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What happened to Spain...?

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How can they justify exhuming him?

What in the absolute fuck.

Somebody stop this.

I wonder if there will be anything left of Spain by the time of their next elections.

What happened to the post-soviet countries but the opposite way. Argentina is another example.

Spain deserves this for questioning our ownership of gibraltar.
No one escapes the anglo.

Protesters will probably be shot.

NWO wants WWIII soon to finally purge this world of life in a sacrifice to their Gods.

What happened to Argentina

They'll block this, w-won't they user? Like when they tried to close it?

So the MI6 is behind this?

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Why are they digging up Franco's dead body? Why are leftists such vile psychopaths?

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Juan Perón fixed the country but now everybody is a radical socialist.

I don't really care since I don't like Franco that much. What angers me is that they will start to glorify war criminals who were sponsored by Stalin. And no, nobody will stop this, they will probably gain support from it. We're quite fucked.

Commies are doing with culture what they couldn't do using weapons.
All thanks to (((international))) organism help.

They're still butthurt over losing the civil war
Stand up and defend Franco. When you don't say anything it just reinforces the taboo against nationalism.

Yep, that's what happens when you're more concerned in making "hystorical justice" than in solving actual problems.

They've also brought a boat with +600 illegals and made deals with fucking separatists. What a bunch of disgusting rats, we seriously need them to go.

They want to destroy everything, its not even rhetoric its literally what they want.

The short short short ultra short story.

Is that Perón was a soft fascist / third positionist. He speculated with a victory of the axis that never came.
So he ended up alone in a world that was restructuring itself around liberalism, the united states and an Europe with an overdose of marshall plans... An the Soviet shithole of course.

So this liberal world didn't like Perón because he was a fascist, and the Soviet world also didn't like Perón because he was a fascist.

In the end the peronist movement ended up being subverted by a cuban infiltration orhestrated by the soviet.

The same that happened to the liberals in burgerland.
Now every journalist is a progressive and every academia has tons and tons of marxists and commies.

They infiltrated our cultural centers like a tumor in the brain.

>using nigger memes

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>What a bunch of disgusting rats, we seriously need them to go.

go visit the abondoned mine up north, tell them omar sent you

Next thing you know they're gonna put up a statue of Jose saying he should have won the civil war.

Spain is going full USSR lmao

I love history and old monuments. This makes me so sad.

Franco was a repressed faggot. A faggot never deserves to rest in peace. About what he did? I don't give a fuck.

It's totally not the same as Argentina because your King cucked the fuck out.

Balkanization now

Based. Communism will win.

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Welcome to 21th Century Spain.

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>war criminals sponsored by Stalin


USSR sent two kinds of people:

1. specialists to test and evaluate cannons, tanks and planes vs. German and Italian opposition

2. assassins to eliminate Communists of Trotskyst and (((International))) alignment.
Stalin’s choice of “Socialism in one state” as opposed to (((global prolatetian revolution” of Lenin and Trotsky is what brought the hate upon him.

Also, USSR god nice money and gold out of it, too.

>When you don't say anything it just reinforces the taboo against nationalism.
Well, if somebody asks me I say I think the past should be left alone. But everything is lost, after this and accepting the nigger boat the PSOE would win an election right now.

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New Socialist gov WANTS but I hope it's not happening anytime soon. Even fucking Cs are voting on this fuck everything

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i can't even tell what's real anymore

Yeah, so did whoever ruled Argentina

They sent military officers who forcefully conscripted half of my region to fight in the biggest battle when all was lost using soviet ww2 tactics (shooting people who try to escape or don't charge). But true, the russkie shits won more than they lost.

Die you piece of shit.

I want 16th and 17th century Spaniards, they were majestic and glorious.

Your most famous writers were motherfucking Tercios (Cervantes, Gongora, de la Barca, Quevedo, Lope de Vega) from that period.


>using Soviet WW2 tactic
>human wave

You fell for a meme, buddy.

Soviets sent tank crews, pilots, technicians and advisors. They most certainly didn’t conscript illiterate untrained peasants under gun point.

The military in Argentina never successfully transferred power to a more permanent political body. Franco did, and the King shit the bed.
It's entirely different.

Why do Spanish Communists bother graves so much?

Digging up corpses is ghoulish and everyone knows it besides for psychopathic jewish commies. Once the meat is in the ground it's over, man, even Stalin and Mao and Reagan should just rot in the ground instead of digging them up to shit on their skulls.

You don't know what happened here

Who gives a fuck de Rivera and the Falange were awesome. Franco was just an autocrat who only paid lip service to fascist ideals

meh im pro franco and pro fascism, but this faggot shouldnt be buried there, he didnt died fighting the civil war, primo de rivera instead should be lying there

>They most certainly didn’t conscript illiterate untrained peasants under gun point.
But they did

>Literally grave robbing.
Can liberalism get any worse?


Fun fact: Franco talked extensively about what he called "the global judeo-masonic conspiracy" in almost all his speeches.

Nevertheless, Spain is the most demoralized, media-brainwashed and bluepilled nation on Earth right now.

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Im betting that huge cross will go down as it isnt (((inclusive))) towards all the spaniards

Franco wasnt the best for spain, La falange was, Franco just destroyed and sized its power, Franco was the minor bad to spain, but glorifying franco is something true right wing will never do in spain

Nice, whats next a tribute for the commies like the germans have?

By the time the king was here Spain was already "opened" to the world since the 60s, had tourism from everywhere (meaning degeneration had already arrived), and he received pressure from all the "free world" to set up a "democracy", and he faced massive internal opposition. Hell, in Madrid there even was an enitre generation of godless drug addicts. There was nothing he could do to fix the situation.

>Even fucking Cs
How new are you? Cs is the most fucking globalist, Bilderberg-raised party in Spain, son.

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Primero de Rivera is also being exhumed (he is buried in that place too)

Yeah right? the father of my grandfather was killed by franco in the civil war, just for the reason he was socialist in a small village, and neither me or my family are obsesed with removing graves or burying dead corpses, i dont understand why the fuck are so many people obsesed in spain of taking more than 80 old carcases from the sideroads

Communism came like a foreign disease and fractured our people in two sides, and here we are, one century later, still fighting each other because of that.

If any Spaniard supports this, let me ask him: how could the internationalists who dug up tombs, executed people for being nationalistic or religious or being of a higher social class, represent the eternal and historical Spain forged in the Reconquista and the Renaissance? Who would have supported the Catholic Monarchs, Franco or the Stalinist agents? People call you traitors and the anti-España for a reason, you are literally not Spain.

This new socialist goverment is a traitor to its nation and rised to the power supported by communist, terrorist and independentits.

Military should go to the streets NOW. 2nd Civil War incoming.

If it was for me I'd pull down the cross asap, shit is a sign of them winning the war, a big fuck you, crhistianism rocks to all the republican losers.

I knew ok? but didn't want to believe even so called fascists here (though ofc they're liberal af) are voting for this too. We don't have any fucking right winged party but VOX and they defend Israel too. Thank God I have italian citizenship too


They want to wipe out everything.
Its their Modus Operandi from the time socialism became a thing.

The Austrian authorities exhumed the corpses of Hitlers parents in the last couple of years after a relative refused to pay the 90 year plot lease they then dissolved the skeletons in acid and threw whats left in a nearby river. The grave has since been used by a new set of corpses and all plaques belonging to Alois and Klara have been removed including the tombstones. They also intend to destroy the house where he was born while socialists want it turned into a (((refugee centre))) and others want it to become a (((holocaust))) memorial as the building is a historically listed building which causes entanglements for demolition.

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damn right, we are literally not spain, larping as reconquista is the cringiest shit you can do, specially after bringing in moors to conquer spain with franco. Fuck you go pray big time and leave us alone, we don't wanna be that spain.

OH NONONONONONOnononoNonOnoNonOnonONonONoNono1!!!!!
Every single time !!

Muh based government against the commie separatists.

Oh, sure you know what was and is best for Spain.

You think a true, hardcore, uncompromising Falangist would fare better and create a more stable society?

You know nothing of politics and the way country managing works.
Franco was the optimal middle ground of many factions.

The real question is does this bring us closer to Second Spanish Civil War ?

Rajoy is no longer in power. he resigned. Current PM is a socialist democrat so basically a comunist

People don't have the weapons and the balls. Unless there is an European civil war nothing will happen here.

They took the EU Coolaid

>We don't wanna be that spain.

You, not "we".

Then what the hell is Spain then without its history?

To bad for you exhuming his corpse wont bring back all those dead commies, faggot.

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He's right Franco was the only option that could last like he did because he was with french nobility and the Church, Jose Antonio is my hero but he would've ended killed because probably siding with the Axis more and with US less

We have ANOTHER GOVERMENT now, socialist coup'd with terrorists commies and independentits, check the news.
The socialists now in charge already doing this:
>Bringing niggers a free welcome
>Kicking Franco out of Valle de los Caídos, possible also getting demolished
>Bribed Unions with 9M€ so they don't do more manifestations
>Lied into making new elections, socialist president want to stay the whole 2 years.
>Giving Universal Healthcare for free, this goes for inmigrants
>Letting basque terrorists and rebellious catacucks in jail closer to their regions
>Legalizing Euthanasia
>Raising taxes

This is going bad and nobody is fucking raising the voice dammit.

Who gives a shit, the country in fucked in many ways, just another shitty thing happening, im fucking blackpilled at this moment with all of this

Weapons aren't a problem. If people are willing they find weapons. The balls are another thing entirely.
How did we become so cucked?? It's the same here. 19 years ago we were at war with half of Europe, not we're their little bitch.

Carlists were the best. Rivera second best.

Can we recapitulate things?

>Franco is a faggot and his corpse is resting in a huge christian mausoleum.
>The largest cross in the world, which God can see from the heaven, points to the tomb of a faggot.
>He was also a genocide.
>Hitler had a great political plan. Mussolini had a >political plan. Franco didn't have any plans.
>Franco was simply a chieftain, like those of the African countries.
>Won the civil war thanks to an army of black Muslims from Africa.

A Christian faggot who dreamed of an army of niggers with huge dicks up his ass. This guy Op love.

Other lies read in Jow Forums:

>Calling PSOE a communist or socialist party.
>Second Spanish Civil War.
Why? Because of a dead faggot?

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I'm not alone, therefore, we

spain must not forget it's history, never. but we can be a country that just wanna be a good country, have good i+d and all that, not be a shithole like we are today have some future for the younglings in this country. Larping as mega ex global player is meh, it's like we have a past but no future. Like being the #1 asslicker of the batican is not so great you know?

dude please, learn something about primo de rivera becouse clearly you dont have fucking idea. Franco was a militar and general, he wasnt politician or didnt have a fucking idea how to rule a country, he ruled becouse there was none else
Primo de Rivera was a thinker, Franco just happened to be there

It's probably the mass media, film industry and social media. They are the best and most subtle way of brainwashing people. But in reality only God knows how many factors are really involved in this.


Zem mūsu kājām lielceļš balts Uz Latviju tas ved.
I'm not interested in memes, currently, sorry mate.

>me gusta

>ideologists and thinkers are the best
>he only commanded soldiers who obediently listened to him and willingly risked their lives under his orders

Oh, boy.





how fucking dare they when we win every single one of them will be executed rightfully traitors die first

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>I'm not alone, therefore, we
You are a minority, this government wasn't even voted to power. Most Spaniards reject your idea of Spain you traitorous scumbag, go check some CIS statistics one day.


You are NOT entitled to ruin OUR country.

Youre far more alone than you think

Learn something about Franco's youth and who was around before talking so openly

This is an example of the spanish problem

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The (((Media))) wants it that way.

This is true, the moor troops were famous because they raped women. Fuck, some of the most moorish looking people we have are probably the result of those rapes. The worst thing is he allowed them to stay and bring their families afterwards, and we had some serious moroccan immigration.

>you are a minority
it's the other way around, autist, people might vote PP but nobody supports franco anymore

The country is already ruined and I want to rebuild it, not ruin it.

>Why? Because of a dead faggot?
Because your entire country is designed for civil wars and Ukraine and Syria are getting boring as shit.


>implying they revolt only becouse franco commanded
>Implying none else would revolt under the second revolt
>implying he revolted to even rule in the first place

He did his best with what he had, he was far away to be the best for spain

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no lol


The left rebuild..

The left with independencucks, terrorists and maduro's boys, Rebuild...

mas idiota y no naces.

>The protagonist of a crucial part of my country's history
>what he did? I don't give a fuck

Do yourself a favour and read a fucking book for one, underage retard

>didnt have a fucking idea how to rule a country
Just compare Spain when he ruled and the current Spain and end your larp. Franco wasn't perfect and you can argue that he wasn't fascist, but he ruled well enough, much better than current leadership.

You fucking white CIS male. Seriously, sorry for the sad state of your country bro.

Paellabros, you need to organize like an army and charge in there. Physical resistance is necessary. The Spanish people cannot sit by for this. Get this all over social media and organize.

what you wanna do with this country fag? build more churches? I wanna put all our brains to good use instead of exporting brains put them to use here, but we got no industrial support for it, we need one. Perhaps if we invested mroe in I+D we could achieve something, like Israel did.