George Takei: At least during my internment, I was not taken from my parents


>Actor George Takei argued that "in one core, horrifying way," the family separations occurring at the United States' southern border are "worse" than the Japanese-American internment camps during World War II.

>"At least during the internment, when I was just 5 years old, I was not taken from my parents," he wrote in an op-ed for Foreign Policy magazine that was published Tuesday.


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This shit is really hurting Trumps chances at getting elected.

On my facebook i've seen numerous people who are conservative and voted for trump who are really upset over this shit. He needs to get on this NOW or he's not going to have a chance and we're going to be stuck with liberal rule for a long time.

These are literally internment camps. Trump will be tried by an international court by the time this is all over.

you shills said that in 2016 too

Not a shill retard. I just don't want libshits to use this fire to fuel them gaining more ground. This is bad. This isn't hurr we're angry about a wall bad.

Kids are the ultimate wedge issue

Really? Because what I'm seeing on Facebook is pic related.

The outrage against these camps is a paper tiger. It took a solid week of every media outlet repeating "RIPPED FROM THEIR PARENTS' ARMS!" before anyone who wasn't dedicated left to notice it, and a fair number like it.

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>difference between treating citizens and non-citizens

Democrat President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed an executive order sending Sulu to summer camp...

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this nigga plays the internment camp card once a year for some reason or another. it's gotten old at this point. also, he gay

Don't know why they let the queer out honestly.
>blumpf is literally finished being Hitler
Pic related

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What political party put him in there?

Also Trump has nothing to do with this anchor baby policy

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He is like Japanese Jew, can't stop talking about his time in summer camp.

American citizens in camps vs. foreign citizens in camps

Everyone will forget about this shit in a few weeks when something new to be enraged about appears. Just like the Vegas shooting, just like the Parkland shooting, just like BLM, just like Stormy Daniels, etc.

If they're falling for the ultimate psyop they deserve not 15, but 500 million illegal spics

You retards are going to burn every bit of work that's been put in and get us stuck with obama 2.0 with these shit optics but whatever keep being a fucktard and insulate yourself in your little echo chamber.

Takei is a rapist, he screeches as much as he does to cover up his past.

>We're going to be stuck under liberal rule for a long time.
If a demonrat EVER gets elected again, hound them with shit like this constantly. Every person that's deported is a jew i the third reich. Every black dude shot by the cops is a literal genocide. And it's all their fault.
Then see how long it takes until they're impeached by the 'progressives'

Due to government war propaganda against the Japanese during ww2 we were so worked up we would hang a Japanese on sight like a dirty nigger from a tree. It was for their own safety that they were hidden in camps till the war ended. It was for their own good like how opening the boarders for the third world hords to take our wealth and kill and replace us is a good thing.

I got a solution for this.. Dont separate the families and put the children in prison cells too.

Oh well, I guess we should just institute amnesty for all and open borders, so our good optics can stop the left from coming into power and instituting amnesty for all and open...borders...

it's the Democrats policy in the first place and the parents are endangering their kids for illegal gibs. fuck em.

>it's the Democrats policy in the first place
This is exactly what needs to be brought up every time "fuck having borders n shit" is posted.

Oh ya he is a child fucker like all gays. but that's a good thing or so I'm told.

Cultists are chimping out before midterms, its the final change they get.

These fucking retards. They're not citizens, holy shit. Fuck the left.

Buuuuullll shit.

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George takei was raped as a child

Juden detected, only boomers still use faceberg.

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>Kids are the ultimate wedge issue
You're right. And we're tired our our kids being killed, raped, or stuck in shitty schools because some foreigner decided they have a right to be here

Reported for doxxing you dumb nigger

>get detained in internment camp with both children and adults
>get sexually molested
>become a huge flaming faggot

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

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No it's not - the Republicans will cram immigration reform down the Dems' throats next month, these kids will all get deported with their parents, the wall will start going up, and nobody will remember all the crocodile tears and pleas of "WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!?!?" come November.

>Japanese-American internment camps
I think that's the more core difference that continues to be ignored.

Yeah no one seems to give a shit about school shootings or gun control. The copy-cat shootings due to excessive media coverage have seemed to die down.

>sneaking in and getting caught is the same as American citizens being rounded up over suspicion of disloyalty

Each round of outrage gets more retarded

Yes trump supporters are mad that he is making illegal crossing look shitty

No you are just seeing people that already hated Trump just doing the normal hate session thing.

No Agenda listener?

Pretty sure Trump will get this problem dealt with before 2020, I don't know why you're chimping out.

You know how we can prevent this? Build the damn wall.

>compassion camp

>It's a Hollywood scrambling to keep it's child trafficking business episode

don't worry about him, he's larping as a trump supporter

This shit is really hurting Trumps chances at getting elected.

On my facebook i've seen numerous people who are conservative and voted for trump who are really upset over this shit. He needs to get on this NOW or he's not going to have a chance and we're going to be stuck with liberal rule for a long time.

Funny thing, my bluepilled sister was watching the news while we were all playing board games. The sorry came on and her comment was "why are they complaining, they came here illegally"

>Legal japanese American citizens.
>Undocumented illegals.
Pick one.

No but George Tekei does molest young boys.

Is anyone else here a former Trump supporter? Not gonna lie, I voted for him and everything but I'm starting to really regret my vote. He's not really fighting for the little guy like he said he would. People are saying he's going to be impeached before 2020, is that true?

>literally interment camps

Wew, I thought we were speaking in metaphors.

To be honest.. Trump looks like he staged this. I've been a lifelong Trump supporter ever since he went down those escalators, but he's looking desperate and doing whatever he can to gain attention. Very narcissistic. He lost me..

>Break the law
>Get arrested
>Be separated from children
How hard is this to understand?

When Trump loses, the Jow Forums tears will sustain me for weeks, maybe even months. I shall descend upon this board like a wolf upon a lamb, and bask in the unending impotent rage that this board will pump out. I will gaze upon the suicide threads and rage posts, and I don't think my penis will ever be harder than it will as a million Jow Forums tards cry out in itty bitty white boi penis fury simultaneously. They'll try to convince themselves it was a rigged. They'll try to convince themselves that the Jews had pulled a fast one on them. "We will riot!" They will say. "Race war!" "Day of the rope!" they will cry. Time will pass, and they will do nothing because all they can do is talk. They are too cowardly and weak to do anythingBut none of that will balm the pain of knowing that their God Emperor, their hero, will go do wn in history as an amusing foot note, an embarrassment, as the loud obnoxious asshole who lost to the first WOMAN president, a woman who the entire nation thought was a literal criminal but still preferred to Trump. I need to fap


A side note... Lots of folks not seeing the 4d chess going on. I illegals are being told by world media that the US has concentration camps. I don't think so many will make the trip now that they think they face an actual holocaust if they come.

Now ask what the Japanese did to American prisoners of war? Mass starvation, beatings, suffering.

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Election in three years pedo

exactly, and indeed several japanese were active colaborators and spies. Check out the Nehru incident in Hawaii before the last ship had sunk at pearl harbor.

Haha....nice try you sleazy kike homo

>on my facebook i've seen numerous people who are conservative
uh huh, sure you did.
everyone knows that liberals block anyone from their social media that have conservative opinions

Does Gay Takei know that shitty beaner parents are doing this to their children gibmedats? Does he know of any Japanese that came to the U.S. illegally during WWII after it was well known they would be put in camps?

You mean as opposed to figurative internment camps.


gr9 b9 m9

>be camp'd with family as child
>innate distrust in government should have developed
>grow up to lick establishment boot because they cater to your sexual fetish

Is that why he's a faggot?