Was this supposed to be intimidating?
Was this supposed to be intimidating?
Other urls found in this thread:
They backed it up with the Dodge Challenger didn't they?
It was pretty cringy, but it scared the shit out of Juden for a couple days.
>1 post by this ID
what are the other 43 images in your "Jow Forums BTFO" folder
Are you intimidated, OP?
It is though.
tech support can fuck your life up
It gave the fat lady a heart attack so yeah
scare you kikes enough you had to bring the entire weight of the media establishment down on them.
Here's some of the other threads (((OP))) has made in the past 15 minutes.
No, no it wasnt. That's the point. It was a peaceful rally. The charger was escaping antifa protesters that were attacking. The jew media flipped the narrative and you are either an idiot or shill.
Always remeber to sage these threads when responding.
you make this thread everyday, so it's obvious Charlottesville has you cucks seriously spooked
it's only the beginning
we killed 3 so perhaps
It was pretty shit for pr
You're doing God's work user.
800+ threads made in the past 3 months. Mods have done nothing so far but it might be a proxy hopper.
6 months.. oops
Nope, but it scared them shitless anyway
Is this the Chad walk?
Nope. It was intended to be a psyop. It worked better than imagined.
Holy shit.
Pic related.
I would kill that son of a bitch with my bare hands for just the hypocrisy factor alone.
>for a couple days.
More like for several months and counting, the jews are still whining about Charlottesville more than about all the truck of peace attacks combined.
you wouldnt do shit nigga you couldnt stand toe to toe with a todler a real og man (i.e a democrat) would knock you into outer space you fat fucking lard ass
No, what this is is misguided disenfranchised people who don't know what else to do. Marching does nothing educate yourself on subversion
>Marching does nothing
I wonder why armies insist on doing it?
White people who are awake the Jewish problem is the most intimidating thing possible for the elites. The reaction to Charlottesville showed me that. Never have I seen a more co-ordinated, outrageous slanderous operation on a group of people. But they can''t stop us.
This is not an army friendo
No, it was meant to show other white people that it's OK to look out for your own interests and that right now, most white people do not put their interests above those of other people.
it was a psy op you dumb fuck
It was retarded
A psyop organized by leftists and followed by sheep. At least according to alex jones.
But I believe him. What was the point of the theatrics otherwise? I would get some convention, but tiki torches?
I did not think so but apparently ShareJew faggots were plenty intimidated. I have seen this very same thread over a dozen times. The meme flag and the constant repetition give you away, Shlomo.
thanks for pointing it out
>they simply proved what everyone already knew about the far right wing. just fat, racist larpers with zero interest in actual politics. and obsessed with being an angry, righteous mob.
The policy of several "alt-right" groups up until Charlottesville was that you had to be in good physical shape/condition to join them, or at the very least, to attend their public gatherings. This worked pretty well, and gave the veneer that these groups consisted of a bunch of chads. Then, they decided to take a gamble and let everybody come along during Charlottesville, hoping that the sheer numbers would make up for the pudgies that got brought along. The gamble failed pretty spectacularly, since even if there were 20 presentable people marching, of course every single propaganda piece is going to focus on the one slob in the crowd. Toss in the groups that didn't give a shit whether or not they looked like slobs, and toss in the porkster (who became the poster child of the event) that killed the even bigger porkster, and bam, it all ties together. It didn't help that the polos+khakis were dorky, the "le fashy haircuts" were dorky, and above all, the fucking tiki torches were ridiculously dorky.
All things considered, Charlottesville wasn't necessarily a terrible idea, and I would say it definitely accomplished its goal of informing the public that the "alt-right" -does- exist, for better or worse. Unfortunately, due to the absolutely terrible execution of optics, I'd err more towards the "worse".
>ShareJew faggots were plenty intimidated
Dr Freud here: look up "projection"
it was a test to see if they could manipulate the tiki-torch imports market
it was a bunch of faggots in anal clothing carrying candles and farting
it looked bad and probably smelled bad too
Came here to see this pic.
Realize that posting a pic auto-bumps regardless of whether you sage or not.
It's actually handy when trying to bump posts that are approaching cap. Pic sill bump, sage will keep from counting toward cap.
What kind of freaky nerd nazi sex do you think they got into that night?
It was supposed to be demoralizing
>Realize that posting a pic auto-bumps regardless of whether you sage or not.
Not anymore, it doesn't. Also checked.
white people wielding fire has been used to scare animals for tens of thousands of years.
No, you idiot. It was meant to be a respectable show of resistance against erasure of history. The violent ones were commie antifa, juice media warped everything 1000000x out of proportion and of course that's what the "people" remember.
Having an option that (((they))) don’t agree with is terrifying to them so yes.