Have you taken the scale-modelling pill, Jow Forums?

have you taken the scale-modelling pill, Jow Forums?

>if you aren't a neckbeard it will look like a cool hobby
>mired by all stacies and chads, I know from my experience
>chad: "no shit you did it all yourself!"
>stacy: "wow, it looks very real user! have you really done it just yourself?"
>your obsession with ww2 history (with axis in particular) seems normalized
>"I make german tanks/planes/warships because of their technological advancement and aesthetics"

Also once you become relatively good at it (usually takes a couple of builds) you will make models that can put you in a nostalgic mood (looking at PzKpfw VI or Me BF109 you made all yourself almost makes you go back in time).

Take the scale-modelling pill, Jow Forums - it's worth it.

Attached: diorama.jpg (1000x712, 155K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Do you get everything in the same scale?
How long does a build take you?

This is probably if not the most gay hobby.

keeps the jews away, too. can confirm, would walk right out the door if i saw this.


Attached: Model1.jpg (1024x576, 89K)

Nerd virgin

you can choose the scale you want. for tanks, vehicles, artillery etc. the most popular are: 1/72 and 1/35, for planes it is 1/72 and 1/32 (although 1/35 are also there).
for warships it ranges between 1/1200 and 1/350.
building a simple 1/72 or 1/35 tank will probably take a couple of evenings. some models will come faster (such as cars, artillery, small boats, smaller planes) but some might take more (such as big boats, bombers, modern tanks etc.)

name one reason for that


pic related is my latest built, still work in progress but it's mostly done. Uboot VIIC

Attached: uboot.jpg (3264x2448, 320K)

also something I built a while back. PzKpfw VI

Attached: pz VI.jpg (960x720, 64K)

t. roastie skank mad that hobby money isnt going to her

How do you lads feel about tabletop war games? I used to play pic related as a kid and just dug up my models after seeing this post

Attached: FOW.jpg (640x635, 110K)

Do you recommend a certain brand. I built the Bismarck a few years ago and have a Yamato sitting in my closet.

Your paint job seems much more detailed than mine tho. Was that instructional or just intuitive/experienced based?

Don't you paint the pices before assembling them?

Hahaha look all those little hans.

Cheap places to buy models and colour?

>need to find hobby
>all mu friends have hobbies that look like vagina repellents
I think I'll get a motorcycle

That looks sweet. How many hours did it take?

you're a child

>most gay hobby
That would be sucking dicks at the video booths at the adult book store

sometimes. usually do that in vehicle models, for example with wheels or tracks. also this uboot is already painted, it just needs some weathering to make it look realistic.

desu I just painted entire thing in one colour that my friend from a hobby shop recommended to me. also used a primer before applying a couple of thin layers of acrylic paint.

when it comes to brands, I absolutely love revell (for 1/72 planes and vehicles), tamiya for 1/35 tanks.
when it comes to ships I can't really tell, since this was my first one (revell)

Women don't give a single fuck about any of that nerd shit.
Chads will just try to play with it as if it was a toy, break everything and say "oops I'm sorry bro, it's not like it took you to much time to build that anyway right?"

Are you a woman?

Personally have a large amount of american FOW models sitting around that need paint, and used to spend waaaay too much money on grimdark IG. Models require attention to detail and patience truly the white mans hobby.

Consider getting a dog. Women love them, training them is a full time hobby, and it shows commitment.

Yeah, took it a few years ago
>I-I can't do anything complex therefore you're a virgin

Attached: IMG_0931.jpg (640x480, 95K)

>if you aren't a neckbeard it will look like a cool hobby

Attached: 978[1].jpg (600x997, 59K)

No women respect this. But cultured men do. Too bad everyone is a philistine these days.

I would feel bad leaving my dog at home all day.

t. virgin and porn watcher

probably a couple of evenings as well. this diorama doesn't look very complicated and for someone with experience it can be completed very quickly.

look for a local hobby shop or an online store in your country


>implying you need a hobby to get women
lol kys
people still like it though. if your experience tells you otherwise, you might live in a nigger and autist infested area


Toy has a scale model general if your interested
boards.Jow Forums.org/toy/thread/6988281#bottom
Also can confirm at least half of these points.

personally I met a nice christian girl on a summer camp who was amused by the models I made.

what is your problem, leaf?


They probably compliment you out of pity in order not to insult an autist with one of the most neckbeardish pastimes to ever exist. Don't expect them to insult you in front of you, that isn't really how normalfags work.

I gave it up a decade ago because I fucking hate painting and had a collection of about a dozen finished but unpainted models on my old work desk.
Plus it was something I had more time to do when I was too young to own a bike/car.

I found that when I paintEd pieces first that the glue would "melt/dissolve" the paint and nothing would stick.

I've avoided this by not painting until finished but are there glues or paints that don't cause this problem?

These are all plastic models you're showing right?

use smaller brushes than you think you'll need for most work. This alone made my models look much more professional than before.

How many paint bottles do you have?

Nothing as comfy as a tidy work bench, sipping a cup of coffee, cat purring on windowsill, doggo under the chair snoozing, good podcast on, making my models.

As long as you take the hobby seriously, keep a tidy space and like OP said: have it as a joyful hobby and not a messy NEET escape. . .it is a masculine hobby, a worthwhile hobby.

Also before painting the plastic put it in a solution of warm soapy water with a splash of vinegar.

If you don’t act like a complete spaze normies tend to at least respect a decently built and painted model

This really cool OP.
My ADD is so bad though I dont think Id be able to do it though.

It was my main hobby around 15 years ago. And then my mom broke like ~95% of my fleet.

This is cringe as fuck. Last time I built a scale model I was 11 and the thing waa pic related after it was shot down in the Balkans.

Attached: 8B2B62E3-2A25-4A44-87CE-20F94BCCB0FA.jpg (400x266, 27K)

not to mention a love of history

>>if you aren't a neckbeard it will look like a cool hobby
that applies to pretty much everything

>the virgin drone creep
>the chad FPV pilot

It's not better than collecting Funko Pops.

Here's something to get you started user:


Attached: IMG_1115.jpg (640x480, 95K)

>one of the most neckbeardish pastimes to ever exist
any reason for that? except retarded stereotypes that are actually not true (most of scale modellers are actually older people)

I hate painting too lol. That's why I am saving up for an airbrush.

well sometimes a bigger (wider) brush will do the job better. for example plane wings.

you probably use too much glue if it causes the paint to melt

I usually buy 1-4 per model, usually less though because I already have some of the colours I need for painting. they are very cheap tho

correct! finally someone who doesn't come around just to say NeCkBeArD hObBy

Do stacies let you put the tanks cannon in thier pussies?

That's the most cringey thing I've seen on Jow Forums today, you know I would certainly do that shit with my child in order to help him develop a precision in his actions as well as patience for which he will have to see that all his work has paid off.

But not alone as an autist in my corner to contemplate dioramas for my only comfort.

>platic toys

>not building machines or inventions, or actually creating something useful like food or furniture

Degenerate as fuck hobby op, fuck you.

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This nigga knows

>relating everything to your own thirst for thots

what is ADD?

true desu

lol why

>cringe as fuck
so you're telling me you don't have the capability to make a good model and that you don't know any people who would appreciate it?

had to google it. looks gay as fuck. also, you are retarded if you think that unironically

The nicest thing is being able to make gifts for people. I gave a friend a 1/48 scale model-diorama of a plane he flew in the airforce. His look of sincere gratitude made every minute worth it.

And you will find yourself using your space for much more than model making, you will develop a set of tools and have the manual dexterity to repair household items.




because building machines and inventions is a great past time

because real men don't have creative hobbies, they just wank off and shitpost on Jow Forums

fucking pathetic, what are they thinking? they better fuck off to their safespace, retarded neckbeards

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am i reading someone defending his hobby adamantly on a board of nazi larpers on an anime discussion website as they argue about the definitions of masculinity like jordan peterson clones

its no less embarassing than wasting time here, but doubly embarassing to feel the need to defend it whilst also wasting time here

that's actually true. the tools from my modelling-box are used elsewhere quite frequently

it must be even more embarassing to actually bother writing what you just did

>No women respect this
This chick in Russia builds train models.

Attached: trainset.png (1097x685, 1.53M)

Because she's a massive bitch, there was no rational reason.
I had few dozens of ww2 planes, soviet copters, soviet jets, Su-27 in some crazy scale (more than 50cm long), cool US birds like SR-71 and B-2.
I started with F4-U1, I still think it's very qt.

Maybe when I retire and have nothing much to do I'll start building models again.

that's a massive loss mate

Or furniture or growing food, so.ething useful. An empty hobby is for women and children. Not based at all.


Why dont you do full scale modeling in the form of fully functional reproductions instead of playing with toys all day?

I remember the rules being pretty wonky--though I was a 13 y/o kid transitioning from (((40k)))

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well I agree that growing food/furniture whatever is a good thing to do as well, but it's quite good to have a broad spectrum of interests.
also, scale modelling as a PAST TIME from time to time is not a bad thing and you must be retarded if you think otherwise. it requires patience, manual skills and imagination

damn comfy models though

Attached: FOW-it163.jpg (800x531, 61K)

>playing with toys all day
fully functional reproductions of vehicles, tanks etc. is NOT a past time unless you are a billionaire or really dedicated to do it 'till your days come

>>chad: "no shit you did it all yourself!"
>>stacy: "wow, it looks very real user! have you really done it just yourself?"


you can buy metal, a mill, and a lathe for only a few thousand dollars.
Start small and work your way up.
Why buy a tank engine when you can just machine one?


this and you can still make a model from time to time lol

i suggest building scenes instead of vehicles.my personal favorites are ones in Rome.

also you need to be really dedicated towards that past time to really make it good. and being dedicated towards past time makes you weak

Yes but you end up with something useless... And you pay money... So you've put double the energy into it. What a model of a crashed plane? Great fucking spirits that will bring.
>Chad o wow your so autistic
>Staci o wow you sure are a lonely loser

White people try to sugar coat their insults when talking to people in real life.

Your average “fully functional” reproductions tend to look like cheap Hollywood knock offs.(some slav made a nice t-60 light tank but he kind of cheated) not to mention legal issues with having the thing fully functional that vary from country to country.


It was filmed in my city,
That place "Daddy's hobby" was a real whorehouse in my city ,
They just put trains in it for the TV show

you know, all great sculptures and paintings are also useless by your definition.
fuck off if you can't appreciate a good hobby, go back to your cave and watch some porn, goy

fucking losers

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Haven't built in over a decade but I used to love them, planes and ships mostly. When I was a kid still, I startd collecting 1/72 scale figures to play with along with micro machines. Years later I found those unpainted figures and spent a month painting an army, good shit. I have a pack of unpainted nork soldiers sitting in a box somewhere but Im certain my paint is all dried up now.

If you’re going to bother w models, might as well wargame w them, otherwise what’s the point? Having something to look at? Learn some strategy and tactics

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Plastic models of warmachines set abou t your shelves are no comparison to publically display works of art that actually capture something. Molded plastic bits glued together and painted is nothing like this at all.

well, get some paint and once you have some free time - get back to it

never tried, but had some friends who play wargames and they say it's really cool. also one friends actually plays in a nation wide tournaments

Opinions on robutt dioramas?

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but they still are a piece of art you made yourself.
if you can't appreciate it, I can bet you listen to hip hop music and unironically think that weed cures cancer

Total degenerate faggotry.

>Learn some strategy and tactics
Nothing against tabletops but, come on now a lot of these games either prevent you from doing logical things or allow units to do things the physicaly couldn’t

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Just buy COH on steam

No its premolded plastic bits color by numbered, not art. If a factory in China provides more than half the work I don't see how you can possibly think this isn't degenerate as fuck. Not art

Yes, but I should go the extra step with the surrounding environment
Generally speaking, everything you buy will have a listed scale and you just get stuff that's the same scale.

I remember a Hong Kong user who had a bunch of these, from some Kingdom website I don't fucking know. This thread is dedicated to you lad and your 200 dollar miniature gas chamber.

>reeee stop liking what I don't like!
Boy you must really hate /toy/ then huh?

>painting pieces of plastic in your basement by yourself
>gets you mired by Stacy and Chad

Bullshit. Even hobbies like MTG and DnD are more socially active than collecting literal fucking toys.

Go back to your Chinese child porn cartoons you weeb faggot.

Transformers, just want to fuck a guy.
Transformers, fucking my brown eye.

>MTG and DnD
Lies, nobody respects MTG players.