everyone knows. But this is like the third wave. It was Turks in the 60s and eastern Europeans in the early 2000s and now its Africans.
Landon Perez
Man idk but there's a 78% chance that a muslim is fucking a female member of your family right now for free. I say you are in a worst situation than me so take care.
James Sullivan
what happens in 2 weeks?
Luis Perez
If one actually checked the statistic everyone would see it. But most people refuse to do so and just go with the "fungis whalecum" scheme.
Dominic Long
I hope she dies a horrible death. it isnt just german crime figures she has to answer for
Nathan Sanchez
>but there's a 78% chance that a muslim is fucking a female member of your family right now for free
If Greeks were good at math, they wouldn’t all be unemployed, would they?
Wyatt Carter
>fake >rape and assault are the highest they've been in over a decade >B-BUH OVERALL CRIME IS DOWN! THAT'S THE IMPORTANT PART!
Anthony Richardson
It is the deadline Merkel received by Bavaria. Either she wants a “European solution” within 2 weeks, or her government is over and we have new elections... or she allows the Bavarian interior minister to reject all migrants at the border.
Carter Carter
I would defend our borders. Give me a dog and a gun, and 2 million of my NEET buddies would do the same. The first shot will be hard. The rest will just be statistics.
Michael Harris
how did that work last time?
Jeremiah Williams
unemployed is a much better fate than islamic fucktoy tho
Luke Reyes
There are polish concentration camps left that you guys used to gas and burn people in. they are mostly built on our German soil that still is under your administration. We send the shitskins to you and you fire up the ovens. As done in WW2.
David Cruz
>I would defend our borders. Most citizens who care about their country would defend their borders but unfortunately there is a contingency who are not on your or my side.
> Even as a German I understand that mindset. We kinda deserve a genocide That right there, is why you're so fucked up. STOP THAT SHIT RIGHT NOW. What you deserve is what you get. Get better. Pick your faggot chin up off the floor. Man the Jews did a number on you guys.
How many times have we destroyed Europe now? I feel like this might be an improvement for Europe after it is all over
Blake Ramirez
At least we have a country, you don’t.
Evan Butler
Normies usually do not concern themselves with crime statistics and German media will not press them in your face. And despite foreigner crimes spiking, your average joe will not see himself confronted with it every day. Even if he does witness a crime, it will be once or twice at best and you cant blame him if he does not automatically correlate it to sandpeople flooding his country, he will think that he just got unlucky recently. The normos here are so bluepilled that they legit believe in refugees being some kind of lost puppies who get collected into shelters and despertely need your help. I once had some group of chucklefucks with some coalburner as speaker presenting their little refugee project after a lecture in my university and she nearly ended up shedding tears on stage. They honestly are so fucked in the head that they think refugees are like little kids who cant harm anyone and need a helping hand everywhere just because they are in a foreign country. The fact that some young guy who has nothing to lose and stems from a shitty, violent, medieval culture and just fled a warzone that did who knows what to his psyche does not even cross their mind, because the average millenial german nowadays did not even see a real pistol up close in his lifetime and probably did not even get to trade blows with anyone.
Parker Anderson
In two weeks the AFD will be the only friendly reminder of that, she will do nothing
Anthony Clark
You've got to stop hating yourself. Germans are worth saving.
Camden Cruz
>How many times have we destroyed Europe now? This will be number three
Everything is gonna work out after Horst's assault
Jose Evans
based Orca
Hudson Diaz
Meanwhile in real life first soccer world championships like "Famileinnachzug" have been passed. For Burgers: It means any Nigger can claim now to be related to a nNgger already here and is shipped by plane into Germany, paid for by German tax paying cuckolds.
Isaiah Nguyen
And yet Europe is still here.
Not to mention, ww1 was started by the British Empire.
ww2 was started by the British Empire too.
and the current crisis was started by the UK/US through their illegals ME wars
Jose Young
Hans you did defend the Greek border. Just you germans do things so effectively you found out it was better just to occupy Greece
Isaiah Ramirez
>leftists fell for the 3d chess move again
Landon Ortiz
What the fuck are you talking about?
Jason Foster
We never defended the Greek border. Look it up.
Noah Ramirez
Shut the fuck up faggot, have some pride for yourself and liberate your people.
Carson Nelson
Someone needs to shoop a nigger dong into that pic
Brayden Miller
Easy to say when your people are not the cancer of europe
Bentley Morris
Not even when you invaded Greece? It may not of been traditional border defensive but you did hold the border for a while.
Tyler Gray
I see your point. Blameless Germans dindu nuffin. soddi
She's just gonna bribe all these countries. Today she got France on her side by promising to give away billions of German taxpayer money to idiotic EU projects thought up by Macron. She will do the same with all the other countries. They will agree to whatever she proposes but then not act upon it because they don't relly want to and it doesn't matter anyway. What matters is that she can point to some kind of European solution, even if that solution doesn't solve any problems at all. Just like the talk about "fighting causes of flight" in third world countries. A red herring that allows you to ignore dealing with the actual problem. It's just about saving face with her. It always was.
Hunter Miller
It would have worked out well, if it wasn't for some race traitor nations that fought for the kikes interests. You are allowed to ask for forgiveness.
If Germany is like many places in the USA, the official crime statics are untrustworthy because they have been manipulated for political purposes. I hope people understand that.
Nicholas Johnson
>solve the migrant crisis how about just not letting anyone in?
Jacob Diaz
Nope, we actually never started a single war. Look it up.