Brit/pol/ - Preuße Fucking Shags Edition

and basically you're all fucking virgins

>BREXIT LIVE: May's 36 HOURS to save Brexit as Barnier threatens to BAN UK from EU security

>What we’ve lost in the Glasgow art fire

>These are the best under £30 swimwear on the high street…and they’ll suit every body shape

>Mother beaten up for daring to ask teenager to stop climbing on her shed

> Heather Locklear is hospitalized after threatening to shoot herself

>Tory rebels will struggle to defeat Brexit bill as allies are lost and waverers alienated

>Sajid Javid announces government review of medicinal cannabis

>Medicinal cannabis use to be reviewed by government

>Judge says fracking not banned in Scotland

>Couple's anger after 'stillborn' son died in their arms

>Aidan McAnespie: Soldier faces checkpoint killing charges

>Abusive Birmingham husband 'beat wife and locked her indoors'

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Those poor, poor artists! Won't someone PLEASE think of the artists!!!

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'Minor' explosion at Southgate tube station.

Unpopular Opinion: There's more dignity in rape than prostitution.

>Graffiti "artist"
>"Undocumented" migrant

Any other oft-used obfuscations of criminal activity?

>the train-art movement

The article is a fucking goldmine for Newspeak.

God I fucking hate graffiti.

please, its been too long

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I'm in love lads

also my mum just told me I have peeteeessdee

tell your mum i said hi cunt x

Jesus fucking Christ

Looks like you win again

please tell me that isn't real

Troubled youth

and by the way im calling you a cunt not your mum, i wouldnt call your mum a cunt

not in public anyway bit what's behind closed doors is behind closed doors (=


Unpopular Opinion: Commie blocks are preferable to Deano estates


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Just a reminder that a web of NGO's and charities run this country and that killing politicians would do nothing, nothing short of a massive war will save this country

What did you do to make your mum say that?

Just got back from a date and found out my flies were open the entire time with my cock hanging out, she just texted me "see you later lil jon" can I save this bros?

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Unpopular Opinion: You deserve to be subjugated.

>the virgin P plate

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so sick of muzzies not knowing how to detonate shit properly, its not hard, they should just be doing the David copeland tactic because they are obviously too stupid to make the more advanced devices despite the fact that fucking children can do it

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Popular Fact: I have the nicest dick in this thread.


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Exactly, people go on about 'vibrancy' and 'diversity' and all sorts of stupid shite, but there's no substitute for a well ordered, tidy, clean environment, not sterile mind you, just not full of shit.

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>what is a minor explosion
>not 'blowing up kids at a concert'


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>the retarded busfag

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mail's finally got it

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How many of you miserable cunts have actually had sex?

Unpopular Opinion: Muslims are better than you.

how come none of you retards can drive?

Daily reminder:

1. Donald Trump is a Zionist Jew. Just to clear it up.

2. Video games are for manchildren and are inherently pathetic. If you play them, you're a manchild. No exceptions.

3. Anime is for manchildren and mentally ill manchildren. If you watch anime and/or get aroused by cartoons, you are mentally ill. No exceptions.

4. If you are 'depressed' or 'anxious', you are a pathetic manchild. Time to change your habits. It is your own fault.

5. If you don't read every day, your opinion is 99.9% worthless, and probably misinformed, or just plainly incorrect.

If you find issue with any of the above, it is likely because YOU partake in one or more of them. You cannot simply give them a pass because you happen to do them.

You cannot in full conscience call others a "basedboy", "numale", "betamale", etc, if you play video games, watch anime, wank to cartoons, are 'depressed', etc. There are no exceptions.

If this post triggers you, I’m expecting you to call me a newfag, or claim I’m a “normie”, etc. Or X spacing

>listen goys, if you don't let pakis rape your kids you won't score any more GOOOOALS! You won't like that will you?

Anyone who supports immigration for entertainment or sports purposes is an absolute brainlet.

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I can

Man NK has some gorgeous aesthetics in Pyongyang.


Without the politicians the NGO's will be criminalised. They don't have armies.
All it would take is a weekend and 600 arrests.

Take it to /o/nanism fagboy.


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shadow government won't let me

too scary desu



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Isn't it spelt 'yoooooofs'?

t. Retard who doesn't understand what an 808 is

DONALD TRUMP is not a Semite like Muslims and Jews though.

>"haha pube banging redline in 3rd on a b road while getting a blowy and having to wrestle the stubborn whore cunt out the way to reach the shifter and accidentally mishifting makes you a retard and no i can't drive, i ride the bus XD"
i fucking hate you all

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Was Sadiq on the tube again?

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it's 24 degrees here

>props, respect and death
i've walked long train tracks
you here them coming
on live rail tracks even if the train is round the corner an you never here the engine or rattling carriages the live rail makes spooky noise that says flatten your shit or die desu

its an exciting adventure
never do this

Just it shrinks when your with an ugly bird.


Btw, religion of peace strikes again.
In London

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very minor terrorist attack has happened

only a few people injured

1. i'm clumsy
2. my eyesight is awful
3. i'm a shut-in
4. i can't afford it

no one cares fuck off

we only post about me here

No confirmed though

>“This hobble of being alive is rather serious, don’t you think so?”

Serious question, would you rather live in North London or Pyongyang, assuming you would have the job, language, etc.

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Death is preferable to either.

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I just text her saying I'm a grower. Got this one in the bag lads panic over.

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Crime in Germany is way up.

Wonder what making it fair will mean for the UK?

refusal to soldier
army jail
bought flights to Syria
living in a car

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>tfw we arrest him next month for islamaphobia

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>Jacob Rees-Mogg: There clearly is a Brexit dividend" but "the IFS and the Bank of England carry on with Project Fear. "The Brexit dividend is obvious, if you spend less on one thing it is available for something else."

So right. The only reason I can sort of understand as to why people voted Brexit was their anger at the "elites". I can understand the frustration of the visible benefits of the economic recovery (from 2008) going to the rich. I can understand being annoyed at experts telling you one thing and your personal experiences telling you another. However you Brexiteers are angry at the wrong elites.

Let's pay special attention to this line: "The Brexit dividend is obvious, if you spend less on one thing it is available for something else". This is a barefaced lie. Judging by his background in finance, he knows it is a lie. So why is he saying it? He is counting on you, his loyal followers, not being versed enough in economic principles to argue with him. He is literally treating you like idiots.

This is the sort of elite you should be angry with. He is treating his followers with the upmost contempt, lying to them, relying on their ignorance to keep their support of Brexit. Not only that, he's lying to you whilst moving all his money off-shore, so he will be unaffected. Meanwhile you, his loyal followers, will be left to suffer the consequences of Brexit.

This elite is your absolute enemy. He is a liar. He is a charlatan. He doesn't care about your grievances. He doesn't care what happens to you or your family. He will be unaffected by any fallout. He thinks you're idiots and he is treating you as such.

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>Dying for grafitti

>“How very lovable her face was to him. Yet there was nothing ethereal about it; all was real vitality, real warmth, real incarnation. And it was in her mouth that this culminated. Eyes almost as deep and speaking he had seen before, and cheeks perhaps as fair; brows as arched, a chin and throat almost as shapely; her mouth he had seen nothing to equal on the face of the earth. To a young man with the least fire in him that little upward lift in the middle of her red top lip was distracting, infatuating, maddening. He had never before seen a woman’s lips and teeth which forced upon his mind with such persistent iteration the old Elizabethan simile of roses filled with snow.
Perfect, he, as a lover, might have called them off-hand. But no — they were not perfect. And it was the touch of the imperfect upon the would-be perfect that gave the sweetness, because it was that which gave the humanity.”

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Literally not true.

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Should be playful "why didnt you tell me, too busy enjoying the view?"

imagine unironically supporting proto-Blair

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As a Londoner, Pyongyang without a doubt. North London especially is fucking jungle bunny territory. Vile shithole, Wembley probably the worst example which is hilarious considering what a "national symbol" Wembley Stadium is.


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So nothing new then?

“You, and those like you, take your fill of pleasure on earth by making the life of such as me bitter and black with sorrow; and then it is a fine thing, when you have had enough of that, to think of securing your pleasure in heaven by becoming converted!”

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Monks are celibate.

>“Did you say the stars were worlds, Tess?"
>"All like ours?"
"I don't know, but I think so. They sometimes seem to be like the apples on our stubbard-tree. Most of them splendid and sound - a few blighted."
>"Which do we live on - a splendid one or a blighted one?"
"A blighted one.”

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I did and now she said she didn't notice it and sent a shrimp emoji

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Retard who still hasnt bothered looking it up
Google it, this isnt the 80’s anymore you fucking faggot
Not bad: 4 years suspended for the chad who one-punch-killed the posh boy on holiday. I remember discussing this story on here back when it happened.

nah eliot was driving the underground carriage when hi mis-shifted the shifter whilst getting a savage blowie off a toothless retard. nothing to worry about

>The Sun
Nigger what.

Anyone heard about the SaveTommy shit being controlled opposition?

>rape and sexual coercion
>x change in %
>actually up almost 25%

>drug offenses
>up 10%

>haha as long as they're not killing us let them rape our women and get our kids addicted to drugs

Mate we're getting hit with it up here in Liverpool, I can't imagine how bad it must be down there at ground zero. I swear they are kicking out whites with disabled kids and sticking niggers in the houses round by mine, the council is actively breaking up our communities. I am not exaggerating or scaremongering mate. (((atomisation))) will be the death of us.

And I imagine it would be better to separate yourself from it, I wouldn't mind declining myself, but to see my whole country on its deathbed can be too much to bear at times.

How are the foreigners (inc. those born here)? Rate them (polish, niggers, Pakis etc.) in order of trouble they cause please. I don't mind the Eastern Europeans too much myself (Some people think i look a bit like one, for what it's worth!) and if I see a pack of niggers I'll stick near the poles.

By the way, post the source so I can use it for schooling faggots

never had enough money for lessons
never mind buying/ running a car

ah fuck it feels good to not be banned anymore

theresa may is still a bad PM

Who Tommy Robinstein? No, never!

Lets play 'who am I?'.
Post 4 unique attributes and we guess who we're talking about.

I'll start.
>destroyed manufacturing in the north
>welcomed us into the eu
>transformed us into a service sector economy
>sacrificed nationally owned industries at the alter of neo-liberalism

>actually up almost 25%
Oh my god it's actually up over 40%

>How are the foreigners (inc. those born here)? Rate them (polish, niggers, Pakis etc.) in order of trouble they cause please.

Kek fucking hell mate that's a full essay in itself considering the "melting pot" it is down here.

Just slap her in the face and shove your fist down her throat while shouting 'is that big enough for you?' That'll sort her attitude out.

watching that "are girl"
Lmfao State of it
entirely army is niggers and birds

Why does that sprinteress keep getting posted?

>Incident not terror related

Really makes you think....

Youre a cunt


>well known for not writing for that paper, but the other one with the similar name